-- Music Player Daemon widget type -- Copyright (C) 2010 Adrian C. <anrxc@sysphere.org> -- Copyright (C) 2017,2019 mutlusun <mutlusun@github.com> -- Copyright (C) 2018 Jörg Thalheim <joerg@thalheim.io> -- Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Nguyễn Gia Phong <vn.mcsinyx@gmail.com> -- Copyright (C) 2019 Juan Carlos Menonita <JuanKman94@users.noreply.github.com> -- Copyright (C) 2019 Lorenzo Gaggini <lg@lgaggini.net> -- -- This file is part of Vicious. -- -- Vicious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- Vicious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with Vicious. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- {{{ Grab environment local tonumber = tonumber local math = { floor = math.floor } local type = type local helpers = require"vicious.helpers" local spawn = require"vicious.spawn" -- }}} -- Mpd: provides Music Player Daemon information -- vicious.widgets.mpd local mpd_all = {} -- {{{ Return true if number is nonzero local function cbool(number) return type(number) == "number" and number ~= 0 or number end -- }}} -- {{{ Format playing progress local function format_progress(elapsed, duration) local em, es = math.floor(elapsed / 60), math.floor(elapsed % 60) local dm, ds = math.floor(duration / 60), math.floor(duration % 60) if dm < 10 then return ("%d:%02d"):format(em, es), ("%d:%02d"):format(dm, ds) elseif dm < 60 then return ("%02d:%02d"):format(em, es), ("%02d:%02d"):format(dm, ds) end local eh, dh = math.floor(em / 60), math.floor(dm / 60) em, dm = math.floor(em % 60), math.floor(dm % 60) if dm < 600 then return ("%d:%02d:%02d"):format(eh, em, es), ("%d:%02d:%02d"):format(dh, dm, ds) else return ("%02d:%02d:%02d"):format(eh, em, es), ("%02d:%02d:%02d"):format(dh, dm, ds) end end -- }}} -- {{{ Format playing progress (percentage) local function format_progress_percentage(elapsed, duration) if duration > 0 then local percentage = math.floor((elapsed / duration) * 100 + 0.5) return ("%d%%"):format(percentage) else return("0%") end end -- }}} -- {{{ MPD widget type function mpd_all.async(format, warg, callback) -- Fallback values local mpd_state = { ["{volume}"] = 0, ["{bitrate}"] = 0, ["{elapsed}"] = 0, ["{duration}"] = 0, ["{repeat}"] = false, ["{random}"] = false, ["{state}"] = "N/A", ["{Artist}"] = "N/A", ["{Title}"] = "N/A", ["{Album}"] = "N/A", ["{Genre}"] = "N/A", --["{Name}"] = "N/A", --["{file}"] = "N/A", } -- Construct MPD client options, fallback to defaults when necessary local query = ("printf 'password %s\nstatus\ncurrentsong\nclose\n'"):format( warg and (warg.password or warg[1]) or '""') local connect = ("curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 telnet://%s:%s"):format( warg and (warg.host or warg[2]) or "", warg and (warg.port or warg[3]) or "6600") -- Get data from MPD server spawn.with_line_callback_with_shell(query .. "|" .. connect, { stdout = function (line) for k, v in line:gmatch"([%w]+):[%s](.*)$" do local key = "{" .. k .. "}" if k == "volume" or k == "bitrate" or k == "elapsed" or k == "duration" then mpd_state[key] = v and tonumber(v) elseif k == "repeat" or k == "random" then mpd_state[key] = cbool(v) elseif k == "state" then mpd_state[key] = helpers.capitalize(v) elseif k == "Artist" or k == "Title" or --k == "Name" or k == "file" or k == "Album" or k == "Genre" then mpd_state[key] = v end end end, output_done = function () -- Formatted elapsed and duration mpd_state["{Elapsed}"], mpd_state["{Duration}"] = format_progress( mpd_state["{elapsed}"], mpd_state["{duration}"]) -- Formatted playing progress percentage mpd_state["{Progress}"] = format_progress_percentage( mpd_state["{elapsed}"], mpd_state["{duration}"]) callback(mpd_state) end }) end -- }}} return helpers.setasyncall(mpd_all)