2020-08-04 14:33:10 +02:00

856 B


A Mask-Attack using hashcat based on the rockyou leak

This program works crossplatform Windows - Linux as long as you have python and hashcat installed

python: Linux: sudo apt install python Windows:

hashcat: Linux: sudo apt-get install hashcat Windows:

On Windows put your hashes in a text file (one hash per line) in the hashcat directory On Linux put your hashes in a text file where you excecute the script

cracked hashes: Linux: hashcat yourhashfilehere --show Windows: in the commandline navigateto the hashcat directory - .\hashcat64.exe yourhashfilehere --show

Running a Radeon RX 570 this script can bruit-force 70% of passwords in rockyou in about half a day, 60% in about half an hour