# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is generated by wxPython's PI generator. Do not edit by hand. # # The *.pyi files are used by PyCharm and other development tools to provide # more information, such as PEP 484 type hints, than it is able to glean from # introspection of extension types and methods. They are not intended to be # imported, executed or used for any other purpose other than providing info # to the tools. If you don't use use a tool that makes use of .pyi files then # you can safely ignore this file. # # See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/ # https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html # # Copyright: (c) 2020 by Total Control Software # License: wxWindows License #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ This module contains a widget class and supporting classes for a generic HTML renderer. It supports only a subset of the HTML standards, and no Javascript or CSS, but it is relatively lightweight and has no platform dependencies. It is suitable for displaying simple HTML documents, such as the application's documentation or built-in help pages. .. note:: Due to some internal dynamic initialization in wxWidgets, this module should be imported **before** the :class:`wx.App` object is created. """ #-- begin-_html --# import wx #-- end-_html --# #-- begin-htmldefs --# HTML_ALIGN_LEFT = 0 HTML_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0 HTML_ALIGN_JUSTIFY = 0 HTML_ALIGN_TOP = 0 HTML_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0 HTML_ALIGN_CENTER = 0 HTML_CLR_FOREGROUND = 0 HTML_CLR_BACKGROUND = 0 HTML_CLR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND = 0 HTML_UNITS_PIXELS = 0 HTML_UNITS_PERCENT = 0 HTML_INDENT_LEFT = 0 HTML_INDENT_RIGHT = 0 HTML_INDENT_TOP = 0 HTML_INDENT_BOTTOM = 0 HTML_INDENT_HORIZONTAL = 0 HTML_INDENT_VERTICAL = 0 HTML_INDENT_ALL = 0 HTML_COND_ISANCHOR = 0 HTML_COND_ISIMAGEMAP = 0 HTML_COND_USER = 0 INT_MAX = 0 #-- end-htmldefs --# #-- begin-htmlcell --# HTML_SEL_OUT = 0 HTML_SEL_IN = 0 HTML_SEL_CHANGING = 0 HTML_FIND_EXACT = 0 HTML_FIND_NEAREST_BEFORE = 0 HTML_FIND_NEAREST_AFTER = 0 HTML_SCRIPT_NORMAL = 0 HTML_SCRIPT_SUB = 0 HTML_SCRIPT_SUP = 0 class HtmlSelection(object): """ HtmlSelection() """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlSelection() """ def Set(self, *args, **kw): """ Set(fromPos, fromCell, toPos, toCell) Set(fromCell, toCell) """ def GetFromCell(self): """ GetFromCell() -> HtmlCell """ def GetToCell(self): """ GetToCell() -> HtmlCell """ def GetFromPos(self): """ GetFromPos() -> wx.Point """ def GetToPos(self): """ GetToPos() -> wx.Point """ def ClearFromToCharacterPos(self): """ ClearFromToCharacterPos() """ def AreFromToCharacterPosSet(self): """ AreFromToCharacterPosSet() -> bool """ def SetFromCharacterPos(self, pos): """ SetFromCharacterPos(pos) """ def SetToCharacterPos(self, pos): """ SetToCharacterPos(pos) """ def GetFromCharacterPos(self): """ GetFromCharacterPos() -> Coord """ def GetToCharacterPos(self): """ GetToCharacterPos() -> Coord """ def IsEmpty(self): """ IsEmpty() -> bool """ FromCell = property(None, None) FromCharacterPos = property(None, None) FromPos = property(None, None) ToCell = property(None, None) ToCharacterPos = property(None, None) ToPos = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlSelection class HtmlRenderingState(object): """ HtmlRenderingState() Selection state is passed to wxHtmlCell::Draw so that it can render itself differently e.g. """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlRenderingState() Selection state is passed to wxHtmlCell::Draw so that it can render itself differently e.g. """ def SetSelectionState(self, s): """ SetSelectionState(s) """ def GetSelectionState(self): """ GetSelectionState() -> HtmlSelectionState """ def SetFgColour(self, c): """ SetFgColour(c) """ def GetFgColour(self): """ GetFgColour() -> wx.Colour """ def SetBgColour(self, c): """ SetBgColour(c) """ def GetBgColour(self): """ GetBgColour() -> wx.Colour """ def SetBgMode(self, m): """ SetBgMode(m) """ def GetBgMode(self): """ GetBgMode() -> int """ BgColour = property(None, None) BgMode = property(None, None) FgColour = property(None, None) SelectionState = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlRenderingState class HtmlRenderingStyle(object): """ wxHtmlSelection is data holder with information about text selection. """ def GetSelectedTextColour(self, clr): """ GetSelectedTextColour(clr) -> wx.Colour Returns the colour to use for the selected text. """ def GetSelectedTextBgColour(self, clr): """ GetSelectedTextBgColour(clr) -> wx.Colour Returns the colour to use for the selected text's background. """ # end of class HtmlRenderingStyle class HtmlRenderingInfo(object): """ HtmlRenderingInfo() This class contains information given to cells when drawing them. """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlRenderingInfo() This class contains information given to cells when drawing them. """ def SetSelection(self, s): """ SetSelection(s) Accessors. """ def GetSelection(self): """ GetSelection() -> HtmlSelection Accessors. """ def SetStyle(self, style): """ SetStyle(style) Accessors. """ def GetStyle(self): """ GetStyle() -> HtmlRenderingStyle Accessors. """ def GetState(self): """ GetState() -> HtmlRenderingState Accessors. """ Selection = property(None, None) State = property(None, None) Style = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlRenderingInfo class HtmlCell(wx.Object): """ HtmlCell() Internal data structure. """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlCell() Internal data structure. """ def AdjustPagebreak(self, pagebreak, pageHeight): """ AdjustPagebreak(pagebreak, pageHeight) -> (bool, pagebreak) This method is called when paginating HTML, e.g. when printing. """ def Draw(self, dc, x, y, view_y1, view_y2, info): """ Draw(dc, x, y, view_y1, view_y2, info) Renders the cell. """ def DrawInvisible(self, dc, x, y, info): """ DrawInvisible(dc, x, y, info) This method is called instead of Draw() when the cell is certainly out of the screen (and thus invisible). """ def Find(self, condition, param): """ Find(condition, param) -> HtmlCell Returns pointer to itself if this cell matches condition (or if any of the cells following in the list matches), NULL otherwise. """ def FindCellByPos(self, x, y, flags=HTML_FIND_EXACT): """ FindCellByPos(x, y, flags=HTML_FIND_EXACT) -> HtmlCell Find a cell inside this cell positioned at the given coordinates (relative to this's positions). """ def GetDescent(self): """ GetDescent() -> int Returns descent value of the cell (m_Descent member). """ def GetFirstChild(self): """ GetFirstChild() -> HtmlCell Returns pointer to the first cell in the list. """ def GetHeight(self): """ GetHeight() -> int Returns height of the cell (m_Height member). """ def GetId(self): """ GetId() -> String Returns unique cell identifier if there is any, the empty string otherwise. """ def GetLink(self, x=0, y=0): """ GetLink(x=0, y=0) -> HtmlLinkInfo Returns hypertext link if associated with this cell or NULL otherwise. """ def GetMouseCursor(self, window): """ GetMouseCursor(window) -> wx.Cursor Returns cursor to show when mouse pointer is over the cell. """ def GetMouseCursorAt(self, window, rePos): """ GetMouseCursorAt(window, rePos) -> wx.Cursor Returns cursor to show when mouse pointer is over the specified point. """ def GetNext(self): """ GetNext() -> HtmlCell Returns pointer to the next cell in list (see htmlcell.h if you're interested in details). """ def GetParent(self): """ GetParent() -> HtmlContainerCell Returns pointer to parent container. """ def GetPosX(self): """ GetPosX() -> int Returns X position within parent (the value is relative to parent's upper left corner). """ def GetPosY(self): """ GetPosY() -> int Returns Y position within parent (the value is relative to parent's upper left corner). """ def GetWidth(self): """ GetWidth() -> int Returns width of the cell (m_Width member). """ def Layout(self, w): """ Layout(w) Layouts the cell. """ def ProcessMouseClick(self, window, pos, event): """ ProcessMouseClick(window, pos, event) -> bool This function is simple event handler. """ def SetId(self, id): """ SetId(id) Sets unique cell identifier. """ def SetLink(self, link): """ SetLink(link) Sets the hypertext link associated with this cell. """ def SetNext(self, cell): """ SetNext(cell) Sets the next cell in the list. """ def SetParent(self, p): """ SetParent(p) Sets parent container of this cell. """ def SetPos(self, x, y): """ SetPos(x, y) Sets the cell's position within parent container. """ def ConvertToText(self, sel): """ ConvertToText(sel) -> String Converts the cell into text representation. """ def GetAbsPos(self, rootCell=None): """ GetAbsPos(rootCell=None) -> wx.Point """ def GetRootCell(self): """ GetRootCell() -> HtmlCell """ AbsPos = property(None, None) Descent = property(None, None) FirstChild = property(None, None) Height = property(None, None) Id = property(None, None) Link = property(None, None) Next = property(None, None) Parent = property(None, None) PosX = property(None, None) PosY = property(None, None) RootCell = property(None, None) Width = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlCell class HtmlContainerCell(HtmlCell): """ HtmlContainerCell(parent) The wxHtmlContainerCell class is an implementation of a cell that may contain more cells in it. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ HtmlContainerCell(parent) The wxHtmlContainerCell class is an implementation of a cell that may contain more cells in it. """ def Detach(self, cell): """ Detach(cell) Detach a child cell. """ def GetAlignHor(self): """ GetAlignHor() -> int Returns container's horizontal alignment. """ def GetAlignVer(self): """ GetAlignVer() -> int Returns container's vertical alignment. """ def GetBackgroundColour(self): """ GetBackgroundColour() -> wx.Colour Returns the background colour of the container or wxNullColour if no background colour is set. """ def GetIndent(self, ind): """ GetIndent(ind) -> int Returns the indentation. """ def GetIndentUnits(self, ind): """ GetIndentUnits(ind) -> int Returns the units of indentation for ind where ind is one of the wxHTML_INDENT_* constants. """ def InsertCell(self, cell): """ InsertCell(cell) Inserts a new cell into the container. """ def SetAlign(self, tag): """ SetAlign(tag) Sets the container's alignment (both horizontal and vertical) according to the values stored in tag. """ def SetAlignHor(self, al): """ SetAlignHor(al) Sets the container's horizontal alignment. """ def SetAlignVer(self, al): """ SetAlignVer(al) Sets the container's vertical alignment. """ def SetBackgroundColour(self, clr): """ SetBackgroundColour(clr) Sets the background colour for this container. """ def SetBorder(self, clr1, clr2, border=1): """ SetBorder(clr1, clr2, border=1) Sets the border (frame) colours. """ def SetIndent(self, i, what, units=HTML_UNITS_PIXELS): """ SetIndent(i, what, units=HTML_UNITS_PIXELS) Sets the indentation (free space between borders of container and subcells). """ def SetMinHeight(self, h, align=HTML_ALIGN_TOP): """ SetMinHeight(h, align=HTML_ALIGN_TOP) Sets minimal height of the container. """ def SetWidthFloat(self, *args, **kw): """ SetWidthFloat(w, units) SetWidthFloat(tag, pixel_scale=1.0) Sets floating width adjustment. """ AlignHor = property(None, None) AlignVer = property(None, None) BackgroundColour = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlContainerCell class HtmlLinkInfo(wx.Object): """ HtmlLinkInfo() HtmlLinkInfo(href, target=wx.EmptyString) This class stores all necessary information about hypertext links (as represented by <A> tag in HTML documents). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ HtmlLinkInfo() HtmlLinkInfo(href, target=wx.EmptyString) This class stores all necessary information about hypertext links (as represented by <A> tag in HTML documents). """ def GetEvent(self): """ GetEvent() -> wx.MouseEvent Return pointer to event that generated OnLinkClicked() event. """ def GetHref(self): """ GetHref() -> String Return HREF value of the <A> tag. """ def GetHtmlCell(self): """ GetHtmlCell() -> HtmlCell Return pointer to the cell that was clicked. """ def GetTarget(self): """ GetTarget() -> String Return TARGET value of the <A> tag (this value is used to specify in which frame should be the page pointed by GetHref() Href opened). """ Event = property(None, None) Href = property(None, None) HtmlCell = property(None, None) Target = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlLinkInfo class HtmlColourCell(HtmlCell): """ HtmlColourCell(clr, flags=HTML_CLR_FOREGROUND) This cell changes the colour of either the background or the foreground. """ def __init__(self, clr, flags=HTML_CLR_FOREGROUND): """ HtmlColourCell(clr, flags=HTML_CLR_FOREGROUND) This cell changes the colour of either the background or the foreground. """ # end of class HtmlColourCell class HtmlWidgetCell(HtmlCell): """ HtmlWidgetCell(wnd, w=0) wxHtmlWidgetCell is a class that provides a connection between HTML cells and widgets (an object derived from wxWindow). """ def __init__(self, wnd, w=0): """ HtmlWidgetCell(wnd, w=0) wxHtmlWidgetCell is a class that provides a connection between HTML cells and widgets (an object derived from wxWindow). """ # end of class HtmlWidgetCell class HtmlWordCell(HtmlCell): """ HtmlWordCell(word, dc) This html cell represents a single word or text fragment in the document stream. """ def __init__(self, word, dc): """ HtmlWordCell(word, dc) This html cell represents a single word or text fragment in the document stream. """ # end of class HtmlWordCell class HtmlWordWithTabsCell(HtmlWordCell): """ HtmlWordWithTabsCell(word, wordOrig, linepos, dc) wxHtmlWordCell is a specialization for storing text fragments with embedded tab characters. """ def __init__(self, word, wordOrig, linepos, dc): """ HtmlWordWithTabsCell(word, wordOrig, linepos, dc) wxHtmlWordCell is a specialization for storing text fragments with embedded tab characters. """ # end of class HtmlWordWithTabsCell class HtmlFontCell(HtmlCell): """ HtmlFontCell(font) This cell represents a font change in the document stream. """ def __init__(self, font): """ HtmlFontCell(font) This cell represents a font change in the document stream. """ # end of class HtmlFontCell #-- end-htmlcell --# #-- begin-htmlfilt --# class HtmlFilter(wx.Object): """ HtmlFilter() This class is the parent class of input filters for wxHtmlWindow. """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlFilter() This class is the parent class of input filters for wxHtmlWindow. """ def CanRead(self, file): """ CanRead(file) -> bool Returns true if this filter is capable of reading file file. """ def ReadFile(self, file): """ ReadFile(file) -> String Reads the file and returns string with HTML document. """ # end of class HtmlFilter #-- end-htmlfilt --# #-- begin-htmltag --# class HtmlTag(object): """ This class represents a single HTML tag. """ def GetAllParams(self): """ GetAllParams() -> String Returns a string containing all parameters. """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns tag's name. """ def GetParam(self, par, with_quotes=False): """ GetParam(par, with_quotes=False) -> String Returns the value of the parameter. """ def GetParamAsColour(self, par): """ GetParamAsColour(par) -> (bool, clr) Interprets tag parameter par as colour specification and saves its value into wxColour variable pointed by clr. """ def GetParamAsInt(self, par): """ GetParamAsInt(par) -> (bool, value) Interprets tag parameter par as an integer and saves its value into int variable pointed by value. """ def GetParamAsString(self, par, value): """ GetParamAsString(par, value) -> bool Get the value of the parameter. """ def HasEnding(self): """ HasEnding() -> bool Returns true if this tag is paired with ending tag, false otherwise. """ def HasParam(self, par): """ HasParam(par) -> bool Returns true if the tag has a parameter of the given name. """ @staticmethod def ParseAsColour(str): """ ParseAsColour(str) -> (bool, clr) Parses the given string as an HTML colour. """ AllParams = property(None, None) Name = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlTag #-- end-htmltag --# #-- begin-htmlpars --# HTML_URL_PAGE = 0 HTML_URL_IMAGE = 0 HTML_URL_OTHER = 0 class HtmlTagHandler(wx.Object): """ HtmlTagHandler() """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlTagHandler() """ def GetSupportedTags(self): """ GetSupportedTags() -> String Returns list of supported tags. """ def HandleTag(self, tag): """ HandleTag(tag) -> bool This is the core method of each handler. """ def SetParser(self, parser): """ SetParser(parser) Assigns parser to this handler. """ def GetParser(self): """ GetParser() -> HtmlParser Returns the parser associated with this tag handler. """ Parser = property(None, None) SupportedTags = property(None, None) def ParseInner(self, tag): """ ParseInner(tag) This method calls parser's wxHtmlParser::DoParsing method for the string between this tag and the paired ending tag: """ def ParseInnerSource(self, source): """ ParseInnerSource(source) Parses given source as if it was tag's inner code (see wxHtmlParser::GetInnerSource). """ # end of class HtmlTagHandler class HtmlParser(object): """ HtmlParser() Classes derived from this handle the generic parsing of HTML documents: it scans the document and divide it into blocks of tags (where one block consists of beginning and ending tag and of text between these two tags). """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlParser() Classes derived from this handle the generic parsing of HTML documents: it scans the document and divide it into blocks of tags (where one block consists of beginning and ending tag and of text between these two tags). """ def AddTagHandler(self, handler): """ AddTagHandler(handler) Adds handler to the internal list ( hash table) of handlers. """ def DoParsing(self): """ DoParsing() Parses the whole m_Source. """ def DoneParser(self): """ DoneParser() This must be called after DoParsing(). """ def GetFS(self): """ GetFS() -> wx.FileSystem Returns pointer to the file system. """ def GetProduct(self): """ GetProduct() -> wx.Object Returns product of parsing. """ def GetSource(self): """ GetSource() -> String Returns pointer to the source being parsed. """ def InitParser(self, source): """ InitParser(source) Setups the parser for parsing the source string. """ def OpenURL(self, type, url): """ OpenURL(type, url) -> wx.FSFile Opens given URL and returns wxFSFile object that can be used to read data from it. """ def Parse(self, source): """ Parse(source) -> wx.Object Proceeds parsing of the document. """ def PopTagHandler(self): """ PopTagHandler() Restores parser's state before last call to PushTagHandler(). """ def PushTagHandler(self, handler, tags): """ PushTagHandler(handler, tags) Forces the handler to handle additional tags (not returned by wxHtmlTagHandler::GetSupportedTags). """ def SetFS(self, fs): """ SetFS(fs) Sets the virtual file system that will be used to request additional files. """ def StopParsing(self): """ StopParsing() Call this function to interrupt parsing from a tag handler. """ FS = property(None, None) Product = property(None, None) Source = property(None, None) def AddTag(self, tag): """ AddTag(tag) This may (and may not) be overwritten in derived class. """ # end of class HtmlParser #-- end-htmlpars --# #-- begin-htmlwin --# HW_SCROLLBAR_NEVER = 0 HW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO = 0 HW_NO_SELECTION = 0 HW_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 HTML_OPEN = 0 HTML_BLOCK = 0 HTML_REDIRECT = 0 wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED = 0 wxEVT_HTML_CELL_HOVER = 0 wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED = 0 class HtmlWindowInterface(object): """ HtmlWindowInterface() Abstract interface to a HTML rendering window (such as wxHtmlWindow or wxHtmlListBox) that is passed to wxHtmlWinParser. """ HTMLCursor_Default = 0 HTMLCursor_Link = 0 HTMLCursor_Text = 0 def __init__(self): """ HtmlWindowInterface() Abstract interface to a HTML rendering window (such as wxHtmlWindow or wxHtmlListBox) that is passed to wxHtmlWinParser. """ def SetHTMLWindowTitle(self, title): """ SetHTMLWindowTitle(title) Called by the parser to set window's title to given text. """ def OnHTMLLinkClicked(self, link): """ OnHTMLLinkClicked(link) Called when a link is clicked. """ def OnHTMLOpeningURL(self, type, url): """ OnHTMLOpeningURL(type, url) -> (HtmlOpeningStatus, redirectTo) Called when the parser needs to open another URL (e.g. """ def HTMLCoordsToWindow(self, cell, pos): """ HTMLCoordsToWindow(cell, pos) -> wx.Point Converts coordinates pos relative to given cell to physical coordinates in the window. """ def GetHTMLWindow(self): """ GetHTMLWindow() -> wx.Window Returns the window used for rendering (may be NULL). """ def GetHTMLBackgroundColour(self): """ GetHTMLBackgroundColour() -> wx.Colour Returns background colour to use by default. """ def SetHTMLBackgroundColour(self, clr): """ SetHTMLBackgroundColour(clr) Sets window's background to colour clr. """ def SetHTMLBackgroundImage(self, bmpBg): """ SetHTMLBackgroundImage(bmpBg) Sets window's background to given bitmap. """ def SetHTMLStatusText(self, text): """ SetHTMLStatusText(text) Sets status bar text. """ def GetHTMLCursor(self, type): """ GetHTMLCursor(type) -> wx.Cursor Returns mouse cursor of given type. """ HTMLBackgroundColour = property(None, None) HTMLWindow = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlWindowInterface class HtmlWindow(wx.ScrolledWindow, HtmlWindowInterface): """ HtmlWindow() HtmlWindow(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=HW_DEFAULT_STYLE, name="htmlWindow") wxHtmlWindow is probably the only class you will directly use unless you want to do something special (like adding new tag handlers or MIME filters). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ HtmlWindow() HtmlWindow(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=HW_DEFAULT_STYLE, name="htmlWindow") wxHtmlWindow is probably the only class you will directly use unless you want to do something special (like adding new tag handlers or MIME filters). """ def AppendToPage(self, source): """ AppendToPage(source) -> bool Appends HTML fragment to currently displayed text and refreshes the window. """ def GetInternalRepresentation(self): """ GetInternalRepresentation() -> HtmlContainerCell Returns pointer to the top-level container. """ def GetOpenedAnchor(self): """ GetOpenedAnchor() -> String Returns anchor within currently opened page (see wxHtmlWindow::GetOpenedPage). """ def GetOpenedPage(self): """ GetOpenedPage() -> String Returns full location of the opened page. """ def GetOpenedPageTitle(self): """ GetOpenedPageTitle() -> String Returns title of the opened page or wxEmptyString if the current page does not contain <TITLE> tag. """ def GetParser(self): """ GetParser() -> HtmlWinParser Returns a pointer to the current parser. """ def GetRelatedFrame(self): """ GetRelatedFrame() -> wx.Frame Returns the related frame. """ def HistoryBack(self): """ HistoryBack() -> bool Moves back to the previous page. """ def HistoryCanBack(self): """ HistoryCanBack() -> bool Returns true if it is possible to go back in the history i.e. """ def HistoryCanForward(self): """ HistoryCanForward() -> bool Returns true if it is possible to go forward in the history i.e. """ def HistoryClear(self): """ HistoryClear() Clears history. """ def HistoryForward(self): """ HistoryForward() -> bool Moves to next page in history. """ def LoadFile(self, filename): """ LoadFile(filename) -> bool Loads an HTML page from a file and displays it. """ def LoadPage(self, location): """ LoadPage(location) -> bool Unlike SetPage() this function first loads the HTML page from location and then displays it. """ def OnLinkClicked(self, link): """ OnLinkClicked(link) Called when user clicks on hypertext link. """ def OnOpeningURL(self, type, url): """ OnOpeningURL(type, url) -> (HtmlOpeningStatus, redirectTo) Called when an URL is being opened (either when the user clicks on a link or an image is loaded). """ def OnSetTitle(self, title): """ OnSetTitle(title) Called on parsing <TITLE> tag. """ def ReadCustomization(self, cfg, path=wx.EmptyString): """ ReadCustomization(cfg, path=wx.EmptyString) This reads custom settings from wxConfig. """ def SelectAll(self): """ SelectAll() Selects all text in the window. """ def SelectLine(self, pos): """ SelectLine(pos) Selects the line of text that pos points at. """ def SelectWord(self, pos): """ SelectWord(pos) Selects the word at position pos. """ def SelectionToText(self): """ SelectionToText() -> String Returns the current selection as plain text. """ def SetBorders(self, b): """ SetBorders(b) This function sets the space between border of window and HTML contents. """ def SetFonts(self, normal_face, fixed_face, sizes): """ SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes) This function sets font sizes and faces. """ def SetStandardFonts(self, size=-1, normal_face=wx.EmptyString, fixed_face=wx.EmptyString): """ SetStandardFonts(size=-1, normal_face=wx.EmptyString, fixed_face=wx.EmptyString) Sets default font sizes and/or default font size. """ def SetPage(self, source): """ SetPage(source) -> bool Sets the source of a page and displays it, for example: """ def SetRelatedFrame(self, frame, format): """ SetRelatedFrame(frame, format) Sets the frame in which page title will be displayed. """ def SetRelatedStatusBar(self, *args, **kw): """ SetRelatedStatusBar(index) SetRelatedStatusBar(statusbar, index=0) After calling SetRelatedFrame(), this sets statusbar slot where messages will be displayed. """ def ToText(self): """ ToText() -> String Returns content of currently displayed page as plain text. """ def WriteCustomization(self, cfg, path=wx.EmptyString): """ WriteCustomization(cfg, path=wx.EmptyString) Saves custom settings into wxConfig. """ @staticmethod def AddFilter(filter): """ AddFilter(filter) Adds an input filter to the static list of available filters. """ @staticmethod def GetDefaultHTMLCursor(type): """ GetDefaultHTMLCursor(type) -> wx.Cursor Retrieves the default cursor for a given HTMLCursor type. """ @staticmethod def SetDefaultHTMLCursor(type, cursor): """ SetDefaultHTMLCursor(type, cursor) Sets the default cursor for a given HTMLCursor type. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ InternalRepresentation = property(None, None) OpenedAnchor = property(None, None) OpenedPage = property(None, None) OpenedPageTitle = property(None, None) Parser = property(None, None) RelatedFrame = property(None, None) def OnCellClicked(self, cell, x, y, event): """ OnCellClicked(cell, x, y, event) -> bool This method is called when a mouse button is clicked inside wxHtmlWindow. """ def OnCellMouseHover(self, cell, x, y): """ OnCellMouseHover(cell, x, y) This method is called when a mouse moves over an HTML cell. """ def ScrollToAnchor(self, anchor): """ ScrollToAnchor(anchor) -> bool """ # end of class HtmlWindow class HtmlLinkEvent(wx.CommandEvent): """ HtmlLinkEvent(id, linkinfo) This event class is used for the events generated by wxHtmlWindow. """ def __init__(self, id, linkinfo): """ HtmlLinkEvent(id, linkinfo) This event class is used for the events generated by wxHtmlWindow. """ def GetLinkInfo(self): """ GetLinkInfo() -> HtmlLinkInfo Returns the wxHtmlLinkInfo which contains info about the cell clicked and the hyperlink it contains. """ LinkInfo = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlLinkEvent class HtmlCellEvent(wx.CommandEvent): """ HtmlCellEvent(commandType, id, cell, point, ev) This event class is used for the events generated by wxHtmlWindow. """ def __init__(self, commandType, id, cell, point, ev): """ HtmlCellEvent(commandType, id, cell, point, ev) This event class is used for the events generated by wxHtmlWindow. """ def GetCell(self): """ GetCell() -> HtmlCell Returns the wxHtmlCellEvent associated with the event. """ def GetLinkClicked(self): """ GetLinkClicked() -> bool Returns true if SetLinkClicked(true) has previously been called; false otherwise. """ def GetPoint(self): """ GetPoint() -> wx.Point Returns the wxPoint associated with the event. """ def GetMouseEvent(self): """ GetMouseEvent() -> wx.MouseEvent Returns the wxMouseEvent associated with the event. """ def SetLinkClicked(self, linkclicked): """ SetLinkClicked(linkclicked) Call this function with linkclicked set to true if the cell which has been clicked contained a link or false otherwise (which is the default). """ Cell = property(None, None) LinkClicked = property(None, None) MouseEvent = property(None, None) Point = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlCellEvent EVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED, 1 ) EVT_HTML_CELL_HOVER = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_HTML_CELL_HOVER, 1 ) EVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED = wx.PyEventBinder( wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED, 1 ) # deprecated wxEVT aliases wxEVT_COMMAND_HTML_CELL_CLICKED = wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED wxEVT_COMMAND_HTML_CELL_HOVER = wxEVT_HTML_CELL_HOVER wxEVT_COMMAND_HTML_LINK_CLICKED = wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED #-- end-htmlwin --# #-- begin-htmlprint --# PAGE_ODD = 0 PAGE_EVEN = 0 PAGE_ALL = 0 class HtmlDCRenderer(wx.Object): """ HtmlDCRenderer() This class can render HTML document into a specified area of a DC. """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlDCRenderer() This class can render HTML document into a specified area of a DC. """ def GetTotalWidth(self): """ GetTotalWidth() -> int Returns the width of the HTML text in pixels. """ def GetTotalHeight(self): """ GetTotalHeight() -> int Returns the height of the HTML text in pixels. """ def FindNextPageBreak(self, pos): """ FindNextPageBreak(pos) -> int Finds the next page break after the specified (vertical) position. """ def Render(self, x, y, from_=0, to_=INT_MAX): """ Render(x, y, from_=0, to_=INT_MAX) Renders HTML text to the DC. """ def SetDC(self, dc, pixel_scale=1.0): """ SetDC(dc, pixel_scale=1.0) Assign DC instance to the renderer. """ def SetFonts(self, normal_face, fixed_face, sizes): """ SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes) This function sets font sizes and faces. """ def SetStandardFonts(self, size=-1, normal_face=wx.EmptyString, fixed_face=wx.EmptyString): """ SetStandardFonts(size=-1, normal_face=wx.EmptyString, fixed_face=wx.EmptyString) Sets font sizes to be relative to the given size or the system default size; use either specified or default font. """ def SetHtmlText(self, html, basepath=wx.EmptyString, isdir=True): """ SetHtmlText(html, basepath=wx.EmptyString, isdir=True) Assign text to the renderer. """ def SetHtmlCell(self, cell): """ SetHtmlCell(cell) Associate the given HTML contents to the renderer. """ def SetSize(self, width, height): """ SetSize(width, height) Set size of output rectangle, in pixels. """ TotalHeight = property(None, None) TotalWidth = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlDCRenderer class HtmlEasyPrinting(wx.Object): """ HtmlEasyPrinting(name="Printing", parentWindow=None) This class provides very simple interface to printing architecture. """ Prompt_Never = 0 Prompt_Once = 0 Prompt_Always = 0 def __init__(self, name="Printing", parentWindow=None): """ HtmlEasyPrinting(name="Printing", parentWindow=None) This class provides very simple interface to printing architecture. """ def GetName(self): """ GetName() -> String Returns the current name being used for preview frames and setup dialogs. """ def GetPageSetupData(self): """ GetPageSetupData() -> wx.PageSetupDialogData Returns a pointer to wxPageSetupDialogData instance used by this class. """ def GetParentWindow(self): """ GetParentWindow() -> wx.Window Gets the parent window for dialogs. """ def GetPrintData(self): """ GetPrintData() -> wx.PrintData Returns pointer to wxPrintData instance used by this class. """ def PageSetup(self): """ PageSetup() Display page setup dialog and allows the user to modify settings. """ def PreviewFile(self, htmlfile): """ PreviewFile(htmlfile) -> bool Preview HTML file. """ def PreviewText(self, htmltext, basepath=wx.EmptyString): """ PreviewText(htmltext, basepath=wx.EmptyString) -> bool Preview HTML text (not file!). """ def PrintFile(self, htmlfile): """ PrintFile(htmlfile) -> bool Print HTML file. """ def PrintText(self, htmltext, basepath=wx.EmptyString): """ PrintText(htmltext, basepath=wx.EmptyString) -> bool Print HTML text (not file!). """ def SetFonts(self, normal_face, fixed_face, sizes): """ SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes) Sets fonts. """ def SetName(self, name): """ SetName(name) Sets the name used for preview frames and setup dialogs. """ def SetStandardFonts(self, size=-1, normal_face=wx.EmptyString, fixed_face=wx.EmptyString): """ SetStandardFonts(size=-1, normal_face=wx.EmptyString, fixed_face=wx.EmptyString) Sets default font sizes and/or default font size. """ def SetFooter(self, footer, pg=PAGE_ALL): """ SetFooter(footer, pg=PAGE_ALL) Set page footer. """ def SetHeader(self, header, pg=PAGE_ALL): """ SetHeader(header, pg=PAGE_ALL) Set page header. """ def SetParentWindow(self, window): """ SetParentWindow(window) Sets the parent window for dialogs. """ def SetPromptMode(self, promptMode): """ SetPromptMode(promptMode) Enable or disable showing the dialog before printing. """ Name = property(None, None) PageSetupData = property(None, None) ParentWindow = property(None, None) PrintData = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlEasyPrinting class HtmlPrintout(wx.Printout): """ HtmlPrintout(title="Printout") This class serves as printout class for HTML documents. """ def __init__(self, title="Printout"): """ HtmlPrintout(title="Printout") This class serves as printout class for HTML documents. """ def SetFonts(self, normal_face, fixed_face, sizes): """ SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes) This function sets font sizes and faces. """ def SetFooter(self, footer, pg=PAGE_ALL): """ SetFooter(footer, pg=PAGE_ALL) Set page footer. """ def SetHeader(self, header, pg=PAGE_ALL): """ SetHeader(header, pg=PAGE_ALL) Set page header. """ def SetHtmlFile(self, htmlfile): """ SetHtmlFile(htmlfile) Prepare the class for printing this HTML file. """ def SetHtmlText(self, html, basepath=wx.EmptyString, isdir=True): """ SetHtmlText(html, basepath=wx.EmptyString, isdir=True) Prepare the class for printing this HTML text. """ def SetMargins(self, *args, **kw): """ SetMargins(top=25.2, bottom=25.2, left=25.2, right=25.2, spaces=5) SetMargins(pageSetupData) Sets margins in millimeters. """ @staticmethod def AddFilter(filter): """ AddFilter(filter) Adds a filter to the static list of filters for wxHtmlPrintout. """ # end of class HtmlPrintout #-- end-htmlprint --# #-- begin-htmlwinpars --# class HtmlWinTagHandler(HtmlTagHandler): """ HtmlWinTagHandler() This is basically wxHtmlTagHandler except that it is extended with protected member m_WParser pointing to the wxHtmlWinParser object (value of this member is identical to wxHtmlParser's m_Parser). """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlWinTagHandler() This is basically wxHtmlTagHandler except that it is extended with protected member m_WParser pointing to the wxHtmlWinParser object (value of this member is identical to wxHtmlParser's m_Parser). """ def SetParser(self, parser): """ SetParser(parser) Assigns parser to this handler. """ def GetParser(self): """ GetParser() -> HtmlWinParser """ Parser = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlWinTagHandler class HtmlWinParser(HtmlParser): """ HtmlWinParser(wndIface=None) This class is derived from wxHtmlParser and its main goal is to parse HTML input so that it can be displayed in wxHtmlWindow. """ def __init__(self, wndIface=None): """ HtmlWinParser(wndIface=None) This class is derived from wxHtmlParser and its main goal is to parse HTML input so that it can be displayed in wxHtmlWindow. """ def CloseContainer(self): """ CloseContainer() -> HtmlContainerCell Closes the container, sets actual container to the parent one and returns pointer to it (see Cells and Containers). """ def CreateCurrentFont(self): """ CreateCurrentFont() -> wx.Font Creates font based on current setting (see SetFontSize(), SetFontBold(), SetFontItalic(), SetFontFixed(), wxHtmlWinParser::SetFontUnderlined) and returns pointer to it. """ def GetActualColor(self): """ GetActualColor() -> wx.Colour Returns actual text colour. """ def GetAlign(self): """ GetAlign() -> int Returns default horizontal alignment. """ def GetCharHeight(self): """ GetCharHeight() -> int Returns (average) char height in standard font. """ def GetCharWidth(self): """ GetCharWidth() -> int Returns average char width in standard font. """ def GetContainer(self): """ GetContainer() -> HtmlContainerCell Returns pointer to the currently opened container (see Cells and Containers). """ def GetDC(self): """ GetDC() -> wx.DC Returns pointer to the DC used during parsing. """ def GetFontBold(self): """ GetFontBold() -> int Returns true if actual font is bold, false otherwise. """ def GetFontFace(self): """ GetFontFace() -> String Returns actual font face name. """ def GetFontFixed(self): """ GetFontFixed() -> int Returns true if actual font is fixed face, false otherwise. """ def GetFontItalic(self): """ GetFontItalic() -> int Returns true if actual font is italic, false otherwise. """ def GetFontSize(self): """ GetFontSize() -> int Returns actual font size (HTML size varies from -2 to +4) """ def GetFontUnderlined(self): """ GetFontUnderlined() -> int Returns true if actual font is underlined, false otherwise. """ def GetLink(self): """ GetLink() -> HtmlLinkInfo Returns actual hypertext link. """ def GetLinkColor(self): """ GetLinkColor() -> wx.Colour Returns the colour of hypertext link text. """ def GetWindowInterface(self): """ GetWindowInterface() -> HtmlWindowInterface Returns associated window (wxHtmlWindow). """ def OpenContainer(self): """ OpenContainer() -> HtmlContainerCell Opens new container and returns pointer to it (see Cells and Containers). """ def SetActualColor(self, clr): """ SetActualColor(clr) Sets actual text colour. """ def SetAlign(self, a): """ SetAlign(a) Sets default horizontal alignment (see wxHtmlContainerCell::SetAlignHor). """ def SetContainer(self, c): """ SetContainer(c) -> HtmlContainerCell Allows you to directly set opened container. """ def SetDC(self, dc, pixel_scale=1.0e+0): """ SetDC(dc, pixel_scale=1.0e+0) Sets the DC. """ def SetFontBold(self, x): """ SetFontBold(x) Sets bold flag of actualfont. """ def SetFontFace(self, face): """ SetFontFace(face) Sets current font face to face. """ def SetFontFixed(self, x): """ SetFontFixed(x) Sets fixed face flag of actualfont. """ def SetFontItalic(self, x): """ SetFontItalic(x) Sets italic flag of actualfont. """ def SetFontSize(self, s): """ SetFontSize(s) Sets actual font size (HTML size varies from 1 to 7). """ def SetFontUnderlined(self, x): """ SetFontUnderlined(x) Sets underlined flag of actualfont. """ def SetFonts(self, normal_face, fixed_face, sizes): """ SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, sizes) Sets fonts. """ def SetLink(self, link): """ SetLink(link) Sets actual hypertext link. """ def SetLinkColor(self, clr): """ SetLinkColor(clr) Sets colour of hypertext link. """ ActualColor = property(None, None) Align = property(None, None) CharHeight = property(None, None) CharWidth = property(None, None) Container = property(None, None) DC = property(None, None) FontBold = property(None, None) FontFace = property(None, None) FontFixed = property(None, None) FontItalic = property(None, None) FontSize = property(None, None) FontUnderlined = property(None, None) Link = property(None, None) LinkColor = property(None, None) WindowInterface = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlWinParser def HtmlWinParser_AddTagHandler(self, tagHandlerClass): """ HtmlWinParser_AddTagHandler(tagHandlerClass) """ #-- end-htmlwinpars --# #-- begin-helpdata --# class HtmlBookRecord(object): """ HtmlBookRecord(bookfile, basepath, title, start) Helper class for wxHtmlHelpData. """ def __init__(self, bookfile, basepath, title, start): """ HtmlBookRecord(bookfile, basepath, title, start) Helper class for wxHtmlHelpData. """ def GetBookFile(self): """ GetBookFile() -> String """ def GetTitle(self): """ GetTitle() -> String """ def GetStart(self): """ GetStart() -> String """ def GetBasePath(self): """ GetBasePath() -> String """ def SetContentsRange(self, start, end): """ SetContentsRange(start, end) """ def GetContentsStart(self): """ GetContentsStart() -> int """ def GetContentsEnd(self): """ GetContentsEnd() -> int """ def SetTitle(self, title): """ SetTitle(title) """ def SetBasePath(self, path): """ SetBasePath(path) """ def SetStart(self, start): """ SetStart(start) """ def GetFullPath(self, page): """ GetFullPath(page) -> String """ BasePath = property(None, None) BookFile = property(None, None) ContentsEnd = property(None, None) ContentsStart = property(None, None) Start = property(None, None) Title = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlBookRecord class HtmlHelpDataItem(object): """ HtmlHelpDataItem() Helper class for wxHtmlHelpData. """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlHelpDataItem() Helper class for wxHtmlHelpData. """ level = property(None, None) parent = property(None, None) id = property(None, None) name = property(None, None) page = property(None, None) book = property(None, None) def GetFullPath(self): """ GetFullPath() -> String """ def GetIndentedName(self): """ GetIndentedName() -> String """ FullPath = property(None, None) IndentedName = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlHelpDataItem class HtmlHelpData(wx.Object): """ HtmlHelpData() This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController and wxHtmlHelpFrame to access HTML help items. """ def __init__(self): """ HtmlHelpData() This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController and wxHtmlHelpFrame to access HTML help items. """ def AddBook(self, book_url): """ AddBook(book_url) -> bool Adds new book. """ def FindPageById(self, id): """ FindPageById(id) -> String Returns page's URL based on integer ID stored in project. """ def FindPageByName(self, page): """ FindPageByName(page) -> String Returns page's URL based on its (file)name. """ def GetBookRecArray(self): """ GetBookRecArray() -> HtmlBookRecArray Returns array with help books info. """ def GetContentsArray(self): """ GetContentsArray() -> HtmlHelpDataItems Returns reference to array with contents entries. """ def GetIndexArray(self): """ GetIndexArray() -> HtmlHelpDataItems Returns reference to array with index entries. """ def SetTempDir(self, path): """ SetTempDir(path) Sets the temporary directory where binary cached versions of MS HTML Workshop files will be stored. """ BookRecArray = property(None, None) ContentsArray = property(None, None) IndexArray = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlHelpData #-- end-helpdata --# #-- begin-helpfrm --# HF_TOOLBAR = 0 HF_CONTENTS = 0 HF_INDEX = 0 HF_SEARCH = 0 HF_BOOKMARKS = 0 HF_OPEN_FILES = 0 HF_PRINT = 0 HF_FLAT_TOOLBAR = 0 HF_MERGE_BOOKS = 0 HF_ICONS_BOOK = 0 HF_ICONS_BOOK_CHAPTER = 0 HF_ICONS_FOLDER = 0 HF_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 class HtmlHelpFrame(wx.Frame): """ HtmlHelpFrame(data=None) HtmlHelpFrame(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, data=None, config=None, rootpath=wx.EmptyString) This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ HtmlHelpFrame(data=None) HtmlHelpFrame(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, data=None, config=None, rootpath=wx.EmptyString) This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help. """ def AddToolbarButtons(self, toolBar, style): """ AddToolbarButtons(toolBar, style) You may override this virtual method to add more buttons to the help window's toolbar. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, config=None, rootpath=wx.EmptyString): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, config=None, rootpath=wx.EmptyString) -> bool Creates the frame. """ def GetController(self): """ GetController() -> HtmlHelpController Returns the help controller associated with the frame. """ def SetController(self, controller): """ SetController(controller) Sets the help controller associated with the frame. """ def SetTitleFormat(self, format): """ SetTitleFormat(format) Sets the frame's title format. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ Controller = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlHelpFrame #-- end-helpfrm --# #-- begin-helpdlg --# class HtmlHelpDialog(wx.Dialog): """ HtmlHelpDialog(data=None) HtmlHelpDialog(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, data=None) This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ HtmlHelpDialog(data=None) HtmlHelpDialog(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, data=None) This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help. """ def AddToolbarButtons(self, toolBar, style): """ AddToolbarButtons(toolBar, style) You may override this virtual method to add more buttons to the help window's toolbar. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE) -> bool Creates the dialog. """ def GetController(self): """ GetController() -> HtmlHelpController Returns the help controller associated with the dialog. """ def SetController(self, controller): """ SetController(controller) Sets the help controller associated with the dialog. """ def SetTitleFormat(self, format): """ SetTitleFormat(format) Sets the dialog's title format. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ Controller = property(None, None) # end of class HtmlHelpDialog #-- end-helpdlg --# #-- begin-helpwnd --# ID_HTML_PANEL = 0 ID_HTML_BACK = 0 ID_HTML_FORWARD = 0 ID_HTML_UPNODE = 0 ID_HTML_UP = 0 ID_HTML_DOWN = 0 ID_HTML_PRINT = 0 ID_HTML_OPENFILE = 0 ID_HTML_OPTIONS = 0 ID_HTML_BOOKMARKSLIST = 0 ID_HTML_BOOKMARKSADD = 0 ID_HTML_BOOKMARKSREMOVE = 0 ID_HTML_TREECTRL = 0 ID_HTML_INDEXPAGE = 0 ID_HTML_INDEXLIST = 0 ID_HTML_INDEXTEXT = 0 ID_HTML_INDEXBUTTON = 0 ID_HTML_INDEXBUTTONALL = 0 ID_HTML_NOTEBOOK = 0 ID_HTML_SEARCHPAGE = 0 ID_HTML_SEARCHTEXT = 0 ID_HTML_SEARCHLIST = 0 ID_HTML_SEARCHBUTTON = 0 ID_HTML_SEARCHCHOICE = 0 ID_HTML_COUNTINFO = 0 class HtmlHelpWindow(wx.Window): """ HtmlHelpWindow(data=None) HtmlHelpWindow(parent, WindowID, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL|wx.BORDER_NONE, helpStyle=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, data=None) This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help within a frame or dialog, but you can use it yourself to create an embedded HTML help window. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ HtmlHelpWindow(data=None) HtmlHelpWindow(parent, WindowID, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL|wx.BORDER_NONE, helpStyle=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, data=None) This class is used by wxHtmlHelpController to display help within a frame or dialog, but you can use it yourself to create an embedded HTML help window. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL|wx.BORDER_NONE, helpStyle=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL|wx.BORDER_NONE, helpStyle=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE) -> bool Creates the help window. """ def Display(self, *args, **kw): """ Display(x) -> bool Display(id) -> bool Displays page x. """ def DisplayContents(self): """ DisplayContents() -> bool Displays contents panel. """ def DisplayIndex(self): """ DisplayIndex() -> bool Displays index panel. """ def GetData(self): """ GetData() -> HtmlHelpData Returns the wxHtmlHelpData object, which is usually a pointer to the controller's data. """ def KeywordSearch(self, keyword, mode=wx.HELP_SEARCH_ALL): """ KeywordSearch(keyword, mode=wx.HELP_SEARCH_ALL) -> bool Search for given keyword. """ def ReadCustomization(self, cfg, path=wx.EmptyString): """ ReadCustomization(cfg, path=wx.EmptyString) Reads the user's settings for this window. """ def UseConfig(self, config, rootpath=wx.EmptyString): """ UseConfig(config, rootpath=wx.EmptyString) Associates a wxConfig object with the help window. """ def WriteCustomization(self, cfg, path=wx.EmptyString): """ WriteCustomization(cfg, path=wx.EmptyString) Saves the user's settings for this window. """ def RefreshLists(self): """ RefreshLists() Refresh all panels. """ def GetController(self): """ GetController() -> HtmlHelpController """ def SetController(self, controller): """ SetController(controller) """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ Controller = property(None, None) Data = property(None, None) def CreateSearch(self): """ CreateSearch() Creates search panel. """ def AddToolbarButtons(self, toolBar, style): """ AddToolbarButtons(toolBar, style) You may override this virtual method to add more buttons to the help window's toolbar. """ def CreateContents(self): """ CreateContents() Creates contents panel. """ def CreateIndex(self): """ CreateIndex() Creates index panel. """ # end of class HtmlHelpWindow #-- end-helpwnd --# #-- begin-helpctrl --# ID_HTML_HELPFRAME = 0 HF_EMBEDDED = 0 HF_DIALOG = 0 HF_FRAME = 0 HF_MODAL = 0 class HtmlHelpController(wx.HelpControllerBase): """ HtmlHelpController(style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, parentWindow=None) HtmlHelpController(parentWindow, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE) This help controller provides an easy way of displaying HTML help in your application (see HTML Sample, test example). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ HtmlHelpController(style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE, parentWindow=None) HtmlHelpController(parentWindow, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE) This help controller provides an easy way of displaying HTML help in your application (see HTML Sample, test example). """ def AddBook(self, *args, **kw): """ AddBook(bookFile, showWaitMsg=False) -> bool AddBook(bookUrl, showWaitMsg=False) -> bool Adds a book (i.e. """ def Display(self, *args, **kw): """ Display(x) -> bool Display(id) -> bool Displays page x. """ def DisplayContents(self): """ DisplayContents() -> bool Displays help window and focuses contents panel. """ def DisplayIndex(self): """ DisplayIndex() -> bool Displays help window and focuses index panel. """ def KeywordSearch(self, keyword, mode=wx.HELP_SEARCH_ALL): """ KeywordSearch(keyword, mode=wx.HELP_SEARCH_ALL) -> bool Displays the help window, focuses search panel and starts searching. """ def ReadCustomization(self, cfg, path=wx.EmptyString): """ ReadCustomization(cfg, path=wx.EmptyString) Reads the controller's setting (position of window, etc.) """ def SetShouldPreventAppExit(self, enable): """ SetShouldPreventAppExit(enable) Sets whether the help frame should prevent application from exiting if it's the only remaining top level window. """ def SetTempDir(self, path): """ SetTempDir(path) Sets the path for storing temporary files - cached binary versions of index and contents files. """ def SetTitleFormat(self, format): """ SetTitleFormat(format) Sets format of title of the frame. """ def UseConfig(self, config, rootpath=wx.EmptyString): """ UseConfig(config, rootpath=wx.EmptyString) Associates the config object with the controller. """ def WriteCustomization(self, cfg, path=wx.EmptyString): """ WriteCustomization(cfg, path=wx.EmptyString) Stores controllers setting (position of window etc.) """ def GetHelpWindow(self): """ GetHelpWindow() -> HtmlHelpWindow Get the current help window. """ def SetHelpWindow(self, helpWindow): """ SetHelpWindow(helpWindow) Set the help window to be managed by this controller. """ def GetFrame(self): """ GetFrame() -> HtmlHelpFrame Returns the current help frame. """ def GetDialog(self): """ GetDialog() -> HtmlHelpDialog Returns the current help dialog. """ Dialog = property(None, None) Frame = property(None, None) HelpWindow = property(None, None) def CreateHelpDialog(self, data): """ CreateHelpDialog(data) -> HtmlHelpDialog This protected virtual method may be overridden so that when specifying the wxHF_DIALOG style, the controller uses a different dialog. """ def CreateHelpFrame(self, data): """ CreateHelpFrame(data) -> HtmlHelpFrame This protected virtual method may be overridden so that the controller uses a different frame. """ # end of class HtmlHelpController class HtmlModalHelp(object): """ HtmlModalHelp(parent, helpFile, topic=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE|HF_DIALOG|HF_MODAL) This class uses wxHtmlHelpController to display help in a modal dialog. """ def __init__(self, parent, helpFile, topic=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE|HF_DIALOG|HF_MODAL): """ HtmlModalHelp(parent, helpFile, topic=wx.EmptyString, style=HF_DEFAULT_STYLE|HF_DIALOG|HF_MODAL) This class uses wxHtmlHelpController to display help in a modal dialog. """ # end of class HtmlModalHelp #-- end-helpctrl --# #-- begin-htmllbox --# HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE = 0 HLB_MULTIPLE = 0 HtmlListBoxNameStr = "" class HtmlListBox(wx.VListBox): """ HtmlListBox(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name=HtmlListBoxNameStr) HtmlListBox() wxHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxVListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ HtmlListBox(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name=HtmlListBoxNameStr) HtmlListBox() wxHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxVListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows. """ def GetFileSystem(self): """ GetFileSystem() -> wx.FileSystem Returns the wxFileSystem used by the HTML parser of this object. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name=HtmlListBoxNameStr): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name=HtmlListBoxNameStr) -> bool Creates the control and optionally sets the initial number of items in it (it may also be set or changed later with wxVListBox::SetItemCount). """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ FileSystem = property(None, None) def OnLinkClicked(self, n, link): """ OnLinkClicked(n, link) Called when the user clicks on hypertext link. """ def GetSelectedTextBgColour(self, colBg): """ GetSelectedTextBgColour(colBg) -> wx.Colour This virtual function may be overridden to change the appearance of the background of the selected cells in the same way as GetSelectedTextColour(). """ def GetSelectedTextColour(self, colFg): """ GetSelectedTextColour(colFg) -> wx.Colour This virtual function may be overridden to customize the appearance of the selected cells. """ def OnGetItemMarkup(self, n): """ OnGetItemMarkup(n) -> String This function may be overridden to decorate HTML returned by OnGetItem(). """ def OnGetItem(self, n): """ OnGetItem(n) -> String This method must be implemented in the derived class and should return the body (i.e. without html nor body tags) of the HTML fragment for the given item. """ # end of class HtmlListBox SimpleHtmlListBoxNameStr = "" class SimpleHtmlListBox(HtmlListBox, wx.ItemContainer): """ SimpleHtmlListBox(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, choices=[], style=HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=SimpleHtmlListBoxNameStr) SimpleHtmlListBox() wxSimpleHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxHtmlListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ SimpleHtmlListBox(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, choices=[], style=HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=SimpleHtmlListBoxNameStr) SimpleHtmlListBox() wxSimpleHtmlListBox is an implementation of wxHtmlListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows. """ def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, choices=[], style=HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=SimpleHtmlListBoxNameStr): """ Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, choices=[], style=HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=SimpleHtmlListBoxNameStr) -> bool Creates the HTML listbox for two-step construction. """ @staticmethod def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL): """ GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes """ # end of class SimpleHtmlListBox #-- end-htmllbox --#