version: 10 # Sets the engine version. static: false # This will compile the page into static html, css, images etc. debug: false # This will auto reload your config but will increase server resources so DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION settings: name: "Home" # Main name subtitle: "Lu's websites and self-hosted services" # A little text below namwe credits: false font: Roboto, Arial # The font-family to use for the page font_style_url: #footer: Remember to eat your waffles verified: false # adds a cool checkmark check-color: '#55FF11' # decides the color of checkmark color: "#fff0ff" # The color of the name and subtitle button-border-radius: '15' link-color: "#F6F6F6" # The color of the text on the links card: border-radius: '15' glass: status: false color: "#FFFFFFAA" solid: status: true color: "#3e2f3f" custom-css: false # OPTIONAL! url to custom css kofi: status: false # kofi on / off status slug: supportkofi # if your kofi was then you would put 'supportkofi' text: Support Ko-Fi # the text on the button (Keep under 13 characters as it will add a scroll bar otherwise) background-color: '#00b9fe' # background color of button text-color: '#ffffff' # text color of button font-awesome: pro: false # if you have pro set to true pro-url: "/idk/here/maybe" # if you have pro enter url here, either a local one such as /static/fontawesome-pro.css or an external one such as (BOTH OF THESE WON'T WORK, GET YOUR OWN LINK) background: # The background info type: color # image or color or gradient Decides what to put as the background content: "#211e21" #"#2F2F2F" # url to image or a color code (e.g. /static/bg.png) or the first color of a gradient content-2: "#FFFFFF" # only used when there is a gradient, the second color of gradient #favicon: /static/favicon.png # If you want a favicon #description: Some info in the meta description tag # If you want a meta description image: type: font-awesome # image or font-awesome decides how to display avatar style: solid # for font-awesome. Decides what style to display the icon content: home # font-awesome icon name, or url to image share: true share-color: '#007e79' links: - name: IA knowledge base image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: book-open link: color: "#b14678" - name: IA notes calendar image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: calendar-days link: color: "#b14678" - name: Projects image: type: font-awesome style: brands content: git-alt link: color: "#cf6763" - name: Blog image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: quote-left link: color: "#cf6763" - name: Gitea image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: code-branch link: color: "#cf6763" - name: Portainer image: type: font-awesome style: brands content: docker link: /portainer color: "#007e79" - name: Cockpit image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: server link: /cockpit color: "#007e79" - name: Grafana image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: chart-simple link: /grafana color: "#007e79" - name: Code image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: code link: /code color: "#007e79" - name: Vaultwarden image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: lock link: /vault color: "#007e79" - name: File Browser image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: folder link: /fb color: "#007e79" - name: Healthchecks image: type: font-awesome style: solid content: heart-pulse link: color: "#007e79" mini-links: # different from 'links' as it is only an image/icon with a link. AKA no text. - link: # Link to the service image: # same as the 'image' item above type: font-awesome style: brands content: github color: "#007e79" # color of it