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2020-12-02 23:58:58 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is generated by wxPython's PI generator. Do not edit by hand.
# The *.pyi files are used by PyCharm and other development tools to provide
# more information, such as PEP 484 type hints, than it is able to glean from
# introspection of extension types and methods. They are not intended to be
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# See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/
# https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html
# Copyright: (c) 2020 by Total Control Software
# License: wxWindows License
The :class:`RichTextCtrl` is a generic, ground-up implementation of a rich
text control capable of showing multiple text styles and images. This module
contains the control and many supporting classes needed for using the features
of the :class:`RichTextCtrl`.
.. note:: Due to some internal dynamic initialization in wxWidgets, this
module should be imported **before** the :class:`wx.App` object is
#-- begin-_richtext --#
import wx.xml
import wx.html
import wx.adv
import wx
#-- end-_richtext --#
#-- begin-richtextbuffer --#
RichTextLineBreakChar = ""
class TextAttrDimension(object):
TextAttrDimension(value, units=TEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
A class representing a rich text dimension, including units and
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
TextAttrDimension(value, units=TEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
A class representing a rich text dimension, including units and
m_value = property(None, None)
m_flags = property(None, None)
def Reset(self):
Resets the dimension value and flags.
def EqPartial(self, dim, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(dim, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test.
def Apply(self, dim, compareWith=None):
Apply(dim, compareWith=None) -> bool
Apply the dimension, but not those identical to compareWith if
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def __eq__(self):
def GetValue(self):
GetValue() -> int
Returns the integer value of the dimension.
def GetValueMM(self):
GetValueMM() -> float
Returns the floating-pointing value of the dimension in mm.
def SetValueMM(self, value):
Sets the value of the dimension in mm.
def SetValue(self, *args, **kw):
SetValue(value, flags)
Sets the integer value of the dimension.
def GetUnits(self):
GetUnits() -> TextAttrUnits
Gets the units of the dimension.
def SetUnits(self, units):
Sets the units of the dimension.
def GetPosition(self):
GetPosition() -> TextBoxAttrPosition
Gets the position flags.
def SetPosition(self, pos):
Sets the position flags.
def IsValid(self):
IsValid() -> bool
Returns true if the dimension is valid.
def SetValid(self, b):
Sets the valid flag.
def GetFlags(self):
GetFlags() -> TextAttrDimensionFlags
Gets the dimension flags.
def SetFlags(self, flags):
Sets the dimension flags.
def __nonzero__(self):
__nonzero__() -> int
def __bool__(self):
__bool__() -> int
Flags = property(None, None)
Position = property(None, None)
Units = property(None, None)
Value = property(None, None)
ValueMM = property(None, None)
# end of class TextAttrDimension
class TextAttrDimensions(object):
A class for left, right, top and bottom dimensions.
def __init__(self):
A class for left, right, top and bottom dimensions.
m_left = property(None, None)
m_top = property(None, None)
m_right = property(None, None)
m_bottom = property(None, None)
def Reset(self):
Resets the value and flags for all dimensions.
def __eq__(self):
def EqPartial(self, dims, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(dims, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test.
def Apply(self, dims, compareWith=None):
Apply(dims, compareWith=None) -> bool
Apply to 'this', but not if the same as compareWith.
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def RemoveStyle(self, attr):
RemoveStyle(attr) -> bool
Remove specified attributes from this object.
def GetLeft(self):
GetLeft() -> TextAttrDimension
def GetRight(self):
GetRight() -> TextAttrDimension
def GetTop(self):
GetTop() -> TextAttrDimension
def GetBottom(self):
GetBottom() -> TextAttrDimension
def IsValid(self):
IsValid() -> bool
Are all dimensions valid?
def __nonzero__(self):
__nonzero__() -> int
def __bool__(self):
__bool__() -> int
Bottom = property(None, None)
Left = property(None, None)
Right = property(None, None)
Top = property(None, None)
# end of class TextAttrDimensions
class TextAttrSize(object):
A class for representing width and height.
def __init__(self):
A class for representing width and height.
m_width = property(None, None)
m_height = property(None, None)
def Reset(self):
Resets the width and height dimensions.
def __eq__(self):
def EqPartial(self, size, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(size, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test.
def Apply(self, dims, compareWith=None):
Apply(dims, compareWith=None) -> bool
Apply to this object, but not if the same as compareWith.
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def RemoveStyle(self, attr):
RemoveStyle(attr) -> bool
Removes the specified attributes from this object.
def GetWidth(self):
GetWidth() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the width.
def SetWidth(self, *args, **kw):
SetWidth(value, flags)
Sets the width.
def GetHeight(self):
GetHeight() -> TextAttrDimension
Gets the height.
def SetHeight(self, *args, **kw):
SetHeight(value, flags)
Sets the height.
def IsValid(self):
IsValid() -> bool
Is the size valid?
def __nonzero__(self):
__nonzero__() -> int
def __bool__(self):
__bool__() -> int
Height = property(None, None)
Width = property(None, None)
# end of class TextAttrSize
class TextAttrDimensionConverter(object):
TextAttrDimensionConverter(dc, scale=1.0, parentSize=wx.DefaultSize)
TextAttrDimensionConverter(ppi, scale=1.0, parentSize=wx.DefaultSize)
A class to make it easier to convert dimensions.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
TextAttrDimensionConverter(dc, scale=1.0, parentSize=wx.DefaultSize)
TextAttrDimensionConverter(ppi, scale=1.0, parentSize=wx.DefaultSize)
A class to make it easier to convert dimensions.
m_ppi = property(None, None)
m_scale = property(None, None)
m_parentSize = property(None, None)
def GetPixels(self, dim, direction=wx.HORIZONTAL):
GetPixels(dim, direction=wx.HORIZONTAL) -> int
Gets the pixel size for the given dimension.
def GetTenthsMM(self, dim):
GetTenthsMM(dim) -> int
Gets the mm size for the given dimension.
def ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(self, units):
ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(units) -> int
Converts tenths of a mm to pixels.
def ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM(self, pixels):
ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM(pixels) -> int
Converts pixels to tenths of a mm.
# end of class TextAttrDimensionConverter
class TextAttrBorder(object):
A class representing a rich text object border.
def __init__(self):
A class representing a rich text object border.
m_borderStyle = property(None, None)
m_borderColour = property(None, None)
m_borderWidth = property(None, None)
m_flags = property(None, None)
def __eq__(self):
def Reset(self):
Resets the border style, colour, width and flags.
def EqPartial(self, border, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(border, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test.
def Apply(self, border, compareWith=None):
Apply(border, compareWith=None) -> bool
Applies the border to this object, but not if the same as compareWith.
def RemoveStyle(self, attr):
RemoveStyle(attr) -> bool
Removes the specified attributes from this object.
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def SetStyle(self, style):
Sets the border style.
def GetStyle(self):
GetStyle() -> int
Gets the border style.
def SetColour(self, *args, **kw):
Sets the border colour.
def GetColourLong(self):
GetColourLong() -> unsignedlong
Gets the colour as a long.
def GetColour(self):
GetColour() -> wx.Colour
Gets the colour.
def GetWidth(self):
GetWidth() -> TextAttrDimension
Gets the border width.
def SetWidth(self, *args, **kw):
SetWidth(value, units=TEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
Sets the border width.
def HasStyle(self):
HasStyle() -> bool
True if the border has a valid style.
def HasColour(self):
HasColour() -> bool
True if the border has a valid colour.
def HasWidth(self):
HasWidth() -> bool
True if the border has a valid width.
def IsValid(self):
IsValid() -> bool
True if the border is valid.
def IsDefault(self):
IsDefault() -> bool
True if the border has no attributes set.
def MakeValid(self):
Set the valid flag for this border.
def GetFlags(self):
GetFlags() -> int
Returns the border flags.
def SetFlags(self, flags):
Sets the border flags.
def AddFlag(self, flag):
Adds a border flag.
def RemoveFlag(self, flag):
Removes a border flag.
def __nonzero__(self):
__nonzero__() -> int
def __bool__(self):
__bool__() -> int
Colour = property(None, None)
ColourLong = property(None, None)
Flags = property(None, None)
Style = property(None, None)
Width = property(None, None)
# end of class TextAttrBorder
class TextAttrBorders(object):
A class representing a rich text object's borders.
def __init__(self):
A class representing a rich text object's borders.
m_left = property(None, None)
m_right = property(None, None)
m_top = property(None, None)
m_bottom = property(None, None)
def __eq__(self):
def SetStyle(self, style):
Sets the style of all borders.
def SetColour(self, *args, **kw):
Sets colour of all borders.
def SetWidth(self, *args, **kw):
SetWidth(value, units=TEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM)
Sets the width of all borders.
def Reset(self):
Resets all borders.
def EqPartial(self, borders, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(borders, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test.
def Apply(self, borders, compareWith=None):
Apply(borders, compareWith=None) -> bool
Applies border to this object, but not if the same as compareWith.
def RemoveStyle(self, attr):
RemoveStyle(attr) -> bool
Removes the specified attributes from this object.
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def IsValid(self):
IsValid() -> bool
Returns true if at least one border is valid.
def GetLeft(self):
GetLeft() -> TextAttrBorder
def GetRight(self):
GetRight() -> TextAttrBorder
def GetTop(self):
GetTop() -> TextAttrBorder
def GetBottom(self):
GetBottom() -> TextAttrBorder
def __nonzero__(self):
__nonzero__() -> int
def __bool__(self):
__bool__() -> int
Bottom = property(None, None)
Left = property(None, None)
Right = property(None, None)
Top = property(None, None)
# end of class TextAttrBorders
class TextAttrShadow(object):
A class representing a shadow.
def __init__(self):
A class representing a shadow.
m_flags = property(None, None)
m_shadowColour = property(None, None)
m_offsetX = property(None, None)
m_offsetY = property(None, None)
m_spread = property(None, None)
m_blurDistance = property(None, None)
m_opacity = property(None, None)
def __eq__(self):
def Reset(self):
Resets the shadow.
def EqPartial(self, shadow, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(shadow, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test.
def Apply(self, shadow, compareWith=None):
Apply(shadow, compareWith=None) -> bool
Applies the border to this object, but not if the same as compareWith.
def RemoveStyle(self, attr):
RemoveStyle(attr) -> bool
Removes the specified attributes from this object.
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def SetColour(self, *args, **kw):
Sets the shadow colour.
def GetColourLong(self):
GetColourLong() -> unsignedlong
Gets the colour as a long.
def GetColour(self):
GetColour() -> wx.Colour
Gets the colour.
def HasColour(self):
HasColour() -> bool
True if the shadow has a valid colour.
def GetOffsetX(self):
GetOffsetX() -> TextAttrDimension
Gets the shadow horizontal offset.
def SetOffsetX(self, offset):
Sets the shadow horizontal offset.
def GetOffsetY(self):
GetOffsetY() -> TextAttrDimension
Gets the shadow vertical offset.
def SetOffsetY(self, offset):
Sets the shadow vertical offset.
def GetSpread(self):
GetSpread() -> TextAttrDimension
Gets the shadow spread size.
def SetSpread(self, spread):
Sets the shadow spread size.
def GetBlurDistance(self):
GetBlurDistance() -> TextAttrDimension
Gets the shadow blur distance.
def SetBlurDistance(self, blur):
Sets the shadow blur distance.
def GetOpacity(self):
GetOpacity() -> TextAttrDimension
Gets the shadow opacity.
def IsValid(self):
IsValid() -> bool
Returns true if the dimension is valid.
def SetValid(self, b):
Sets the valid flag.
def GetFlags(self):
GetFlags() -> int
Returns the border flags.
def SetFlags(self, flags):
Sets the border flags.
def AddFlag(self, flag):
Adds a border flag.
def RemoveFlag(self, flag):
Removes a border flag.
def SetOpacity(self, opacity):
Sets the shadow opacity.
def IsDefault(self):
IsDefault() -> bool
True if the shadow has no attributes set.
BlurDistance = property(None, None)
Colour = property(None, None)
ColourLong = property(None, None)
Flags = property(None, None)
OffsetX = property(None, None)
OffsetY = property(None, None)
Opacity = property(None, None)
Spread = property(None, None)
# end of class TextAttrShadow
class TextBoxAttr(object):
A class representing the box attributes of a rich text object.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
A class representing the box attributes of a rich text object.
m_flags = property(None, None)
m_margins = property(None, None)
m_padding = property(None, None)
m_position = property(None, None)
m_size = property(None, None)
m_minSize = property(None, None)
m_maxSize = property(None, None)
m_border = property(None, None)
m_outline = property(None, None)
m_floatMode = property(None, None)
m_clearMode = property(None, None)
m_collapseMode = property(None, None)
m_verticalAlignment = property(None, None)
m_whitespaceMode = property(None, None)
m_cornerRadius = property(None, None)
m_boxStyleName = property(None, None)
m_shadow = property(None, None)
def Init(self):
Initialises this object.
def Reset(self):
Resets this object.
def __eq__(self):
def EqPartial(self, attr, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(attr, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test, ignoring unset attributes.
def Apply(self, style, compareWith=None):
Apply(style, compareWith=None) -> bool
Merges the given attributes.
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def RemoveStyle(self, attr):
RemoveStyle(attr) -> bool
Removes the specified attributes from this object.
def SetFlags(self, flags):
Sets the flags.
def GetFlags(self):
GetFlags() -> int
Returns the flags.
def HasFlag(self, flag):
HasFlag(flag) -> bool
Is this flag present?
def RemoveFlag(self, flag):
Removes this flag.
def AddFlag(self, flag):
Adds this flag.
def IsDefault(self):
IsDefault() -> bool
Returns true if no attributes are set.
def GetFloatMode(self):
GetFloatMode() -> TextBoxAttrFloatStyle
Returns the float mode.
def SetFloatMode(self, mode):
Sets the float mode.
def HasFloatMode(self):
HasFloatMode() -> bool
Returns true if float mode is active.
def IsFloating(self):
IsFloating() -> bool
Returns true if this object is floating.
def GetClearMode(self):
GetClearMode() -> TextBoxAttrClearStyle
Returns the clear mode - whether to wrap text after object.
def SetClearMode(self, mode):
Set the clear mode.
def HasClearMode(self):
HasClearMode() -> bool
Returns true if we have a clear flag.
def GetCollapseBorders(self):
GetCollapseBorders() -> TextBoxAttrCollapseMode
Returns the collapse mode - whether to collapse borders.
def SetCollapseBorders(self, collapse):
Sets the collapse mode - whether to collapse borders.
def HasCollapseBorders(self):
HasCollapseBorders() -> bool
Returns true if the collapse borders flag is present.
def GetWhitespaceMode(self):
GetWhitespaceMode() -> TextBoxAttrWhitespaceMode
Returns the whitespace mode.
def SetWhitespaceMode(self, whitespace):
Sets the whitespace mode.
def HasWhitespaceMode(self):
HasWhitespaceMode() -> bool
Returns true if the whitespace flag is present.
def HasCornerRadius(self):
HasCornerRadius() -> bool
Returns true if the corner radius flag is present.
def GetCornerRadius(self):
GetCornerRadius() -> TextAttrDimension
def SetCornerRadius(self, dim):
Sets the corner radius value.
def GetVerticalAlignment(self):
GetVerticalAlignment() -> TextBoxAttrVerticalAlignment
Returns the vertical alignment.
def SetVerticalAlignment(self, verticalAlignment):
Sets the vertical alignment.
def HasVerticalAlignment(self):
HasVerticalAlignment() -> bool
Returns true if a vertical alignment flag is present.
def GetMargins(self):
GetMargins() -> TextAttrDimensions
Returns the margin values.
def GetLeftMargin(self):
GetLeftMargin() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the left margin.
def GetRightMargin(self):
GetRightMargin() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the right margin.
def GetTopMargin(self):
GetTopMargin() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the top margin.
def GetBottomMargin(self):
GetBottomMargin() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the bottom margin.
def GetPosition(self):
GetPosition() -> TextAttrDimensions
Returns the position.
def GetLeft(self):
GetLeft() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the left position.
def GetRight(self):
GetRight() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the right position.
def GetTop(self):
GetTop() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the top position.
def GetBottom(self):
GetBottom() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the bottom position.
def GetPadding(self):
GetPadding() -> TextAttrDimensions
Returns the padding values.
def GetLeftPadding(self):
GetLeftPadding() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the left padding value.
def GetRightPadding(self):
GetRightPadding() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the right padding value.
def GetTopPadding(self):
GetTopPadding() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the top padding value.
def GetBottomPadding(self):
GetBottomPadding() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the bottom padding value.
def GetBorder(self):
GetBorder() -> TextAttrBorders
Returns the borders.
def GetLeftBorder(self):
GetLeftBorder() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the left border.
def GetTopBorder(self):
GetTopBorder() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the top border.
def GetRightBorder(self):
GetRightBorder() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the right border.
def GetBottomBorder(self):
GetBottomBorder() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the bottom border.
def GetOutline(self):
GetOutline() -> TextAttrBorders
Returns the outline.
def GetLeftOutline(self):
GetLeftOutline() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the left outline.
def GetTopOutline(self):
GetTopOutline() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the top outline.
def GetRightOutline(self):
GetRightOutline() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the right outline.
def GetBottomOutline(self):
GetBottomOutline() -> TextAttrBorder
Returns the bottom outline.
def GetSize(self):
GetSize() -> TextAttrSize
Returns the object size.
def GetMinSize(self):
GetMinSize() -> TextAttrSize
Returns the object minimum size.
def GetMaxSize(self):
GetMaxSize() -> TextAttrSize
Returns the object maximum size.
def SetSize(self, sz):
Sets the object size.
def SetMinSize(self, sz):
Sets the object minimum size.
def SetMaxSize(self, sz):
Sets the object maximum size.
def GetWidth(self):
GetWidth() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the object width.
def GetHeight(self):
GetHeight() -> TextAttrDimension
Returns the object height.
def GetBoxStyleName(self):
GetBoxStyleName() -> String
Returns the box style name.
def SetBoxStyleName(self, name):
Sets the box style name.
def HasBoxStyleName(self):
HasBoxStyleName() -> bool
Returns true if the box style name is present.
def GetShadow(self):
GetShadow() -> TextAttrShadow
Returns the box shadow attributes.
Border = property(None, None)
Bottom = property(None, None)
BottomBorder = property(None, None)
BottomMargin = property(None, None)
BottomOutline = property(None, None)
BottomPadding = property(None, None)
BoxStyleName = property(None, None)
ClearMode = property(None, None)
CollapseBorders = property(None, None)
CornerRadius = property(None, None)
Flags = property(None, None)
FloatMode = property(None, None)
Height = property(None, None)
Left = property(None, None)
LeftBorder = property(None, None)
LeftMargin = property(None, None)
LeftOutline = property(None, None)
LeftPadding = property(None, None)
Margins = property(None, None)
MaxSize = property(None, None)
MinSize = property(None, None)
Outline = property(None, None)
Padding = property(None, None)
Position = property(None, None)
Right = property(None, None)
RightBorder = property(None, None)
RightMargin = property(None, None)
RightOutline = property(None, None)
RightPadding = property(None, None)
Shadow = property(None, None)
Size = property(None, None)
Top = property(None, None)
TopBorder = property(None, None)
TopMargin = property(None, None)
TopOutline = property(None, None)
TopPadding = property(None, None)
VerticalAlignment = property(None, None)
WhitespaceMode = property(None, None)
Width = property(None, None)
# end of class TextBoxAttr
class RichTextAttr(wx.TextAttr):
A class representing enhanced attributes for rich text objects.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
A class representing enhanced attributes for rich text objects.
m_textBoxAttr = property(None, None)
def Copy(self, attr):
Copy function.
def __eq__(self):
def EqPartial(self, attr, weakTest=True):
EqPartial(attr, weakTest=True) -> bool
Partial equality test.
def Apply(self, style, compareWith=None):
Apply(style, compareWith=None) -> bool
Merges the given attributes.
def CollectCommonAttributes(self, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectCommonAttributes(attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content,
building up a note of which attributes are absent in some objects and
which clash in some objects.
def RemoveStyle(self, attr):
RemoveStyle(attr) -> bool
Removes the specified attributes from this object.
def GetTextBoxAttr(self):
GetTextBoxAttr() -> TextBoxAttr
Returns the text box attributes.
def SetTextBoxAttr(self, attr):
Set the text box attributes.
def IsDefault(self):
IsDefault() -> bool
Returns true if no attributes are set.
TextBoxAttr = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextAttr
class RichTextProperties(wx.Object):
A simple property class using wxVariants.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
A simple property class using wxVariants.
def __eq__(self):
def Copy(self, props):
Copies from props.
def Clear(self):
Clears the properties.
def GetProperties(self):
GetProperties() -> RichTextVariantArray
Returns the array of variants implementing the properties.
def SetProperties(self, props):
Sets the array of variants.
def GetPropertyNames(self):
GetPropertyNames() -> ArrayString
Returns all the property names.
def GetCount(self):
GetCount() -> size_t
Returns a count of the properties.
def HasProperty(self, name):
HasProperty(name) -> bool
Returns true if the given property is found.
def Find(self, name):
Find(name) -> int
Finds the given property.
def Remove(self, name):
Remove(name) -> bool
Removes the given property.
def GetProperty(self, name):
GetProperty(name) -> Variant
Gets the property variant by name.
def FindOrCreateProperty(self, name):
FindOrCreateProperty(name) -> Variant
Finds or creates a property with the given name, returning a pointer
to the variant.
def GetPropertyString(self, name):
GetPropertyString(name) -> String
Gets the value of the named property as a string.
def GetPropertyLong(self, name):
GetPropertyLong(name) -> long
Gets the value of the named property as a long integer.
def GetPropertyBool(self, name):
GetPropertyBool(name) -> bool
Gets the value of the named property as a boolean.
def GetPropertyDouble(self, name):
GetPropertyDouble(name) -> double
Gets the value of the named property as a double.
def SetProperty(self, *args, **kw):
SetProperty(name, variant)
SetProperty(name, value)
SetProperty(name, value)
SetProperty(name, value)
SetProperty(name, value)
Sets the property by passing a variant which contains a name and
def RemoveProperties(self, properties):
Removes the given properties from these properties.
def MergeProperties(self, properties):
Merges the given properties with these properties.
Count = property(None, None)
Properties = property(None, None)
PropertyNames = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextProperties
class RichTextFontTable(wx.Object):
Manages quick access to a pool of fonts for rendering rich text.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
Manages quick access to a pool of fonts for rendering rich text.
def IsOk(self):
IsOk() -> bool
Returns true if the font table is valid.
def FindFont(self, fontSpec):
FindFont(fontSpec) -> wx.Font
Finds a font for the given attribute object.
def Clear(self):
Clears the font table.
def __eq__(self):
def __ne__(self):
def SetFontScale(self, fontScale):
Set the font scale factor.
# end of class RichTextFontTable
class RichTextRange(object):
RichTextRange(start, end)
This stores beginning and end positions for a range of data.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextRange(start, end)
This stores beginning and end positions for a range of data.
def __eq__(self):
def __ne__(self):
def __sub__(self):
def __add__(self):
def SetRange(self, start, end):
SetRange(start, end)
Sets the range start and end positions.
def SetStart(self, start):
Sets the start position.
def GetStart(self):
GetStart() -> long
Returns the start position.
def SetEnd(self, end):
Sets the end position.
def GetEnd(self):
GetEnd() -> long
Gets the end position.
def IsOutside(self, range):
IsOutside(range) -> bool
Returns true if this range is completely outside range.
def IsWithin(self, range):
IsWithin(range) -> bool
Returns true if this range is completely within range.
def Contains(self, pos):
Contains(pos) -> bool
Returns true if pos was within the range.
def LimitTo(self, range):
LimitTo(range) -> bool
Limit this range to be within range.
def GetLength(self):
GetLength() -> long
Gets the length of the range.
def Swap(self):
Swaps the start and end.
def ToInternal(self):
ToInternal() -> RichTextRange
Converts the API-standard range, whose end is one past the last
character in the range, to the internal form, which uses the first and
last character positions of the range.
def FromInternal(self):
FromInternal() -> RichTextRange
Converts the internal range, which uses the first and last character
positions of the range, to the API-standard range, whose end is one
past the last character in the range.
End = property(None, None)
Length = property(None, None)
Start = property(None, None)
def Get(self):
Get() -> (start, end)
Return the start and end properties as a tuple.
def GetIM(self):
Returns an immutable representation of the ``wx.RichTextRange`` object, based on ``namedtuple``.
This new object is hashable and can be used as a dictionary key,
be added to sets, etc. It can be converted back into a real ``wx.RichTextRange``
with a simple statement like this: ``obj = wx.RichTextRange(imObj)``.
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
def __len__(self):
def __nonzero__(self):
def __bool__(self):
def __reduce__(self):
def __getitem__(self, idx):
def __setitem__(self, idx, val):
__safe_for_unpickling__ = True
# end of class RichTextRange
RICHTEXT_ALL = RichTextRange(-2, -2)
RICHTEXT_NONE = RichTextRange(-1, -1)
RICHTEXT_NO_SELECTION = RichTextRange(-2, -2)
class RichTextSelection(object):
RichTextSelection(range, container)
Stores selection information.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextSelection(range, container)
Stores selection information.
m_ranges = property(None, None)
m_container = property(None, None)
def Reset(self):
Resets the selection.
def Set(self, *args, **kw):
Set(range, container)
Set(ranges, container)
Sets the selection.
def Add(self, range):
Adds a range to the selection.
def Copy(self, sel):
Copies from sel.
def __eq__(self):
def GetRanges(self):
GetRanges() -> RichTextRangeArray
Returns the selection ranges.
def SetRanges(self, ranges):
Sets the selection ranges.
def GetCount(self):
GetCount() -> size_t
Returns the number of ranges in the selection.
def GetRange(self, *args, **kw):
GetRange(i) -> RichTextRange
GetRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the range at the given index.
def SetRange(self, range):
Sets a single range.
def GetContainer(self):
GetContainer() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the container for which the selection is valid.
def SetContainer(self, container):
Sets the container for which the selection is valid.
def IsValid(self):
IsValid() -> bool
Returns true if the selection is valid.
def GetSelectionForObject(self, obj):
GetSelectionForObject(obj) -> RichTextRangeArray
Returns the selection appropriate to the specified object, if any;
returns an empty array if none at the level of the object's container.
def WithinSelection(self, *args, **kw):
WithinSelection(pos, obj) -> bool
WithinSelection(pos) -> bool
WithinSelection(pos, ranges) -> bool
WithinSelection(range, ranges) -> bool
Returns true if the given position is within the selection.
def __nonzero__(self):
__nonzero__() -> int
def __bool__(self):
__bool__() -> int
Container = property(None, None)
Count = property(None, None)
Range = property(None, None)
Ranges = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextSelection
class RichTextDrawingContext(wx.Object):
A class for passing information to drawing and measuring functions.
def __init__(self, buffer):
A class for passing information to drawing and measuring functions.
m_buffer = property(None, None)
m_enableVirtualAttributes = property(None, None)
m_enableImages = property(None, None)
m_enableDelayedImageLoading = property(None, None)
m_layingOut = property(None, None)
def Init(self):
def HasVirtualAttributes(self, obj):
HasVirtualAttributes(obj) -> bool
Does this object have virtual attributes? Virtual attributes can be
provided for visual cues without affecting the actual styling.
def GetVirtualAttributes(self, obj):
GetVirtualAttributes(obj) -> RichTextAttr
Returns the virtual attributes for this object.
def ApplyVirtualAttributes(self, attr, obj):
ApplyVirtualAttributes(attr, obj) -> bool
Applies any virtual attributes relevant to this object.
def GetVirtualSubobjectAttributesCount(self, obj):
GetVirtualSubobjectAttributesCount(obj) -> int
Gets the count for mixed virtual attributes for individual positions
within the object.
def GetVirtualSubobjectAttributes(self, obj, positions, attributes):
GetVirtualSubobjectAttributes(obj, positions, attributes) -> int
Gets the mixed virtual attributes for individual positions within the
def HasVirtualText(self, obj):
HasVirtualText(obj) -> bool
Do we have virtual text for this object? Virtual text allows an
application to replace characters in an object for editing and display
purposes, for example for highlighting special characters.
def GetVirtualText(self, obj, text):
GetVirtualText(obj, text) -> bool
Gets the virtual text for this object.
def EnableVirtualAttributes(self, b):
Enables virtual attribute processing.
def GetVirtualAttributesEnabled(self):
GetVirtualAttributesEnabled() -> bool
Returns true if virtual attribute processing is enabled.
def EnableImages(self, b):
Enable or disable images.
def GetImagesEnabled(self):
GetImagesEnabled() -> bool
Returns true if images are enabled.
def SetLayingOut(self, b):
Set laying out flag.
def GetLayingOut(self):
GetLayingOut() -> bool
Returns true if laying out.
def EnableDelayedImageLoading(self, b):
Enable or disable delayed image loading.
def GetDelayedImageLoading(self):
GetDelayedImageLoading() -> bool
Returns true if delayed image loading is enabled.
DelayedImageLoading = property(None, None)
ImagesEnabled = property(None, None)
LayingOut = property(None, None)
VirtualAttributesEnabled = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextDrawingContext
class RichTextObject(wx.Object):
This is the base for drawable rich text objects.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
This is the base for drawable rich text objects.
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0):
HitTest(dc, context, pt, flags=0) -> (int, textPosition, obj, contextObj)
Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus
information about position.
def FindPosition(self, dc, context, index, forceLineStart):
FindPosition(dc, context, index, forceLineStart) -> (bool, pt, height)
Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character
def GetBestSize(self):
GetBestSize() -> wx.Size
Returns the best size, i.e. the ideal starting size for this object
irrespective of available space.
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def DoSplit(self, pos):
DoSplit(pos) -> RichTextObject
Do a split from pos, returning an object containing the second part,
and setting the first part in 'this'.
def CalculateRange(self, start):
CalculateRange(start) -> end
Calculates the range of the object.
def DeleteRange(self, range):
DeleteRange(range) -> bool
Deletes the given range.
def IsEmpty(self):
IsEmpty() -> bool
Returns true if the object is empty.
def IsFloatable(self):
IsFloatable() -> bool
Returns true if this class of object is floatable.
def IsFloating(self):
IsFloating() -> bool
Returns true if this object is currently floating.
def GetFloatDirection(self):
GetFloatDirection() -> int
Returns the floating direction.
def GetTextForRange(self, range):
GetTextForRange(range) -> String
Returns any text in this object for the given range.
def CanMerge(self, object, context):
CanMerge(object, context) -> bool
Returns true if this object can merge itself with the given one.
def Merge(self, object, context):
Merge(object, context) -> bool
Returns true if this object merged itself with the given one.
def CanSplit(self, context):
CanSplit(context) -> bool
Returns true if this object can potentially be split, by virtue of
having different virtual attributes for individual sub-objects.
def Split(self, context):
Split(context) -> RichTextObject
Returns the final object in the split objects if this object was split
due to differences between sub-object virtual attributes.
def CanEditProperties(self):
CanEditProperties() -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, parent, buffer):
EditProperties(parent, buffer) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel() -> String
Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item.
def AcceptsFocus(self):
AcceptsFocus() -> bool
Returns true if objects of this class can accept the focus, i.e. a
call to SetFocusObject is possible.
def ImportFromXML(self, buffer, node, handler, recurse):
ImportFromXML(buffer, node, handler, recurse) -> bool
Imports this object from XML.
def UsesParagraphAttributes(self):
UsesParagraphAttributes() -> bool
Returns true if this object takes note of paragraph attributes (text
and image objects don't).
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def Invalidate(self, invalidRange=RICHTEXT_ALL):
Invalidates the object at the given range.
def HandlesChildSelections(self):
HandlesChildSelections() -> bool
Returns true if this object can handle the selections of its children,
fOr example a table.
def GetSelection(self, start, end):
GetSelection(start, end) -> RichTextSelection
Returns a selection object specifying the selections between start and
end character positions.
def GetCachedSize(self):
GetCachedSize() -> wx.Size
Gets the cached object size as calculated by Layout.
def SetCachedSize(self, sz):
Sets the cached object size as calculated by Layout.
def GetMaxSize(self):
GetMaxSize() -> wx.Size
Gets the maximum object size as calculated by Layout.
def SetMaxSize(self, sz):
Sets the maximum object size as calculated by Layout.
def GetMinSize(self):
GetMinSize() -> wx.Size
Gets the minimum object size as calculated by Layout.
def SetMinSize(self, sz):
Sets the minimum object size as calculated by Layout.
def GetNaturalSize(self):
GetNaturalSize() -> TextAttrSize
Gets the 'natural' size for an object.
def GetPosition(self):
GetPosition() -> wx.Point
Returns the object position in pixels.
def SetPosition(self, pos):
Sets the object position in pixels.
def GetAbsolutePosition(self):
GetAbsolutePosition() -> wx.Point
Returns the absolute object position, by traversing up the
child/parent hierarchy.
def GetRect(self):
GetRect() -> wx.Rect
Returns the rectangle enclosing the object.
def SetRange(self, range):
Sets the object's range within its container.
def GetRange(self):
GetRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the object's range.
def SetOwnRange(self, range):
Set the object's own range, for a top-level object with its own
position space.
def GetOwnRange(self):
GetOwnRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the object's own range (valid if top-level).
def GetOwnRangeIfTopLevel(self):
GetOwnRangeIfTopLevel() -> RichTextRange
Returns the object's own range only if a top-level object.
def IsComposite(self):
IsComposite() -> bool
Returns true if this object is composite.
def IsAtomic(self):
IsAtomic() -> bool
Returns true if no user editing can be done inside the object.
def GetParent(self):
GetParent() -> RichTextObject
Returns a pointer to the parent object.
def SetParent(self, parent):
Sets the pointer to the parent object.
def GetContainer(self):
GetContainer() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the top-level container of this object.
def GetParentContainer(self):
GetParentContainer() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the top-level container of this object.
def SetMargins(self, *args, **kw):
SetMargins(leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin)
Set the margin around the object, in pixels.
def GetLeftMargin(self):
GetLeftMargin() -> int
Returns the left margin of the object, in pixels.
def GetRightMargin(self):
GetRightMargin() -> int
Returns the right margin of the object, in pixels.
def GetTopMargin(self):
GetTopMargin() -> int
Returns the top margin of the object, in pixels.
def GetBottomMargin(self):
GetBottomMargin() -> int
Returns the bottom margin of the object, in pixels.
def GetAvailableContentArea(self, dc, context, outerRect):
GetAvailableContentArea(dc, context, outerRect) -> wx.Rect
Calculates the available content space in the given rectangle, given
the margins, border and padding specified in the object's attributes.
def LayoutToBestSize(self, dc, context, buffer, parentAttr, attr, availableParentSpace, availableContainerSpace, style):
LayoutToBestSize(dc, context, buffer, parentAttr, attr, availableParentSpace, availableContainerSpace, style) -> bool
Lays out the object first with a given amount of space, and then if no
width was specified in attr, lays out the object again using the
minimum size.
def AdjustAttributes(self, attr, context):
AdjustAttributes(attr, context) -> bool
Adjusts the attributes for virtual attribute provision, collapsed
borders, etc.
def SetAttributes(self, attr):
Sets the object's attributes.
def GetAttributes(self):
GetAttributes() -> RichTextAttr
Returns the object's attributes.
def GetProperties(self):
GetProperties() -> RichTextProperties
Returns the object's properties.
def SetProperties(self, props):
Sets the object's properties.
def SetDescent(self, descent):
Sets the stored descent value.
def GetDescent(self):
GetDescent() -> int
Returns the stored descent value.
def GetBuffer(self):
GetBuffer() -> RichTextBuffer
Returns the containing buffer.
def SetName(self, name):
Sets the identifying name for this object as a property using the
"name" key.
def GetName(self):
GetName() -> String
Returns the identifying name for this object from the properties,
using the "name" key.
def IsTopLevel(self):
IsTopLevel() -> bool
Returns true if this object is top-level, i.e. contains its own
paragraphs, such as a text box.
def IsShown(self):
IsShown() -> bool
Returns true if the object will be shown, false otherwise.
def Show(self, show):
Call to show or hide this object.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
def Copy(self, obj):
Copies the object.
def Reference(self):
Reference-counting allows us to use the same object in multiple lists
(not yet used).
def Dereference(self):
Reference-counting allows us to use the same object in multiple lists
(not yet used).
def Move(self, pt):
Moves the object recursively, by adding the offset from old to new.
def ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(self, *args, **kw):
ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, units) -> int
ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(ppi, units, scale=1.0) -> int
Converts units in tenths of a millimetre to device units.
def ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM(self, *args, **kw):
ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM(dc, pixels) -> int
ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM(ppi, pixels, scale=1.0) -> int
Convert units in pixels to tenths of a millimetre.
def DrawBoxAttributes(dc, buffer, attr, boxRect, flags=0, obj=None):
DrawBoxAttributes(dc, buffer, attr, boxRect, flags=0, obj=None) -> bool
Draws the borders and background for the given rectangle and
def DrawBorder(dc, buffer, attr, borders, rect, flags=0):
DrawBorder(dc, buffer, attr, borders, rect, flags=0) -> bool
Draws a border.
def GetBoxRects(dc, buffer, attr):
GetBoxRects(dc, buffer, attr) -> (bool, marginRect, borderRect, contentRect, paddingRect, outlineRect)
Returns the various rectangles of the box model in pixels.
def GetTotalMargin(dc, buffer, attr):
GetTotalMargin(dc, buffer, attr) -> (bool, leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin)
Returns the total margin for the object in pixels, taking into account
margin, padding and border size.
def AdjustAvailableSpace(dc, buffer, parentAttr, childAttr, availableParentSpace, availableContainerSpace):
AdjustAvailableSpace(dc, buffer, parentAttr, childAttr, availableParentSpace, availableContainerSpace) -> wx.Rect
Returns the rectangle which the child has available to it given
restrictions specified in the child attribute, e.g.
AbsolutePosition = property(None, None)
Attributes = property(None, None)
BestSize = property(None, None)
BottomMargin = property(None, None)
Buffer = property(None, None)
CachedSize = property(None, None)
Container = property(None, None)
Descent = property(None, None)
FloatDirection = property(None, None)
LeftMargin = property(None, None)
MaxSize = property(None, None)
MinSize = property(None, None)
Name = property(None, None)
NaturalSize = property(None, None)
OwnRange = property(None, None)
OwnRangeIfTopLevel = property(None, None)
Parent = property(None, None)
ParentContainer = property(None, None)
Position = property(None, None)
Properties = property(None, None)
PropertiesMenuLabel = property(None, None)
Range = property(None, None)
Rect = property(None, None)
RightMargin = property(None, None)
TopMargin = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextObject
class RichTextCompositeObject(RichTextObject):
Objects of this class can contain other objects.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
Objects of this class can contain other objects.
def HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0):
HitTest(dc, context, pt, flags=0) -> (int, textPosition, obj, contextObj)
Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus
information about position.
def FindPosition(self, dc, context, index, forceLineStart):
FindPosition(dc, context, index, forceLineStart) -> (bool, pt, height)
Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character
def CalculateRange(self, start):
CalculateRange(start) -> end
Calculates the range of the object.
def DeleteRange(self, range):
DeleteRange(range) -> bool
Deletes the given range.
def GetTextForRange(self, range):
GetTextForRange(range) -> String
Returns any text in this object for the given range.
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def Invalidate(self, invalidRange=RICHTEXT_ALL):
Invalidates the object at the given range.
def GetChildren(self):
GetChildren() -> RichTextObjectList
Returns the children.
def GetChildCount(self):
GetChildCount() -> size_t
Returns the number of children.
def GetChild(self, n):
GetChild(n) -> RichTextObject
Returns the nth child.
def IsComposite(self):
IsComposite() -> bool
Returns true if this object is composite.
def IsAtomic(self):
IsAtomic() -> bool
Returns true if no user editing can be done inside the object.
def IsEmpty(self):
IsEmpty() -> bool
Returns true if the buffer is empty.
def GetChildAtPosition(self, pos):
GetChildAtPosition(pos) -> RichTextObject
Returns the child object at the given character position.
def Copy(self, obj):
def AppendChild(self, child):
AppendChild(child) -> size_t
Appends a child, returning the position.
def InsertChild(self, child, inFrontOf):
InsertChild(child, inFrontOf) -> bool
Inserts the child in front of the given object, or at the beginning.
def RemoveChild(self, child, deleteChild=False):
RemoveChild(child, deleteChild=False) -> bool
Removes and optionally deletes the specified child.
def DeleteChildren(self):
DeleteChildren() -> bool
Deletes all the children.
def Defragment(self, context, range=RICHTEXT_ALL):
Defragment(context, range=RICHTEXT_ALL) -> bool
Recursively merges all pieces that can be merged.
def Move(self, pt):
Moves the object recursively, by adding the offset from old to new.
ChildCount = property(None, None)
Children = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextCompositeObject
class RichTextParagraphLayoutBox(RichTextCompositeObject):
This class knows how to lay out paragraphs.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
This class knows how to lay out paragraphs.
def SetListStyle(self, *args, **kw):
SetListStyle(range, styleDef, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
SetListStyle(range, defName, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
Sets the list attributes for the given range, passing flags to
determine how the attributes are set.
def NumberList(self, *args, **kw):
NumberList(range, def=None, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
NumberList(range, defName, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
Numbers the paragraphs in the given range.
def PromoteList(self, *args, **kw):
PromoteList(promoteBy, range, def=None, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
PromoteList(promoteBy, range, defName, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
Promotes the list items within the given range.
def HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0):
HitTest(dc, context, pt, flags=0) -> (int, textPosition, obj, contextObj)
Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus
information about position.
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def DeleteRange(self, range):
DeleteRange(range) -> bool
Deletes the given range.
def GetTextForRange(self, range):
GetTextForRange(range) -> String
Returns any text in this object for the given range.
def ImportFromXML(self, buffer, node, handler, recurse):
ImportFromXML(buffer, node, handler, recurse) -> bool
Imports this object from XML.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def AcceptsFocus(self):
AcceptsFocus() -> bool
Returns true if objects of this class can accept the focus, i.e. a
call to SetFocusObject is possible.
def SetRichTextCtrl(self, ctrl):
Associates a control with the buffer, for operations that for example
require refreshing the window.
def GetRichTextCtrl(self):
GetRichTextCtrl() -> RichTextCtrl
Returns the associated control.
def SetPartialParagraph(self, partialPara):
Sets a flag indicating whether the last paragraph is partial or
def GetPartialParagraph(self):
GetPartialParagraph() -> bool
Returns a flag indicating whether the last paragraph is partial or
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the style sheet associated with the overall buffer.
def IsTopLevel(self):
IsTopLevel() -> bool
Returns true if this object is top-level, i.e. contains its own
paragraphs, such as a text box.
def InsertParagraphsWithUndo(self, buffer, pos, paragraphs, ctrl, flags=0):
InsertParagraphsWithUndo(buffer, pos, paragraphs, ctrl, flags=0) -> bool
Submits a command to insert paragraphs.
def InsertTextWithUndo(self, buffer, pos, text, ctrl, flags=0):
InsertTextWithUndo(buffer, pos, text, ctrl, flags=0) -> bool
Submits a command to insert the given text.
def InsertNewlineWithUndo(self, buffer, pos, ctrl, flags=0):
InsertNewlineWithUndo(buffer, pos, ctrl, flags=0) -> bool
Submits a command to insert the given text.
def InsertImageWithUndo(self, buffer, pos, imageBlock, ctrl, flags, textAttr):
InsertImageWithUndo(buffer, pos, imageBlock, ctrl, flags, textAttr) -> bool
Submits a command to insert the given image.
def InsertFieldWithUndo(self, buffer, pos, fieldType, properties, ctrl, flags, textAttr):
InsertFieldWithUndo(buffer, pos, fieldType, properties, ctrl, flags, textAttr) -> RichTextField
Submits a command to insert the given field.
def GetStyleForNewParagraph(self, buffer, pos, caretPosition=False, lookUpNewParaStyle=False):
GetStyleForNewParagraph(buffer, pos, caretPosition=False, lookUpNewParaStyle=False) -> RichTextAttr
Returns the style that is appropriate for a new paragraph at this
def InsertObjectWithUndo(self, buffer, pos, object, ctrl, flags=0):
InsertObjectWithUndo(buffer, pos, object, ctrl, flags=0) -> RichTextObject
Inserts an object.
def DeleteRangeWithUndo(self, range, ctrl, buffer):
DeleteRangeWithUndo(range, ctrl, buffer) -> bool
Submits a command to delete this range.
def DrawFloats(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
DrawFloats(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style)
Draws the floating objects in this buffer.
def MoveAnchoredObjectToParagraph(self, from_, to_, obj):
MoveAnchoredObjectToParagraph(from_, to_, obj)
Moves an anchored object to another paragraph.
def Init(self):
Initializes the object.
def Clear(self):
Clears all the children.
def Reset(self):
Clears and initializes with one blank paragraph.
def AddParagraph(self, text, paraStyle=None):
AddParagraph(text, paraStyle=None) -> RichTextRange
Convenience function to add a paragraph of text.
def AddImage(self, image, paraStyle=None):
AddImage(image, paraStyle=None) -> RichTextRange
Convenience function to add an image.
def AddParagraphs(self, text, paraStyle=None):
AddParagraphs(text, paraStyle=None) -> RichTextRange
Adds multiple paragraphs, based on newlines.
def GetLineAtPosition(self, pos, caretPosition=False):
GetLineAtPosition(pos, caretPosition=False) -> RichTextLine
Returns the line at the given position.
def GetLineAtYPosition(self, y):
GetLineAtYPosition(y) -> RichTextLine
Returns the line at the given y pixel position, or the last line.
def GetParagraphAtPosition(self, pos, caretPosition=False):
GetParagraphAtPosition(pos, caretPosition=False) -> RichTextParagraph
Returns the paragraph at the given character or caret position.
def GetLineSizeAtPosition(self, pos, caretPosition=False):
GetLineSizeAtPosition(pos, caretPosition=False) -> wx.Size
Returns the line size at the given position.
def GetVisibleLineNumber(self, pos, caretPosition=False, startOfLine=False):
GetVisibleLineNumber(pos, caretPosition=False, startOfLine=False) -> long
Given a position, returns the number of the visible line (potentially
many to a paragraph), starting from zero at the start of the buffer.
def GetLineForVisibleLineNumber(self, lineNumber):
GetLineForVisibleLineNumber(lineNumber) -> RichTextLine
Given a line number, returns the corresponding wxRichTextLine object.
def GetLeafObjectAtPosition(self, position):
GetLeafObjectAtPosition(position) -> RichTextObject
Returns the leaf object in a paragraph at this position.
def GetParagraphAtLine(self, paragraphNumber):
GetParagraphAtLine(paragraphNumber) -> RichTextParagraph
Returns the paragraph by number.
def GetParagraphForLine(self, line):
GetParagraphForLine(line) -> RichTextParagraph
Returns the paragraph for a given line.
def GetParagraphLength(self, paragraphNumber):
GetParagraphLength(paragraphNumber) -> int
Returns the length of the paragraph.
def GetParagraphCount(self):
GetParagraphCount() -> int
Returns the number of paragraphs.
def GetLineCount(self):
GetLineCount() -> int
Returns the number of visible lines.
def GetParagraphText(self, paragraphNumber):
GetParagraphText(paragraphNumber) -> String
Returns the text of the paragraph.
def XYToPosition(self, x, y):
XYToPosition(x, y) -> long
Converts zero-based line column and paragraph number to a position.
def PositionToXY(self, pos, x, y):
PositionToXY(pos, x, y) -> bool
Converts a zero-based position to line column and paragraph number.
def SetStyle(self, *args, **kw):
SetStyle(range, style, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) -> bool
SetStyle(obj, textAttr, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO)
Sets the attributes for the given range.
def GetStyle(self, position, style):
GetStyle(position, style) -> bool
Returns the combined text attributes for this position.
def GetUncombinedStyle(self, position, style):
GetUncombinedStyle(position, style) -> bool
Returns the content (uncombined) attributes for this position.
def DoGetStyle(self, position, style, combineStyles=True):
DoGetStyle(position, style, combineStyles=True) -> bool
Implementation helper for GetStyle.
def GetStyleForRange(self, range, style):
GetStyleForRange(range, style) -> bool
This function gets a style representing the common, combined
attributes in the given range.
def CollectStyle(self, currentStyle, style, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
CollectStyle(currentStyle, style, clashingAttr, absentAttr) -> bool
Combines style with currentStyle for the purpose of summarising the
attributes of a range of content.
def ClearListStyle(self, range, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO):
ClearListStyle(range, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) -> bool
Clears the list style from the given range, clearing list-related
attributes and applying any named paragraph style associated with each
def DoNumberList(self, range, promotionRange, promoteBy, styleDef, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1):
DoNumberList(range, promotionRange, promoteBy, styleDef, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
Helper for NumberList and PromoteList, that does renumbering and
promotion simultaneously def can be NULL/empty to indicate that the
existing list style should be used.
def FindNextParagraphNumber(self, previousParagraph, attr):
FindNextParagraphNumber(previousParagraph, attr) -> bool
Fills in the attributes for numbering a paragraph after
def SetProperties(self, range, properties, flags=RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO):
SetProperties(range, properties, flags=RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO) -> bool
Sets the properties for the given range, passing flags to determine
how the attributes are set.
def SetObjectPropertiesWithUndo(self, obj, properties, objToSet=None):
SetObjectPropertiesWithUndo(obj, properties, objToSet=None) -> bool
Sets with undo the properties for the given object.
def HasCharacterAttributes(self, range, style):
HasCharacterAttributes(range, style) -> bool
Test if this whole range has character attributes of the specified
def HasParagraphAttributes(self, range, style):
HasParagraphAttributes(range, style) -> bool
Test if this whole range has paragraph attributes of the specified
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
def PrepareContent(self, container):
Prepares the content just before insertion (or after buffer reset).
def InsertFragment(self, position, fragment):
InsertFragment(position, fragment) -> bool
Insert fragment into this box at the given position.
def CopyFragment(self, range, fragment):
CopyFragment(range, fragment) -> bool
Make a copy of the fragment corresponding to the given range, putting
it in fragment.
def ApplyStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
ApplyStyleSheet(styleSheet) -> bool
Apply the style sheet to the buffer, for example if the styles have
def Copy(self, obj):
def UpdateRanges(self):
Calculate ranges.
def GetText(self):
GetText() -> String
Get all the text.
def SetDefaultStyle(self, style):
SetDefaultStyle(style) -> bool
Sets the default style, affecting the style currently being applied
(for example, setting the default style to bold will cause
subsequently inserted text to be bold).
def GetDefaultStyle(self):
GetDefaultStyle() -> RichTextAttr
Returns the current default style, affecting the style currently being
applied (for example, setting the default style to bold will cause
subsequently inserted text to be bold).
def SetBasicStyle(self, style):
Sets the basic (overall) style.
def GetBasicStyle(self):
GetBasicStyle() -> RichTextAttr
Returns the basic (overall) style.
def Invalidate(self, invalidRange=RICHTEXT_ALL):
Invalidates the buffer.
def DoInvalidate(self, invalidRange):
Do the (in)validation for this object only.
def InvalidateHierarchy(self, invalidRange=RICHTEXT_ALL):
Do the (in)validation both up and down the hierarchy.
def UpdateFloatingObjects(self, availableRect, untilObj=None):
UpdateFloatingObjects(availableRect, untilObj=None) -> bool
Gather information about floating objects.
def GetInvalidRange(self, wholeParagraphs=False):
GetInvalidRange(wholeParagraphs=False) -> RichTextRange
Get invalid range, rounding to entire paragraphs if argument is true.
def IsDirty(self):
IsDirty() -> bool
Returns true if this object needs layout.
def GetFloatCollector(self):
GetFloatCollector() -> RichTextFloatCollector
Returns the wxRichTextFloatCollector of this object.
def GetFloatingObjectCount(self):
GetFloatingObjectCount() -> int
Returns the number of floating objects at this level.
def GetFloatingObjects(self, objects):
GetFloatingObjects(objects) -> bool
Returns a list of floating objects.
BasicStyle = property(None, None)
DefaultStyle = property(None, None)
FloatCollector = property(None, None)
FloatingObjectCount = property(None, None)
InvalidRange = property(None, None)
LineCount = property(None, None)
ParagraphCount = property(None, None)
PartialParagraph = property(None, None)
RichTextCtrl = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
Text = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
class RichTextBox(RichTextParagraphLayoutBox):
This class implements a floating or inline text box, containing
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
This class implements a floating or inline text box, containing
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def CanEditProperties(self):
CanEditProperties() -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, parent, buffer):
EditProperties(parent, buffer) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel() -> String
Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
def Copy(self, obj):
PropertiesMenuLabel = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextBox
class RichTextField(RichTextParagraphLayoutBox):
RichTextField(fieldType=wx.EmptyString, parent=None)
This class implements the general concept of a field, an object that
represents additional functionality such as a footnote, a bookmark, a
page number, a table of contents, and so on.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextField(fieldType=wx.EmptyString, parent=None)
This class implements the general concept of a field, an object that
represents additional functionality such as a footnote, a bookmark, a
page number, a table of contents, and so on.
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def CanEditProperties(self):
CanEditProperties() -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, parent, buffer):
EditProperties(parent, buffer) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel() -> String
Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item.
def AcceptsFocus(self):
AcceptsFocus() -> bool
Returns true if objects of this class can accept the focus, i.e. a
call to SetFocusObject is possible.
def CalculateRange(self, start):
CalculateRange(start) -> end
Calculates the range of the object.
def IsAtomic(self):
IsAtomic() -> bool
If a field has children, we don't want the user to be able to edit it.
def IsEmpty(self):
IsEmpty() -> bool
Returns true if the buffer is empty.
def IsTopLevel(self):
IsTopLevel() -> bool
Returns true if this object is top-level, i.e. contains its own
paragraphs, such as a text box.
def SetFieldType(self, fieldType):
def GetFieldType(self):
GetFieldType() -> String
def UpdateField(self, buffer):
UpdateField(buffer) -> bool
Update the field; delegated to the associated field type.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
def Copy(self, obj):
FieldType = property(None, None)
PropertiesMenuLabel = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextField
class RichTextFieldType(wx.Object):
The base class for custom field types.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
The base class for custom field types.
def Copy(self, fieldType):
def Draw(self, obj, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(obj, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, obj, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(obj, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, obj, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(obj, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def CanEditProperties(self, obj):
CanEditProperties(obj) -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, obj, parent, buffer):
EditProperties(obj, parent, buffer) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self, obj):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel(obj) -> String
Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item.
def UpdateField(self, buffer, obj):
UpdateField(buffer, obj) -> bool
Update the field.
def IsTopLevel(self, obj):
IsTopLevel(obj) -> bool
Returns true if this object is top-level, i.e. contains its own
paragraphs, such as a text box.
def SetName(self, name):
Sets the field type name.
def GetName(self):
GetName() -> String
Returns the field type name.
Name = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextFieldType
class RichTextFieldTypeStandard(RichTextFieldType):
RichTextFieldTypeStandard(name, label, displayStyle=RICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE)
RichTextFieldTypeStandard(name, bitmap, displayStyle=RICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NO_BORDER)
A field type that can handle fields with text or bitmap labels, with a
small range of styles for implementing rectangular fields and fields
that can be used for start and end tags.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextFieldTypeStandard(name, label, displayStyle=RICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE)
RichTextFieldTypeStandard(name, bitmap, displayStyle=RICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NO_BORDER)
A field type that can handle fields with text or bitmap labels, with a
small range of styles for implementing rectangular fields and fields
that can be used for start and end tags.
def Init(self):
Initialises the object.
def Copy(self, field):
Copies the object.
def Draw(self, obj, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(obj, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, obj, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(obj, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, obj, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(obj, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def GetSize(self, obj, dc, context, style):
GetSize(obj, dc, context, style) -> wx.Size
Get the size of the field, given the label, font size, and so on.
def IsTopLevel(self, obj):
IsTopLevel(obj) -> bool
Returns true if the display type is wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_COMPOSITE,
false otherwise.
def SetLabel(self, label):
Sets the text label for fields of this type.
def GetLabel(self):
GetLabel() -> String
Returns the text label for fields of this type.
def SetBitmap(self, bitmap):
Sets the bitmap label for fields of this type.
def GetBitmap(self):
GetBitmap() -> wx.Bitmap
Gets the bitmap label for fields of this type.
def GetDisplayStyle(self):
GetDisplayStyle() -> int
Gets the display style for fields of this type.
def SetDisplayStyle(self, displayStyle):
Sets the display style for fields of this type.
def GetFont(self):
GetFont() -> wx.Font
Gets the font used for drawing the text label.
def SetFont(self, font):
Sets the font used for drawing the text label.
def GetTextColour(self):
GetTextColour() -> wx.Colour
Gets the colour used for drawing the text label.
def SetTextColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour used for drawing the text label.
def GetBorderColour(self):
GetBorderColour() -> wx.Colour
Gets the colour used for drawing the field border.
def SetBorderColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour used for drawing the field border.
def GetBackgroundColour(self):
GetBackgroundColour() -> wx.Colour
Gets the colour used for drawing the field background.
def SetBackgroundColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour used for drawing the field background.
def SetVerticalPadding(self, padding):
Sets the vertical padding (the distance between the border and the
def GetVerticalPadding(self):
GetVerticalPadding() -> int
Gets the vertical padding (the distance between the border and the
def SetHorizontalPadding(self, padding):
Sets the horizontal padding (the distance between the border and the
def GetHorizontalPadding(self):
GetHorizontalPadding() -> int
Sets the horizontal padding (the distance between the border and the
def SetHorizontalMargin(self, margin):
Sets the horizontal margin surrounding the field object.
def GetHorizontalMargin(self):
GetHorizontalMargin() -> int
Gets the horizontal margin surrounding the field object.
def SetVerticalMargin(self, margin):
Sets the vertical margin surrounding the field object.
def GetVerticalMargin(self):
GetVerticalMargin() -> int
Gets the vertical margin surrounding the field object.
BackgroundColour = property(None, None)
Bitmap = property(None, None)
BorderColour = property(None, None)
DisplayStyle = property(None, None)
Font = property(None, None)
HorizontalMargin = property(None, None)
HorizontalPadding = property(None, None)
Label = property(None, None)
TextColour = property(None, None)
VerticalMargin = property(None, None)
VerticalPadding = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextFieldTypeStandard
class RichTextLine(object):
This object represents a line in a paragraph, and stores offsets from
the start of the paragraph representing the start and end positions of
the line.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
This object represents a line in a paragraph, and stores offsets from
the start of the paragraph representing the start and end positions of
the line.
def SetRange(self, *args, **kw):
SetRange(from_, to_)
Sets the range associated with this line.
def GetParent(self):
GetParent() -> RichTextParagraph
Returns the parent paragraph.
def GetRange(self):
GetRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the range.
def GetAbsoluteRange(self):
GetAbsoluteRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the absolute range.
def GetSize(self):
GetSize() -> wx.Size
Returns the line size as calculated by Layout.
def SetSize(self, sz):
Sets the line size as calculated by Layout.
def GetPosition(self):
GetPosition() -> wx.Point
Returns the object position relative to the parent.
def SetPosition(self, pos):
Sets the object position relative to the parent.
def GetAbsolutePosition(self):
GetAbsolutePosition() -> wx.Point
Returns the absolute object position.
def GetRect(self):
GetRect() -> wx.Rect
Returns the rectangle enclosing the line.
def SetDescent(self, descent):
Sets the stored descent.
def GetDescent(self):
GetDescent() -> int
Returns the stored descent.
def Init(self, parent):
Initialises the object.
def Copy(self, obj):
Copies from obj.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextLine
AbsolutePosition = property(None, None)
AbsoluteRange = property(None, None)
Descent = property(None, None)
Parent = property(None, None)
Position = property(None, None)
Range = property(None, None)
Rect = property(None, None)
Size = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextLine
class RichTextParagraph(RichTextCompositeObject):
RichTextParagraph(parent=None, style=None)
RichTextParagraph(text, parent=None, paraStyle=None, charStyle=None)
This object represents a single paragraph containing various objects
such as text content, images, and further paragraph layout objects.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextParagraph(parent=None, style=None)
RichTextParagraph(text, parent=None, paraStyle=None, charStyle=None)
This object represents a single paragraph containing various objects
such as text content, images, and further paragraph layout objects.
def Init(self):
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def FindPosition(self, dc, context, index, forceLineStart):
FindPosition(dc, context, index, forceLineStart) -> (bool, pt, height)
Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character
def HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0):
HitTest(dc, context, pt, flags=0) -> (int, textPosition, obj, contextObj)
Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus
information about position.
def CalculateRange(self, start):
CalculateRange(start) -> end
Calculates the range of the object.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def GetLines(self):
GetLines() -> RichTextLineList
Returns the cached lines.
def Copy(self, obj):
Copies the object.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
def ClearLines(self):
Clears the cached lines.
def ApplyParagraphStyle(self, line, attr, rect, dc):
ApplyParagraphStyle(line, attr, rect, dc)
Applies paragraph styles such as centering to the wrapped lines.
def InsertText(self, pos, text):
InsertText(pos, text) -> bool
Inserts text at the given position.
def SplitAt(self, pos, previousObject=None):
SplitAt(pos, previousObject=None) -> RichTextObject
Splits an object at this position if necessary, and returns the
previous object, or NULL if inserting at the beginning.
def MoveToList(self, obj, list):
MoveToList(obj, list)
Moves content to a list from this point.
def MoveFromList(self, list):
Adds content back from a list.
def GetContiguousPlainText(self, text, range, fromStart=True):
GetContiguousPlainText(text, range, fromStart=True) -> bool
Returns the plain text searching from the start or end of the range.
def FindWrapPosition(self, range, dc, context, availableSpace, wrapPosition, partialExtents):
FindWrapPosition(range, dc, context, availableSpace, wrapPosition, partialExtents) -> bool
Finds a suitable wrap position.
def FindObjectAtPosition(self, position):
FindObjectAtPosition(position) -> RichTextObject
Finds the object at the given position.
def GetBulletText(self):
GetBulletText() -> String
Returns the bullet text for this paragraph.
def AllocateLine(self, pos):
AllocateLine(pos) -> RichTextLine
Allocates or reuses a line object.
def ClearUnusedLines(self, lineCount):
ClearUnusedLines(lineCount) -> bool
Clears remaining unused line objects, if any.
def GetCombinedAttributes(self, *args, **kw):
GetCombinedAttributes(contentStyle, includingBoxAttr=False) -> RichTextAttr
GetCombinedAttributes(includingBoxAttr=False) -> RichTextAttr
Returns combined attributes of the base style, paragraph style and
character style.
def GetFirstLineBreakPosition(self, pos):
GetFirstLineBreakPosition(pos) -> long
Returns the first position from pos that has a line break character.
def LayoutFloat(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style, floatCollector):
LayoutFloat(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style, floatCollector)
Lays out the floating objects.
def GetImpactedByFloatingObjects(self):
GetImpactedByFloatingObjects() -> int
Whether the paragraph is impacted by floating objects from above.
def SetImpactedByFloatingObjects(self, i):
Sets whether the paragraph is impacted by floating objects from above.
def InitDefaultTabs():
Creates a default tabstop array.
def ClearDefaultTabs():
Clears the default tabstop array.
def GetDefaultTabs():
GetDefaultTabs() -> ArrayInt
Returns the default tabstop array.
BulletText = property(None, None)
CombinedAttributes = property(None, None)
ImpactedByFloatingObjects = property(None, None)
Lines = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextParagraph
class RichTextPlainText(RichTextObject):
RichTextPlainText(text=wx.EmptyString, parent=None, style=None)
This object represents a single piece of text.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextPlainText(text=wx.EmptyString, parent=None, style=None)
This object represents a single piece of text.
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def GetTextForRange(self, range):
GetTextForRange(range) -> String
Returns any text in this object for the given range.
def DoSplit(self, pos):
DoSplit(pos) -> RichTextObject
Do a split from pos, returning an object containing the second part,
and setting the first part in 'this'.
def CalculateRange(self, start):
CalculateRange(start) -> end
Calculates the range of the object.
def DeleteRange(self, range):
DeleteRange(range) -> bool
Deletes the given range.
def IsEmpty(self):
IsEmpty() -> bool
Returns true if the object is empty.
def CanMerge(self, object, context):
CanMerge(object, context) -> bool
Returns true if this object can merge itself with the given one.
def Merge(self, object, context):
Merge(object, context) -> bool
Returns true if this object merged itself with the given one.
def CanSplit(self, context):
CanSplit(context) -> bool
Returns true if this object can potentially be split, by virtue of
having different virtual attributes for individual sub-objects.
def Split(self, context):
Split(context) -> RichTextObject
Returns the final object in the split objects if this object was split
due to differences between sub-object virtual attributes.
def GetFirstLineBreakPosition(self, pos):
GetFirstLineBreakPosition(pos) -> long
Get the first position from pos that has a line break character.
def UsesParagraphAttributes(self):
UsesParagraphAttributes() -> bool
Does this object take note of paragraph attributes? Text and image
objects don't.
def ImportFromXML(self, buffer, node, handler, recurse):
ImportFromXML(buffer, node, handler, recurse) -> bool
Imports this object from XML.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def GetText(self):
GetText() -> String
Returns the text.
def SetText(self, text):
Sets the text.
def Copy(self, obj):
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
Text = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextPlainText
class RichTextImageBlock(wx.Object):
This class stores information about an image, in binary in-memory
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
This class stores information about an image, in binary in-memory
def Init(self):
Initialises the block.
def Clear(self):
Clears the block.
def MakeImageBlock(self, *args, **kw):
MakeImageBlock(filename, imageType, image, convertToJPEG=True) -> bool
MakeImageBlock(image, imageType, quality=80) -> bool
Load the original image into a memory block.
def MakeImageBlockDefaultQuality(self, image, imageType):
MakeImageBlockDefaultQuality(image, imageType) -> bool
Uses a const wxImage for efficiency, but can't set quality (only
relevant for JPEG)
def DoMakeImageBlock(self, image, imageType):
DoMakeImageBlock(image, imageType) -> bool
Makes the image block.
def Write(self, filename):
Write(filename) -> bool
Writes the block to a file.
def WriteHex(self, stream):
WriteHex(stream) -> bool
Writes the data in hex to a stream.
def ReadHex(self, stream, length, imageType):
ReadHex(stream, length, imageType) -> bool
Reads the data in hex from a stream.
def Copy(self, block):
Copy from block.
def Load(self, image):
Load(image) -> bool
def GetData(self):
GetData() -> unsignedchar
Returns the raw data.
def GetDataSize(self):
GetDataSize() -> size_t
Returns the data size in bytes.
def GetImageType(self):
GetImageType() -> BitmapType
Returns the image type.
def SetData(self, image):
def SetDataSize(self, size):
Sets the data size.
def SetImageType(self, imageType):
Sets the image type.
def IsOk(self):
IsOk() -> bool
Returns true if the data is non-NULL.
def Ok(self):
Ok() -> bool
def GetExtension(self):
GetExtension() -> String
Gets the extension for the block's type.
def ReadBlock(*args, **kw):
ReadBlock(stream, size) -> unsignedchar
ReadBlock(filename, size) -> unsignedchar
def WriteBlock(*args, **kw):
WriteBlock(stream, block, size) -> bool
WriteBlock(filename, block, size) -> bool
Writes a memory block to stream.
Data = property(None, None)
DataSize = property(None, None)
Extension = property(None, None)
ImageType = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextImageBlock
class RichTextImage(RichTextObject):
RichTextImage(image, parent=None, charStyle=None)
RichTextImage(imageBlock, parent=None, charStyle=None)
This class implements a graphic object.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextImage(image, parent=None, charStyle=None)
RichTextImage(imageBlock, parent=None, charStyle=None)
This class implements a graphic object.
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def Layout(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def GetNaturalSize(self):
GetNaturalSize() -> TextAttrSize
Returns the 'natural' size for this object - the image size.
def IsEmpty(self):
IsEmpty() -> bool
Returns true if the object is empty.
def CanEditProperties(self):
CanEditProperties() -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, parent, buffer):
EditProperties(parent, buffer) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel() -> String
Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item.
def UsesParagraphAttributes(self):
UsesParagraphAttributes() -> bool
Returns true if this object takes note of paragraph attributes (text
and image objects don't).
def ImportFromXML(self, buffer, node, handler, recurse):
ImportFromXML(buffer, node, handler, recurse) -> bool
Imports this object from XML.
def IsFloatable(self):
IsFloatable() -> bool
Returns true if this class of object is floatable.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def GetImageCache(self):
GetImageCache() -> wx.Bitmap
Returns the image cache (a scaled bitmap).
def SetImageCache(self, bitmap):
Sets the image cache.
def ResetImageCache(self):
Resets the image cache.
def GetImageBlock(self):
GetImageBlock() -> RichTextImageBlock
Returns the image block containing the raw data.
def GetOriginalImageSize(self):
GetOriginalImageSize() -> wx.Size
Gets the original image size.
def SetOriginalImageSize(self, sz):
Sets the original image size.
def Copy(self, obj):
Copies the image object.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the image object.
def LoadImageCache(self, dc, context, retImageSize, resetCache=False, parentSize=wx.DefaultSize):
LoadImageCache(dc, context, retImageSize, resetCache=False, parentSize=wx.DefaultSize) -> bool
Creates a cached image at the required size.
def LoadAndScaleImageCache(self, image, sz, context, changed):
LoadAndScaleImageCache(image, sz, context, changed) -> (bool, changed)
Do the loading and scaling.
def GetImageState(self):
GetImageState() -> int
Gets the image state.
def SetImageState(self, state):
Sets the image state.
ImageBlock = property(None, None)
ImageCache = property(None, None)
ImageState = property(None, None)
NaturalSize = property(None, None)
OriginalImageSize = property(None, None)
PropertiesMenuLabel = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextImage
class RichTextBuffer(RichTextParagraphLayoutBox):
This is a kind of paragraph layout box, used to represent the whole
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
This is a kind of paragraph layout box, used to represent the whole
def LoadFile(self, *args, **kw):
LoadFile(filename, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) -> bool
LoadFile(stream, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) -> bool
Loads content from a stream or file.
def SaveFile(self, *args, **kw):
SaveFile(filename, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) -> bool
SaveFile(stream, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) -> bool
Saves content to a stream or file.
def GetCommandProcessor(self):
GetCommandProcessor() -> wx.CommandProcessor
Returns the command processor.
def SetStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
Sets style sheet, if any.
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the style sheet.
def SetStyleSheetAndNotify(self, sheet):
SetStyleSheetAndNotify(sheet) -> bool
Sets the style sheet and sends a notification of the change.
def PushStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
PushStyleSheet(styleSheet) -> bool
Pushes the style sheet to the top of the style sheet stack.
def PopStyleSheet(self):
PopStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Pops the style sheet from the top of the style sheet stack.
def GetFontTable(self):
GetFontTable() -> RichTextFontTable
Returns the table storing fonts, for quick access and font reuse.
def SetFontTable(self, table):
Sets table storing fonts, for quick access and font reuse.
def SetFontScale(self, fontScale):
Sets the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more
comfortable editing.
def GetFontScale(self):
GetFontScale() -> double
Returns the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more
comfortable editing.
def SetDimensionScale(self, dimScale):
Sets the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as
indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
def GetDimensionScale(self):
GetDimensionScale() -> double
Returns the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as
indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
def Init(self):
def ResetAndClearCommands(self):
Clears the buffer, adds an empty paragraph, and clears the command
def SetHandlerFlags(self, flags):
Sets the handler flags, controlling loading and saving.
def GetHandlerFlags(self):
GetHandlerFlags() -> int
Gets the handler flags, controlling loading and saving.
def AddParagraph(self, text, paraStyle=None):
AddParagraph(text, paraStyle=None) -> RichTextRange
Convenience function to add a paragraph of text.
def BeginBatchUndo(self, cmdName):
BeginBatchUndo(cmdName) -> bool
Begin collapsing undo/redo commands.
def EndBatchUndo(self):
EndBatchUndo() -> bool
End collapsing undo/redo commands.
def BatchingUndo(self):
BatchingUndo() -> bool
Returns true if we are collapsing commands.
def SubmitAction(self, action):
SubmitAction(action) -> bool
Submit the action immediately, or delay according to whether
collapsing is on.
def GetBatchedCommand(self):
GetBatchedCommand() -> RichTextCommand
Returns the collapsed command.
def BeginSuppressUndo(self):
BeginSuppressUndo() -> bool
Begin suppressing undo/redo commands.
def EndSuppressUndo(self):
EndSuppressUndo() -> bool
End suppressing undo/redo commands.
def SuppressingUndo(self):
SuppressingUndo() -> bool
Are we suppressing undo??
def CopyToClipboard(self, range):
CopyToClipboard(range) -> bool
Copy the range to the clipboard.
def PasteFromClipboard(self, position):
PasteFromClipboard(position) -> bool
Paste the clipboard content to the buffer.
def CanPasteFromClipboard(self):
CanPasteFromClipboard() -> bool
Returns true if we can paste from the clipboard.
def BeginStyle(self, style):
BeginStyle(style) -> bool
Begin using a style.
def EndStyle(self):
EndStyle() -> bool
End the style.
def EndAllStyles(self):
EndAllStyles() -> bool
End all styles.
def ClearStyleStack(self):
Clears the style stack.
def GetStyleStackSize(self):
GetStyleStackSize() -> size_t
Returns the size of the style stack, for example to check correct
def BeginBold(self):
BeginBold() -> bool
Begins using bold.
def EndBold(self):
EndBold() -> bool
Ends using bold.
def BeginItalic(self):
BeginItalic() -> bool
Begins using italic.
def EndItalic(self):
EndItalic() -> bool
Ends using italic.
def BeginUnderline(self):
BeginUnderline() -> bool
Begins using underline.
def EndUnderline(self):
EndUnderline() -> bool
Ends using underline.
def BeginFontSize(self, pointSize):
BeginFontSize(pointSize) -> bool
Begins using point size.
def EndFontSize(self):
EndFontSize() -> bool
Ends using point size.
def BeginFont(self, font):
BeginFont(font) -> bool
Begins using this font.
def EndFont(self):
EndFont() -> bool
Ends using a font.
def BeginTextColour(self, colour):
BeginTextColour(colour) -> bool
Begins using this colour.
def EndTextColour(self):
EndTextColour() -> bool
Ends using a colour.
def BeginAlignment(self, alignment):
BeginAlignment(alignment) -> bool
Begins using alignment.
def EndAlignment(self):
EndAlignment() -> bool
Ends alignment.
def BeginLeftIndent(self, leftIndent, leftSubIndent=0):
BeginLeftIndent(leftIndent, leftSubIndent=0) -> bool
Begins using leftIndent for the left indent, and optionally
leftSubIndent for the sub-indent.
def EndLeftIndent(self):
EndLeftIndent() -> bool
Ends left indent.
def BeginRightIndent(self, rightIndent):
BeginRightIndent(rightIndent) -> bool
Begins a right indent, specified in tenths of a millimetre.
def EndRightIndent(self):
EndRightIndent() -> bool
Ends right indent.
def BeginParagraphSpacing(self, before, after):
BeginParagraphSpacing(before, after) -> bool
Begins paragraph spacing; pass the before-paragraph and after-
paragraph spacing in tenths of a millimetre.
def EndParagraphSpacing(self):
EndParagraphSpacing() -> bool
Ends paragraph spacing.
def BeginLineSpacing(self, lineSpacing):
BeginLineSpacing(lineSpacing) -> bool
Begins line spacing using the specified value.
def EndLineSpacing(self):
EndLineSpacing() -> bool
Ends line spacing.
def BeginNumberedBullet(self, bulletNumber, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD):
BeginNumberedBullet(bulletNumber, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD) -> bool
Begins numbered bullet.
def EndNumberedBullet(self):
EndNumberedBullet() -> bool
Ends numbered bullet.
def BeginSymbolBullet(self, symbol, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL):
BeginSymbolBullet(symbol, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL) -> bool
Begins applying a symbol bullet, using a character from the current
def EndSymbolBullet(self):
EndSymbolBullet() -> bool
Ends symbol bullet.
def BeginStandardBullet(self, bulletName, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD):
BeginStandardBullet(bulletName, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD) -> bool
Begins applying a standard bullet, using one of the standard bullet
names (currently standard/circle or standard/square.
def EndStandardBullet(self):
EndStandardBullet() -> bool
Ends standard bullet.
def BeginCharacterStyle(self, characterStyle):
BeginCharacterStyle(characterStyle) -> bool
Begins named character style.
def EndCharacterStyle(self):
EndCharacterStyle() -> bool
Ends named character style.
def BeginParagraphStyle(self, paragraphStyle):
BeginParagraphStyle(paragraphStyle) -> bool
Begins named paragraph style.
def EndParagraphStyle(self):
EndParagraphStyle() -> bool
Ends named character style.
def BeginListStyle(self, listStyle, level=1, number=1):
BeginListStyle(listStyle, level=1, number=1) -> bool
Begins named list style.
def EndListStyle(self):
EndListStyle() -> bool
Ends named character style.
def BeginURL(self, url, characterStyle=wx.EmptyString):
BeginURL(url, characterStyle=wx.EmptyString) -> bool
Begins applying wxTEXT_ATTR_URL to the content.
def EndURL(self):
EndURL() -> bool
Ends URL.
def AddEventHandler(self, handler):
AddEventHandler(handler) -> bool
Adds an event handler.
def RemoveEventHandler(self, handler, deleteHandler=False):
RemoveEventHandler(handler, deleteHandler=False) -> bool
Removes an event handler from the buffer's list of handlers, deleting
the object if deleteHandler is true.
def ClearEventHandlers(self):
Clear event handlers.
def SendEvent(self, event, sendToAll=True):
SendEvent(event, sendToAll=True) -> bool
Send event to event handlers.
def HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0):
HitTest(dc, context, pt, flags=0) -> (int, textPosition, obj, contextObj)
Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus
information about position.
def Copy(self, obj):
Copies the buffer.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the buffer.
def InsertParagraphsWithUndo(self, pos, paragraphs, ctrl, flags=0):
InsertParagraphsWithUndo(pos, paragraphs, ctrl, flags=0) -> bool
Submits a command to insert paragraphs.
def InsertTextWithUndo(self, pos, text, ctrl, flags=0):
InsertTextWithUndo(pos, text, ctrl, flags=0) -> bool
Submits a command to insert the given text.
def InsertNewlineWithUndo(self, pos, ctrl, flags=0):
InsertNewlineWithUndo(pos, ctrl, flags=0) -> bool
Submits a command to insert a newline.
def InsertImageWithUndo(self, pos, imageBlock, ctrl, flags=0, textAttr=RichTextAttr()):
InsertImageWithUndo(pos, imageBlock, ctrl, flags=0, textAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> bool
Submits a command to insert the given image.
def InsertObjectWithUndo(self, pos, object, ctrl, flags):
InsertObjectWithUndo(pos, object, ctrl, flags) -> RichTextObject
Submits a command to insert an object.
def DeleteRangeWithUndo(self, range, ctrl):
DeleteRangeWithUndo(range, ctrl) -> bool
Submits a command to delete this range.
def Modify(self, modify=True):
Mark modified.
def IsModified(self):
IsModified() -> bool
Returns true if the buffer was modified.
def GetScale(self):
GetScale() -> double
Returns the scale factor for calculating dimensions.
def SetScale(self, scale):
Sets the scale factor for calculating dimensions.
def GetHandlers():
GetHandlers() -> RichTextFileHandlerList
Returns the file handlers.
def AddHandler(handler):
Adds a file handler to the end.
def InsertHandler(handler):
Inserts a file handler at the front.
def RemoveHandler(name):
RemoveHandler(name) -> bool
Removes a file handler.
def FindHandlerByType(imageType):
FindHandlerByType(imageType) -> RichTextFileHandler
Finds a handler by type.
def FindHandlerByExtension(extension, imageType):
FindHandlerByExtension(extension, imageType) -> RichTextFileHandler
Finds a file handler by extension and type.
def FindHandlerByName(name):
FindHandlerByName(name) -> RichTextFileHandler
Finds a file handler by name.
def FindHandlerByFilename(filename, imageType):
FindHandlerByFilename(filename, imageType) -> RichTextFileHandler
Finds a handler by filename or, if supplied, type.
def GetExtWildcard(combine=False, save=False):
GetExtWildcard(combine=False, save=False) -> PyObject
Gets a wildcard string for the file dialog based on all the currently
loaded richtext file handlers, and a list that can be used to map
those filter types to the file handler type.
def CleanUpHandlers():
Clean up file handlers.
def InitStandardHandlers():
Initialise the standard file handlers.
def GetDrawingHandlers():
GetDrawingHandlers() -> RichTextDrawingHandlerList
Returns the drawing handlers.
def AddDrawingHandler(handler):
Adds a drawing handler to the end.
def InsertDrawingHandler(handler):
Inserts a drawing handler at the front.
def RemoveDrawingHandler(name):
RemoveDrawingHandler(name) -> bool
Removes a drawing handler.
def FindDrawingHandler(name):
FindDrawingHandler(name) -> RichTextDrawingHandler
Finds a drawing handler by name.
def CleanUpDrawingHandlers():
Clean up drawing handlers.
def AddFieldType(fieldType):
Adds a field type.
def RemoveFieldType(name):
RemoveFieldType(name) -> bool
Removes a field type by name.
def FindFieldType(name):
FindFieldType(name) -> RichTextFieldType
Finds a field type by name.
def CleanUpFieldTypes():
Cleans up field types.
def GetRenderer():
GetRenderer() -> RichTextRenderer
Returns the renderer object.
def SetRenderer(renderer):
Sets renderer as the object to be used to render certain aspects of
the content, such as bullets.
def GetBulletRightMargin():
GetBulletRightMargin() -> int
Returns the minimum margin between bullet and paragraph in 10ths of a
def SetBulletRightMargin(margin):
Sets the minimum margin between bullet and paragraph in 10ths of a mm.
def GetBulletProportion():
GetBulletProportion() -> float
Returns the factor to multiply by character height to get a reasonable
bullet size.
def SetBulletProportion(prop):
Sets the factor to multiply by character height to get a reasonable
bullet size.
def GetFloatingLayoutMode():
GetFloatingLayoutMode() -> bool
Returns the floating layout mode.
def SetFloatingLayoutMode(mode):
Sets the floating layout mode.
BatchedCommand = property(None, None)
CommandProcessor = property(None, None)
DimensionScale = property(None, None)
FontScale = property(None, None)
FontTable = property(None, None)
HandlerFlags = property(None, None)
Scale = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
StyleStackSize = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextBuffer
class RichTextCell(RichTextBox):
wxRichTextCell is the cell in a table, in which the user can type.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
wxRichTextCell is the cell in a table, in which the user can type.
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0):
HitTest(dc, context, pt, flags=0) -> (int, textPosition, obj, contextObj)
Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus
information about position.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def CanEditProperties(self):
CanEditProperties() -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, parent, buffer):
EditProperties(parent, buffer) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel() -> String
Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item.
def GetColSpan(self):
GetColSpan() -> int
Returns the number of columns spanned by the cell.
def SetColSpan(self, span):
Set the number of columns spanned by the cell.
def GetRowSpan(self):
GetRowSpan() -> int
Returns the number of rows spanned by the cell.
def SetRowSpan(self, span):
Set the number of rows spanned by the cell.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
def Copy(self, obj):
ColSpan = property(None, None)
PropertiesMenuLabel = property(None, None)
RowSpan = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextCell
class RichTextTable(RichTextBox):
wxRichTextTable represents a table with arbitrary columns and rows.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
wxRichTextTable represents a table with arbitrary columns and rows.
def Draw(self, dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style):
Draw(dc, context, range, selection, rect, descent, style) -> bool
Draw the item, within the given range.
def HitTest(self, dc, context, pt, flags=0):
HitTest(dc, context, pt, flags=0) -> (int, textPosition, obj, contextObj)
Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus
information about position.
def GetXMLNodeName(self):
GetXMLNodeName() -> String
Returns the XML node name of this object.
def Layout(self, dc, context, rect, parentRect, style):
Layout(dc, context, rect, parentRect, style) -> bool
Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size
def GetRangeSize(self, range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None):
GetRangeSize(range, size, descent, dc, context, flags, position=wx.Point(0,0), parentSize=wx.DefaultSize, partialExtents=None) -> bool
Returns the object size for the given range.
def DeleteRange(self, range):
DeleteRange(range) -> bool
Deletes the given range.
def GetTextForRange(self, range):
GetTextForRange(range) -> String
Returns any text in this object for the given range.
def ImportFromXML(self, buffer, node, handler, recurse):
ImportFromXML(buffer, node, handler, recurse) -> bool
Imports this object from XML.
def FindPosition(self, dc, context, index, forceLineStart):
FindPosition(dc, context, index, forceLineStart) -> (bool, pt, height)
Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character
def CalculateRange(self, start):
CalculateRange(start) -> end
Calculates the range of the object.
def HandlesChildSelections(self):
HandlesChildSelections() -> bool
Returns true if this object can handle the selections of its children,
fOr example a table.
def GetSelection(self, start, end):
GetSelection(start, end) -> RichTextSelection
Returns a selection object specifying the selections between start and
end character positions.
def CanEditProperties(self):
CanEditProperties() -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, parent, buffer):
EditProperties(parent, buffer) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel() -> String
Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item.
def AcceptsFocus(self):
AcceptsFocus() -> bool
Returns true if objects of this class can accept the focus, i.e. a
call to SetFocusObject is possible.
def GetCells(self):
GetCells() -> RichTextObjectPtrArrayArray
Returns the cells array.
def GetRowCount(self):
GetRowCount() -> int
Returns the row count.
def GetColumnCount(self):
GetColumnCount() -> int
Returns the column count.
def GetCell(self, *args, **kw):
GetCell(row, col) -> RichTextCell
GetCell(pos) -> RichTextCell
Returns the cell at the given row/column position.
def GetCellRowColumnPosition(self, pos, row, col):
GetCellRowColumnPosition(pos, row, col) -> bool
Returns the row/column for a given character position.
def GetFocusedCell(self):
GetFocusedCell() -> wx.Position
Returns the coordinates of the cell with keyboard focus, or (-1,-1) if
def ClearTable(self):
Clears the table.
def CreateTable(self, rows, cols):
CreateTable(rows, cols) -> bool
Creates a table of the given dimensions.
def SetCellStyle(self, selection, style, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO):
SetCellStyle(selection, style, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) -> bool
Sets the attributes for the cells specified by the selection.
def DeleteRows(self, startRow, noRows=1):
DeleteRows(startRow, noRows=1) -> bool
Deletes rows from the given row position.
def DeleteColumns(self, startCol, noCols=1):
DeleteColumns(startCol, noCols=1) -> bool
Deletes columns from the given column position.
def AddRows(self, startRow, noRows=1, attr=RichTextAttr()):
AddRows(startRow, noRows=1, attr=RichTextAttr()) -> bool
Adds rows from the given row position.
def AddColumns(self, startCol, noCols=1, attr=RichTextAttr()):
AddColumns(startCol, noCols=1, attr=RichTextAttr()) -> bool
Adds columns from the given column position.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> RichTextObject
Clones the object.
def Copy(self, obj):
Cells = property(None, None)
ColumnCount = property(None, None)
FocusedCell = property(None, None)
PropertiesMenuLabel = property(None, None)
RowCount = property(None, None)
XMLNodeName = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextTable
class RichTextObjectAddress(object):
RichTextObjectAddress(topLevelContainer, obj)
A class for specifying an object anywhere in an object hierarchy,
without using a pointer, necessary since wxRTC commands may delete and
recreate sub-objects so physical object addresses change.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextObjectAddress(topLevelContainer, obj)
A class for specifying an object anywhere in an object hierarchy,
without using a pointer, necessary since wxRTC commands may delete and
recreate sub-objects so physical object addresses change.
def Init(self):
def Copy(self, address):
Copies the address.
def GetObject(self, topLevelContainer):
GetObject(topLevelContainer) -> RichTextObject
Returns the object specified by the address, given a top level
def Create(self, topLevelContainer, obj):
Create(topLevelContainer, obj) -> bool
Creates the address given a container and an object.
def GetAddress(self):
GetAddress() -> ArrayInt
Returns the array of integers representing the object address.
def SetAddress(self, address):
Sets the address from an array of integers.
Address = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextObjectAddress
class RichTextCommand(wx.Command):
RichTextCommand(name, id, buffer, container, ctrl, ignoreFirstTime=False)
Implements a command on the undo/redo stack.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextCommand(name, id, buffer, container, ctrl, ignoreFirstTime=False)
Implements a command on the undo/redo stack.
def Do(self):
Do() -> bool
Performs the command.
def Undo(self):
Undo() -> bool
Undoes the command.
def AddAction(self, action):
Adds an action to the action list.
def ClearActions(self):
Clears the action list.
def GetActions(self):
GetActions() -> RichTextActionList
Returns the action list.
Actions = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextCommand
class RichTextAction(wx.Object):
RichTextAction(cmd, name, id, buffer, container, ctrl, ignoreFirstTime=False)
Implements a part of a command.
def __init__(self, cmd, name, id, buffer, container, ctrl, ignoreFirstTime=False):
RichTextAction(cmd, name, id, buffer, container, ctrl, ignoreFirstTime=False)
Implements a part of a command.
def Do(self):
Do() -> bool
Performs the action.
def Undo(self):
Undo() -> bool
Undoes the action.
def UpdateAppearance(self, caretPosition, sendUpdateEvent=False, oldFloatRect=wx.Rect(), optimizationLineCharPositions=None, optimizationLineYPositions=None, isDoCmd=True):
UpdateAppearance(caretPosition, sendUpdateEvent=False, oldFloatRect=wx.Rect(), optimizationLineCharPositions=None, optimizationLineYPositions=None, isDoCmd=True)
Updates the control appearance, optimizing if possible given
information from the call to Layout.
def ApplyParagraphs(self, fragment):
Replaces the buffer paragraphs with the given fragment.
def GetNewParagraphs(self):
GetNewParagraphs() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the new fragments.
def GetOldParagraphs(self):
GetOldParagraphs() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the old fragments.
def GetAttributes(self):
GetAttributes() -> RichTextAttr
Returns the attributes, for single-object commands.
def GetObject(self):
GetObject() -> RichTextObject
Returns the object to replace the one at the position defined by the
container address and the action's range start position.
def StoreObject(self, obj):
Stores the object to replace the one at the position defined by the
container address without making an address for it.
def SetObject(self, obj):
Sets the object to replace the one at the position defined by the
container address and the action's range start position.
def MakeObject(self, obj):
Makes an address from the given object.
def SetOldAndNewObjects(self, oldObj, newObj):
SetOldAndNewObjects(oldObj, newObj)
Sets the existing and new objects, for use with
def CalculateRefreshOptimizations(self, optimizationLineCharPositions, optimizationLineYPositions, oldFloatRect):
CalculateRefreshOptimizations(optimizationLineCharPositions, optimizationLineYPositions, oldFloatRect)
Calculate arrays for refresh optimization.
def SetPosition(self, pos):
Sets the position used for e.g.
def GetPosition(self):
GetPosition() -> long
Returns the position used for e.g.
def SetRange(self, range):
Sets the range for e.g.
def GetRange(self):
GetRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the range for e.g.
def GetContainerAddress(self):
GetContainerAddress() -> RichTextObjectAddress
Returns the address (nested position) of the container within the
buffer being manipulated.
def SetContainerAddress(self, *args, **kw):
SetContainerAddress(container, obj)
Sets the address (nested position) of the container within the buffer
being manipulated.
def GetContainer(self):
GetContainer() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the container that this action refers to, using the container
address and top-level buffer.
def GetName(self):
GetName() -> String
Returns the action name.
def SetIgnoreFirstTime(self, b):
Instructs the first Do() command should be skipped as it's already
been applied.
def GetIgnoreFirstTime(self):
GetIgnoreFirstTime() -> bool
Returns true if the first Do() command should be skipped as it's
already been applied.
Attributes = property(None, None)
Container = property(None, None)
ContainerAddress = property(None, None)
IgnoreFirstTime = property(None, None)
Name = property(None, None)
NewParagraphs = property(None, None)
Object = property(None, None)
OldParagraphs = property(None, None)
Position = property(None, None)
Range = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextAction
class RichTextFileHandler(wx.Object):
RichTextFileHandler(name=wx.EmptyString, ext=wx.EmptyString, type=0)
The base class for file handlers.
def __init__(self, name=wx.EmptyString, ext=wx.EmptyString, type=0):
RichTextFileHandler(name=wx.EmptyString, ext=wx.EmptyString, type=0)
The base class for file handlers.
def LoadFile(self, *args, **kw):
LoadFile(buffer, stream) -> bool
LoadFile(buffer, filename) -> bool
Loads the buffer from a stream.
def SaveFile(self, *args, **kw):
SaveFile(buffer, stream) -> bool
SaveFile(buffer, filename) -> bool
Saves the buffer to a stream.
def CanHandle(self, filename):
CanHandle(filename) -> bool
Returns true if we handle this filename (if using files).
def CanSave(self):
CanSave() -> bool
Returns true if we can save using this handler.
def CanLoad(self):
CanLoad() -> bool
Returns true if we can load using this handler.
def IsVisible(self):
IsVisible() -> bool
Returns true if this handler should be visible to the user.
def SetVisible(self, visible):
Sets whether the handler should be visible to the user (via the
application's load and save dialogs).
def SetName(self, name):
Sets the name of the handler.
def GetName(self):
GetName() -> String
Returns the name of the handler.
def SetExtension(self, ext):
Sets the default extension to recognise.
def GetExtension(self):
GetExtension() -> String
Returns the default extension to recognise.
def SetType(self, type):
Sets the handler type.
def GetType(self):
GetType() -> int
Returns the handler type.
def SetFlags(self, flags):
Sets flags that change the behaviour of loading or saving.
def GetFlags(self):
GetFlags() -> int
Returns flags controlling how loading and saving is done.
def SetEncoding(self, encoding):
Sets the encoding to use when saving a file.
def GetEncoding(self):
GetEncoding() -> String
Returns the encoding to use when saving a file.
Encoding = property(None, None)
Extension = property(None, None)
Flags = property(None, None)
Name = property(None, None)
Type = property(None, None)
def DoLoadFile(self, buffer, stream):
DoLoadFile(buffer, stream) -> bool
Override to load content from stream into buffer.
def DoSaveFile(self, buffer, stream):
DoSaveFile(buffer, stream) -> bool
Override to save content to stream from buffer.
# end of class RichTextFileHandler
class RichTextPlainTextHandler(RichTextFileHandler):
RichTextPlainTextHandler(name="Text", ext="txt", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_TEXT)
Implements saving a buffer to plain text.
def __init__(self, name="Text", ext="txt", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_TEXT):
RichTextPlainTextHandler(name="Text", ext="txt", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_TEXT)
Implements saving a buffer to plain text.
def CanSave(self):
CanSave() -> bool
Returns true if we can save using this handler.
def CanLoad(self):
CanLoad() -> bool
Returns true if we can load using this handler.
def DoLoadFile(self, buffer, stream):
DoLoadFile(buffer, stream) -> bool
Override to load content from stream into buffer.
def DoSaveFile(self, buffer, stream):
DoSaveFile(buffer, stream) -> bool
Override to save content to stream from buffer.
# end of class RichTextPlainTextHandler
class RichTextDrawingHandler(wx.Object):
The base class for custom drawing handlers.
def __init__(self, name=wx.EmptyString):
The base class for custom drawing handlers.
def HasVirtualAttributes(self, obj):
HasVirtualAttributes(obj) -> bool
Returns true if this object has virtual attributes that we can
def GetVirtualAttributes(self, attr, obj):
GetVirtualAttributes(attr, obj) -> bool
Provides virtual attributes that we can provide.
def GetVirtualSubobjectAttributesCount(self, obj):
GetVirtualSubobjectAttributesCount(obj) -> int
Gets the count for mixed virtual attributes for individual positions
within the object.
def GetVirtualSubobjectAttributes(self, obj, positions, attributes):
GetVirtualSubobjectAttributes(obj, positions, attributes) -> int
Gets the mixed virtual attributes for individual positions within the
def HasVirtualText(self, obj):
HasVirtualText(obj) -> bool
Do we have virtual text for this object? Virtual text allows an
application to replace characters in an object for editing and display
purposes, for example for highlighting special characters.
def GetVirtualText(self, obj, text):
GetVirtualText(obj, text) -> bool
Gets the virtual text for this object.
def SetName(self, name):
Sets the name of the handler.
def GetName(self):
GetName() -> String
Returns the name of the handler.
Name = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextDrawingHandler
class RichTextBufferDataObject(wx.DataObjectSimple):
Implements a rich text data object for clipboard transfer.
def __init__(self, richTextBuffer=None):
Implements a rich text data object for clipboard transfer.
def GetRichTextBuffer(self):
GetRichTextBuffer() -> RichTextBuffer
After a call to this function, the buffer is owned by the caller and
it is responsible for deleting it.
def GetPreferredFormat(self, dir):
GetPreferredFormat(dir) -> wx.DataFormat
Returns the preferred format for either rendering the data (if dir is
Get, its default value) or for setting it.
def GetDataSize(self, *args, **kw):
GetDataSize() -> size_t
GetDataSize(format) -> size_t
Gets the size of our data.
def GetDataHere(self, *args, **kw):
GetDataHere(buf) -> bool
GetDataHere(format, buf) -> bool
Copy the data to the buffer, return true on success.
def SetData(self, *args, **kw):
SetData(len, buf) -> bool
SetData(format, len, buf) -> bool
Copy the data from the buffer, return true on success.
def GetRichTextBufferFormatId():
GetRichTextBufferFormatId() -> Char
Returns the id for the new data format.
DataSize = property(None, None)
RichTextBuffer = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextBufferDataObject
class RichTextRenderer(wx.Object):
This class isolates some common drawing functionality.
def __init__(self):
This class isolates some common drawing functionality.
def DrawStandardBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, rect):
DrawStandardBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, rect) -> bool
Draws a standard bullet, as specified by the value of GetBulletName.
def DrawTextBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, rect, text):
DrawTextBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, rect, text) -> bool
Draws a bullet that can be described by text, such as numbered or
symbol bullets.
def DrawBitmapBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, rect):
DrawBitmapBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, rect) -> bool
Draws a bitmap bullet, where the bullet bitmap is specified by the
value of GetBulletName.
def EnumerateStandardBulletNames(self, bulletNames):
EnumerateStandardBulletNames(bulletNames) -> bool
Enumerate the standard bullet names currently supported.
def MeasureBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, sz):
MeasureBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, sz) -> bool
Measure the bullet.
# end of class RichTextRenderer
class RichTextStdRenderer(RichTextRenderer):
The standard renderer for drawing bullets.
def __init__(self):
The standard renderer for drawing bullets.
def DrawStandardBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, rect):
DrawStandardBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, rect) -> bool
Draws a standard bullet, as specified by the value of GetBulletName.
def DrawTextBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, rect, text):
DrawTextBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, rect, text) -> bool
Draws a bullet that can be described by text, such as numbered or
symbol bullets.
def DrawBitmapBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, rect):
DrawBitmapBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, rect) -> bool
Draws a bitmap bullet, where the bullet bitmap is specified by the
value of GetBulletName.
def EnumerateStandardBulletNames(self, bulletNames):
EnumerateStandardBulletNames(bulletNames) -> bool
Enumerate the standard bullet names currently supported.
def MeasureBullet(self, paragraph, dc, attr, sz):
MeasureBullet(paragraph, dc, attr, sz) -> bool
Measure the bullet.
# end of class RichTextStdRenderer
def RichTextHasStyle(flags, style):
RichTextHasStyle(flags, style) -> bool
def TextAttrEq(attr1, attr2):
TextAttrEq(attr1, attr2) -> bool
Compare two attribute objects.
def RichTextApplyStyle(destStyle, style, compareWith=None):
RichTextApplyStyle(destStyle, style, compareWith=None) -> bool
Apply one style to another.
def RichTextRemoveStyle(destStyle, style):
RichTextRemoveStyle(destStyle, style) -> bool
def RichTextCombineBitlists(valueA, valueB, flagsA, flagsB):
RichTextCombineBitlists(valueA, valueB, flagsA, flagsB) -> bool
Combine two bitlists.
def RichTextBitlistsEqPartial(valueA, valueB, flags):
RichTextBitlistsEqPartial(valueA, valueB, flags) -> bool
Compare two bitlists.
def RichTextSplitParaCharStyles(style, parStyle, charStyle):
RichTextSplitParaCharStyles(style, parStyle, charStyle) -> bool
Split into paragraph and character styles.
def RichTextTabsEq(tabs1, tabs2):
RichTextTabsEq(tabs1, tabs2) -> bool
Compare tabs.
def RichTextDecimalToRoman(n):
RichTextDecimalToRoman(n) -> String
Convert a decimal to Roman numerals.
def TextAttrCollectCommonAttributes(currentStyle, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr):
TextAttrCollectCommonAttributes(currentStyle, attr, clashingAttr, absentAttr)
def RichTextModuleInit():
from collections import namedtuple
_im_RichTextRange = namedtuple('_im_RichTextRange', ['Start', 'End'])
del namedtuple
#-- end-richtextbuffer --#
#-- begin-richtextctrl --#
RichTextCtrlSelectionState_Normal = 0
RichTextCtrlSelectionState_CommonAncestor = 0
class RichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo(object):
wxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo keeps track of objects that appear
in the context menu, whose properties are available to be edited.
def __init__(self):
wxRichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo keeps track of objects that appear
in the context menu, whose properties are available to be edited.
m_objects = property(None, None)
m_labels = property(None, None)
def Init(self):
def AddItem(self, label, obj):
AddItem(label, obj) -> bool
Adds an item.
def AddMenuItems(self, menu, startCmd=ID_RICHTEXT_PROPERTIES1):
AddMenuItems(menu, startCmd=ID_RICHTEXT_PROPERTIES1) -> int
Returns the number of menu items that were added.
def AddItems(self, ctrl, container, obj):
AddItems(ctrl, container, obj) -> int
Adds appropriate menu items for the current container and clicked on
object (and container's parent, if appropriate).
def Clear(self):
Clears the items.
def GetLabel(self, n):
GetLabel(n) -> String
Returns the nth label.
def GetObject(self, n):
GetObject(n) -> RichTextObject
Returns the nth object.
def GetObjects(self):
GetObjects() -> RichTextObjectPtrArray
Returns the array of objects.
def GetLabels(self):
GetLabels() -> ArrayString
Returns the array of labels.
def GetCount(self):
GetCount() -> int
Returns the number of items.
Count = property(None, None)
Labels = property(None, None)
Objects = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo
class RichTextCtrl(wx.Control):
RichTextCtrl(parent, id=-1, value=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RE_MULTILINE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.TextCtrlNameStr)
wxRichTextCtrl provides a generic, ground-up implementation of a text
control capable of showing multiple styles and images.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextCtrl(parent, id=-1, value=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RE_MULTILINE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.TextCtrlNameStr)
wxRichTextCtrl provides a generic, ground-up implementation of a text
control capable of showing multiple styles and images.
def GetSelection(self):
GetSelection() -> RichTextSelection
Returns the range of the current selection.
def GetContextMenuPropertiesInfo(self):
GetContextMenuPropertiesInfo() -> RichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo
Returns an object that stores information about context menu property
item(s), in order to communicate between the context menu event
handler and the code that responds to it.
def GetStyle(self, *args, **kw):
GetStyle(position, style) -> bool
GetStyle(position, style) -> bool
GetStyle(position, style, container) -> bool
Gets the attributes at the given position.
def SetStyle(self, *args, **kw):
SetStyle(start, end, style) -> bool
SetStyle(start, end, style) -> bool
SetStyle(range, style) -> bool
SetStyle(range, style) -> bool
SetStyle(obj, textAttr, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO)
Sets the attributes for the given range.
def GetStyleForRange(self, *args, **kw):
GetStyleForRange(range, style) -> bool
GetStyleForRange(range, style) -> bool
GetStyleForRange(range, style, container) -> bool
Gets the attributes common to the specified range.
def GetUncombinedStyle(self, *args, **kw):
GetUncombinedStyle(position, style) -> bool
GetUncombinedStyle(position, style, container) -> bool
Gets the attributes at the given position.
def SetDefaultStyle(self, *args, **kw):
SetDefaultStyle(style) -> bool
SetDefaultStyle(style) -> bool
Sets the current default style, which can be used to change how
subsequently inserted text is displayed.
def SetListStyle(self, *args, **kw):
SetListStyle(range, styleDef, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
SetListStyle(range, defName, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
Sets the list attributes for the given range, passing flags to
determine how the attributes are set.
def NumberList(self, *args, **kw):
NumberList(range, def=None, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
NumberList(range, defName, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
Numbers the paragraphs in the given range.
def PromoteList(self, *args, **kw):
PromoteList(promoteBy, range, def=None, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
PromoteList(promoteBy, range, defName, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, specifiedLevel=-1) -> bool
Promotes or demotes the paragraphs in the given range.
def HitTest(self, pt):
HitTest(pt) -> (TextCtrlHitTestResult, pos)
Finds the character at the given position in pixels.
def HitTestXY(self, pt):
HitTestXY(pt) -> (TextCtrlHitTestResult, col, row)
Finds the character at the given position in pixels.
def FindContainerAtPoint(self, pt, position, hit, hitObj, flags=0):
FindContainerAtPoint(pt, position, hit, hitObj, flags=0) -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Finds the container at the given point, which is assumed to be in
client coordinates.
def SetSelection(self, *args, **kw):
SetSelection(from_, to_)
Sets the selection to the given range.
def WriteImage(self, *args, **kw):
WriteImage(image, bitmapType=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, textAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> bool
WriteImage(bitmap, bitmapType=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, textAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> bool
WriteImage(filename, bitmapType, textAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> bool
WriteImage(imageBlock, textAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> bool
Write a bitmap or image at the current insertion point.
def GetBuffer(self):
GetBuffer() -> RichTextBuffer
Returns the buffer associated with the control.
def Create(self, parent, id=-1, value=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RE_MULTILINE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.TextCtrlNameStr):
Create(parent, id=-1, value=wx.EmptyString, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=RE_MULTILINE, validator=wx.DefaultValidator, name=wx.TextCtrlNameStr) -> bool
Creates the underlying window.
def Init(self):
Initialises the members of the control.
def GetRange(self, from_, to_):
GetRange(from_, to_) -> String
Gets the text for the given range.
def GetLineLength(self, lineNo):
GetLineLength(lineNo) -> int
Returns the length of the specified line in characters.
def GetLineText(self, lineNo):
GetLineText(lineNo) -> String
Returns the text for the given line.
def GetNumberOfLines(self):
GetNumberOfLines() -> int
Returns the number of lines in the buffer.
def IsModified(self):
IsModified() -> bool
Returns true if the buffer has been modified.
def IsEditable(self):
IsEditable() -> bool
Returns true if the control is editable.
def IsSingleLine(self):
IsSingleLine() -> bool
Returns true if the control is single-line.
def IsMultiLine(self):
IsMultiLine() -> bool
Returns true if the control is multiline.
def GetStringSelection(self):
GetStringSelection() -> String
Returns the text within the current selection range, if any.
def GetFilename(self):
GetFilename() -> String
Gets the current filename associated with the control.
def SetFilename(self, filename):
Sets the current filename.
def SetDelayedLayoutThreshold(self, threshold):
Sets the size of the buffer beyond which layout is delayed during
def GetDelayedLayoutThreshold(self):
GetDelayedLayoutThreshold() -> long
Gets the size of the buffer beyond which layout is delayed during
def GetFullLayoutRequired(self):
GetFullLayoutRequired() -> bool
def SetFullLayoutRequired(self, b):
def GetFullLayoutTime(self):
GetFullLayoutTime() -> LongLong
def SetFullLayoutTime(self, t):
def GetFullLayoutSavedPosition(self):
GetFullLayoutSavedPosition() -> long
def SetFullLayoutSavedPosition(self, p):
def ForceDelayedLayout(self):
def SetTextCursor(self, cursor):
Sets the text (normal) cursor.
def GetTextCursor(self):
GetTextCursor() -> wx.Cursor
Returns the text (normal) cursor.
def SetURLCursor(self, cursor):
Sets the cursor to be used over URLs.
def GetURLCursor(self):
GetURLCursor() -> wx.Cursor
Returns the cursor to be used over URLs.
def GetCaretAtLineStart(self):
GetCaretAtLineStart() -> bool
Returns true if we are showing the caret position at the start of a
line instead of at the end of the previous one.
def SetCaretAtLineStart(self, atStart):
Sets a flag to remember that we are showing the caret position at the
start of a line instead of at the end of the previous one.
def GetDragging(self):
GetDragging() -> bool
Returns true if we are extending a selection.
def SetDragging(self, dragging):
Sets a flag to remember if we are extending a selection.
def GetPreDrag(self):
GetPreDrag() -> bool
Are we trying to start Drag'n'Drop?
def SetPreDrag(self, pd):
Set if we're trying to start Drag'n'Drop.
def GetDragStartPoint(self):
GetDragStartPoint() -> wx.Point
Get the possible Drag'n'Drop start point.
def SetDragStartPoint(self, sp):
Set the possible Drag'n'Drop start point.
def GetDragStartTime(self):
GetDragStartTime() -> wx.DateTime
Get the possible Drag'n'Drop start time.
def SetDragStartTime(self, st):
Set the possible Drag'n'Drop start time.
def GetContextMenu(self):
GetContextMenu() -> wx.Menu
Returns the current context menu.
def SetContextMenu(self, menu):
Sets the current context menu.
def GetSelectionAnchor(self):
GetSelectionAnchor() -> long
Returns an anchor so we know how to extend the selection.
def SetSelectionAnchor(self, anchor):
Sets an anchor so we know how to extend the selection.
def GetSelectionAnchorObject(self):
GetSelectionAnchorObject() -> RichTextObject
Returns the anchor object if selecting multiple containers.
def SetSelectionAnchorObject(self, anchor):
Sets the anchor object if selecting multiple containers.
def GetFocusObject(self):
GetFocusObject() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the wxRichTextObject object that currently has the editing
def StoreFocusObject(self, obj):
Setter for m_focusObject.
def SetFocusObject(self, obj, setCaretPosition=True):
SetFocusObject(obj, setCaretPosition=True) -> bool
Sets the wxRichTextObject object that currently has the editing focus.
def Invalidate(self):
Invalidates the whole buffer to trigger painting later.
def Clear(self):
Clears the buffer content, leaving a single empty paragraph.
def Replace(self, from_, to_, value):
Replace(from_, to_, value)
Replaces the content in the specified range with the string specified
by value.
def Remove(self, from_, to_):
Remove(from_, to_)
Removes the content in the specified range.
def LoadFile(self, file, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY):
LoadFile(file, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) -> bool
Loads content into the control's buffer using the given type.
def DoLoadFile(self, file, fileType):
DoLoadFile(file, fileType) -> bool
Helper function for LoadFile().
def SaveFile(self, file=wx.EmptyString, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY):
SaveFile(file=wx.EmptyString, type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) -> bool
Saves the buffer content using the given type.
def DoSaveFile(self, file=wx.EmptyString, fileType=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY):
DoSaveFile(file=wx.EmptyString, fileType=RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) -> bool
Helper function for SaveFile().
def SetHandlerFlags(self, flags):
Sets flags that change the behaviour of loading or saving.
def GetHandlerFlags(self):
GetHandlerFlags() -> int
Returns flags that change the behaviour of loading or saving.
def MarkDirty(self):
Marks the buffer as modified.
def DiscardEdits(self):
Sets the buffer's modified status to false, and clears the buffer's
command history.
def SetModified(self, modified):
def SetMaxLength(self, len):
Sets the maximum number of characters that may be entered in a single
line text control.
def WriteText(self, text):
Writes text at the current position.
def AppendText(self, text):
Sets the insertion point to the end of the buffer and writes the text.
def SetStyleEx(self, range, style, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO):
SetStyleEx(range, style, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) -> bool
Sets the attributes for the given range, passing flags to determine
how the attributes are set.
def GetDefaultStyleEx(self):
GetDefaultStyleEx() -> RichTextAttr
Returns the current default style, which can be used to change how
subsequently inserted text is displayed.
def ClearListStyle(self, range, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO):
ClearListStyle(range, flags=RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) -> bool
Clears the list style from the given range, clearing list-related
attributes and applying any named paragraph style associated with each
def SetProperties(self, range, properties, flags=RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO):
SetProperties(range, properties, flags=RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO) -> bool
Sets the properties for the given range, passing flags to determine
how the attributes are set.
def Delete(self, range):
Delete(range) -> bool
Deletes the content within the given range.
def XYToPosition(self, x, y):
XYToPosition(x, y) -> long
Translates from column and line number to position.
def PositionToXY(self, pos):
PositionToXY(pos) -> (bool, x, y)
Converts a text position to zero-based column and line numbers.
def ShowPosition(self, pos):
Scrolls the buffer so that the given position is in view.
def Copy(self):
Copies the selected content (if any) to the clipboard.
def Cut(self):
Copies the selected content (if any) to the clipboard and deletes the
def Paste(self):
Pastes content from the clipboard to the buffer.
def DeleteSelection(self):
Deletes the content in the selection, if any.
def CanCopy(self):
CanCopy() -> bool
Returns true if selected content can be copied to the clipboard.
def CanCut(self):
CanCut() -> bool
Returns true if selected content can be copied to the clipboard and
def CanPaste(self):
CanPaste() -> bool
Returns true if the clipboard content can be pasted to the buffer.
def CanDeleteSelection(self):
CanDeleteSelection() -> bool
Returns true if selected content can be deleted.
def Undo(self):
Undoes the command at the top of the command history, if there is one.
def Redo(self):
Redoes the current command.
def CanUndo(self):
CanUndo() -> bool
Returns true if there is a command in the command history that can be
def CanRedo(self):
CanRedo() -> bool
Returns true if there is a command in the command history that can be
def SetInsertionPoint(self, pos):
Sets the insertion point and causes the current editing style to be
taken from the new position (unlike wxRichTextCtrl::SetCaretPosition).
def SetInsertionPointEnd(self):
Sets the insertion point to the end of the text control.
def GetInsertionPoint(self):
GetInsertionPoint() -> long
Returns the current insertion point.
def GetLastPosition(self):
GetLastPosition() -> TextPos
Returns the last position in the buffer.
def SelectAll(self):
Selects all the text in the buffer.
def SetEditable(self, editable):
Makes the control editable, or not.
def HasSelection(self):
HasSelection() -> bool
Returns true if there is a selection and the object containing the
selection was the same as the current focus object.
def HasUnfocusedSelection(self):
HasUnfocusedSelection() -> bool
Returns true if there was a selection, whether or not the current
focus object is the same as the selection's container object.
def WriteTextBox(self, textAttr=RichTextAttr()):
WriteTextBox(textAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> RichTextBox
Write a text box at the current insertion point, returning the text
def WriteField(self, fieldType, properties, textAttr=RichTextAttr()):
WriteField(fieldType, properties, textAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> RichTextField
Writes a field at the current insertion point.
def WriteTable(self, rows, cols, tableAttr=RichTextAttr(), cellAttr=RichTextAttr()):
WriteTable(rows, cols, tableAttr=RichTextAttr(), cellAttr=RichTextAttr()) -> RichTextTable
Write a table at the current insertion point, returning the table.
def Newline(self):
Newline() -> bool
Inserts a new paragraph at the current insertion point.
def LineBreak(self):
LineBreak() -> bool
Inserts a line break at the current insertion point.
def SetBasicStyle(self, style):
Sets the basic (overall) style.
def GetBasicStyle(self):
GetBasicStyle() -> RichTextAttr
Gets the basic (overall) style.
def BeginStyle(self, style):
BeginStyle(style) -> bool
Begins applying a style.
def EndStyle(self):
EndStyle() -> bool
Ends the current style.
def EndAllStyles(self):
EndAllStyles() -> bool
Ends application of all styles in the current style stack.
def BeginBold(self):
BeginBold() -> bool
Begins using bold.
def EndBold(self):
EndBold() -> bool
Ends using bold.
def BeginItalic(self):
BeginItalic() -> bool
Begins using italic.
def EndItalic(self):
EndItalic() -> bool
Ends using italic.
def BeginUnderline(self):
BeginUnderline() -> bool
Begins using underlining.
def EndUnderline(self):
EndUnderline() -> bool
End applying underlining.
def BeginFontSize(self, pointSize):
BeginFontSize(pointSize) -> bool
Begins using the given point size.
def EndFontSize(self):
EndFontSize() -> bool
Ends using a point size.
def BeginFont(self, font):
BeginFont(font) -> bool
Begins using this font.
def EndFont(self):
EndFont() -> bool
Ends using a font.
def BeginTextColour(self, colour):
BeginTextColour(colour) -> bool
Begins using this colour.
def EndTextColour(self):
EndTextColour() -> bool
Ends applying a text colour.
def BeginAlignment(self, alignment):
BeginAlignment(alignment) -> bool
Begins using alignment.
def EndAlignment(self):
EndAlignment() -> bool
Ends alignment.
def BeginLeftIndent(self, leftIndent, leftSubIndent=0):
BeginLeftIndent(leftIndent, leftSubIndent=0) -> bool
Begins applying a left indent and subindent in tenths of a millimetre.
def EndLeftIndent(self):
EndLeftIndent() -> bool
Ends left indent.
def BeginRightIndent(self, rightIndent):
BeginRightIndent(rightIndent) -> bool
Begins a right indent, specified in tenths of a millimetre.
def EndRightIndent(self):
EndRightIndent() -> bool
Ends right indent.
def BeginParagraphSpacing(self, before, after):
BeginParagraphSpacing(before, after) -> bool
Begins paragraph spacing; pass the before-paragraph and after-
paragraph spacing in tenths of a millimetre.
def EndParagraphSpacing(self):
EndParagraphSpacing() -> bool
Ends paragraph spacing.
def BeginLineSpacing(self, lineSpacing):
BeginLineSpacing(lineSpacing) -> bool
Begins appling line spacing.
def EndLineSpacing(self):
EndLineSpacing() -> bool
Ends line spacing.
def BeginNumberedBullet(self, bulletNumber, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD):
BeginNumberedBullet(bulletNumber, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD) -> bool
Begins a numbered bullet.
def EndNumberedBullet(self):
EndNumberedBullet() -> bool
Ends application of a numbered bullet.
def BeginSymbolBullet(self, symbol, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL):
BeginSymbolBullet(symbol, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL) -> bool
Begins applying a symbol bullet, using a character from the current
def EndSymbolBullet(self):
EndSymbolBullet() -> bool
Ends applying a symbol bullet.
def BeginStandardBullet(self, bulletName, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD):
BeginStandardBullet(bulletName, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=wx.TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD) -> bool
Begins applying a symbol bullet.
def EndStandardBullet(self):
EndStandardBullet() -> bool
Begins applying a standard bullet.
def BeginCharacterStyle(self, characterStyle):
BeginCharacterStyle(characterStyle) -> bool
Begins using the named character style.
def EndCharacterStyle(self):
EndCharacterStyle() -> bool
Ends application of a named character style.
def BeginParagraphStyle(self, paragraphStyle):
BeginParagraphStyle(paragraphStyle) -> bool
Begins applying the named paragraph style.
def EndParagraphStyle(self):
EndParagraphStyle() -> bool
Ends application of a named paragraph style.
def BeginListStyle(self, listStyle, level=1, number=1):
BeginListStyle(listStyle, level=1, number=1) -> bool
Begins using a specified list style.
def EndListStyle(self):
EndListStyle() -> bool
Ends using a specified list style.
def BeginURL(self, url, characterStyle=wx.EmptyString):
BeginURL(url, characterStyle=wx.EmptyString) -> bool
Begins applying wxTEXT_ATTR_URL to the content.
def EndURL(self):
EndURL() -> bool
Ends applying a URL.
def SetDefaultStyleToCursorStyle(self):
SetDefaultStyleToCursorStyle() -> bool
Sets the default style to the style under the cursor.
def SelectNone(self):
Cancels any selection.
def SelectWord(self, position):
SelectWord(position) -> bool
Selects the word at the given character position.
def GetSelectionRange(self):
GetSelectionRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the selection range in character positions.
def SetSelectionRange(self, range):
Sets the selection to the given range.
def GetInternalSelectionRange(self):
GetInternalSelectionRange() -> RichTextRange
Returns the selection range in character positions.
def SetInternalSelectionRange(self, range):
Sets the selection range in character positions.
def AddParagraph(self, text):
AddParagraph(text) -> RichTextRange
Adds a new paragraph of text to the end of the buffer.
def AddImage(self, image):
AddImage(image) -> RichTextRange
Adds an image to the control's buffer.
def LayoutContent(self, onlyVisibleRect=False):
LayoutContent(onlyVisibleRect=False) -> bool
Lays out the buffer, which must be done before certain operations,
such as setting the caret position.
def DoLayoutBuffer(self, buffer, dc, context, rect, parentRect, flags):
DoLayoutBuffer(buffer, dc, context, rect, parentRect, flags)
Implements layout.
def MoveCaret(self, pos, showAtLineStart=False, container=None):
MoveCaret(pos, showAtLineStart=False, container=None) -> bool
Move the caret to the given character position.
def MoveRight(self, noPositions=1, flags=0):
MoveRight(noPositions=1, flags=0) -> bool
Moves right.
def MoveLeft(self, noPositions=1, flags=0):
MoveLeft(noPositions=1, flags=0) -> bool
Moves left.
def MoveUp(self, noLines=1, flags=0):
MoveUp(noLines=1, flags=0) -> bool
Moves to the start of the paragraph.
def MoveDown(self, noLines=1, flags=0):
MoveDown(noLines=1, flags=0) -> bool
Moves the caret down.
def MoveToLineEnd(self, flags=0):
MoveToLineEnd(flags=0) -> bool
Moves to the end of the line.
def MoveToLineStart(self, flags=0):
MoveToLineStart(flags=0) -> bool
Moves to the start of the line.
def MoveToParagraphEnd(self, flags=0):
MoveToParagraphEnd(flags=0) -> bool
Moves to the end of the paragraph.
def MoveToParagraphStart(self, flags=0):
MoveToParagraphStart(flags=0) -> bool
Moves to the start of the paragraph.
def MoveHome(self, flags=0):
MoveHome(flags=0) -> bool
Moves to the start of the buffer.
def MoveEnd(self, flags=0):
MoveEnd(flags=0) -> bool
Moves to the end of the buffer.
def PageUp(self, noPages=1, flags=0):
PageUp(noPages=1, flags=0) -> bool
Moves one or more pages up.
def PageDown(self, noPages=1, flags=0):
PageDown(noPages=1, flags=0) -> bool
Moves one or more pages down.
def WordLeft(self, noPages=1, flags=0):
WordLeft(noPages=1, flags=0) -> bool
Moves a number of words to the left.
def WordRight(self, noPages=1, flags=0):
WordRight(noPages=1, flags=0) -> bool
Move a number of words to the right.
def BeginBatchUndo(self, cmdName):
BeginBatchUndo(cmdName) -> bool
Starts batching undo history for commands.
def EndBatchUndo(self):
EndBatchUndo() -> bool
Ends batching undo command history.
def BatchingUndo(self):
BatchingUndo() -> bool
Returns true if undo commands are being batched.
def BeginSuppressUndo(self):
BeginSuppressUndo() -> bool
Starts suppressing undo history for commands.
def EndSuppressUndo(self):
EndSuppressUndo() -> bool
Ends suppressing undo command history.
def SuppressingUndo(self):
SuppressingUndo() -> bool
Returns true if undo history suppression is on.
def HasCharacterAttributes(self, range, style):
HasCharacterAttributes(range, style) -> bool
Test if this whole range has character attributes of the specified
def HasParagraphAttributes(self, range, style):
HasParagraphAttributes(range, style) -> bool
Test if this whole range has paragraph attributes of the specified
def IsSelectionBold(self):
IsSelectionBold() -> bool
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret
position, is bold.
def IsSelectionItalics(self):
IsSelectionItalics() -> bool
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret
position, is italic.
def IsSelectionUnderlined(self):
IsSelectionUnderlined() -> bool
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret
position, is underlined.
def DoesSelectionHaveTextEffectFlag(self, flag):
DoesSelectionHaveTextEffectFlag(flag) -> bool
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the current
caret position, has the supplied wxTextAttrEffects flag(s).
def IsSelectionAligned(self, alignment):
IsSelectionAligned(alignment) -> bool
Returns true if all of the selection is aligned according to the
specified flag.
def ApplyBoldToSelection(self):
ApplyBoldToSelection() -> bool
Apples bold to the selection or the default style (undoable).
def ApplyItalicToSelection(self):
ApplyItalicToSelection() -> bool
Applies italic to the selection or the default style (undoable).
def ApplyUnderlineToSelection(self):
ApplyUnderlineToSelection() -> bool
Applies underline to the selection or the default style (undoable).
def ApplyTextEffectToSelection(self, flags):
ApplyTextEffectToSelection(flags) -> bool
Applies one or more wxTextAttrEffects flags to the selection
def ApplyAlignmentToSelection(self, alignment):
ApplyAlignmentToSelection(alignment) -> bool
Applies the given alignment to the selection or the default style
def ApplyStyle(self, styleDef):
ApplyStyle(styleDef) -> bool
Applies the style sheet to the buffer, matching paragraph styles in
the sheet against named styles in the buffer.
def SetStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
Sets the style sheet associated with the control.
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the style sheet associated with the control, if any.
def PushStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
PushStyleSheet(styleSheet) -> bool
Push the style sheet to top of stack.
def PopStyleSheet(self):
PopStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Pops the style sheet from top of stack.
def ApplyStyleSheet(self, styleSheet=None):
ApplyStyleSheet(styleSheet=None) -> bool
Applies the style sheet to the buffer, for example if the styles have
def ShowContextMenu(self, menu, pt, addPropertyCommands):
ShowContextMenu(menu, pt, addPropertyCommands) -> bool
Shows the given context menu, optionally adding appropriate property-
editing commands for the current position in the object hierarchy.
def PrepareContextMenu(self, menu, pt, addPropertyCommands):
PrepareContextMenu(menu, pt, addPropertyCommands) -> int
Prepares the context menu, optionally adding appropriate property-
editing commands.
def CanEditProperties(self, obj):
CanEditProperties(obj) -> bool
Returns true if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI.
def EditProperties(self, obj, parent):
EditProperties(obj, parent) -> bool
Edits the object's properties via a GUI.
def GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self, obj):
GetPropertiesMenuLabel(obj) -> String
Gets the object's properties menu label.
def PrepareContent(self, container):
Prepares the content just before insertion (or after buffer reset).
def CanDeleteRange(self, container, range):
CanDeleteRange(container, range) -> bool
Can we delete this range? Sends an event to the control.
def CanInsertContent(self, container, pos):
CanInsertContent(container, pos) -> bool
Can we insert content at this position? Sends an event to the control.
def EnableVerticalScrollbar(self, enable):
Enable or disable the vertical scrollbar.
def GetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(self):
GetVerticalScrollbarEnabled() -> bool
Returns true if the vertical scrollbar is enabled.
def SetFontScale(self, fontScale, refresh=False):
SetFontScale(fontScale, refresh=False)
Sets the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more
comfortable editing.
def GetFontScale(self):
GetFontScale() -> double
Returns the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more
comfortable editing.
def SetDimensionScale(self, dimScale, refresh=False):
SetDimensionScale(dimScale, refresh=False)
Sets the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as
indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
def GetDimensionScale(self):
GetDimensionScale() -> double
Returns the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as
indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
def SetScale(self, scale, refresh=False):
SetScale(scale, refresh=False)
Sets an overall scale factor for displaying and editing the content.
def GetScale(self):
GetScale() -> double
Returns an overall scale factor for displaying and editing the
def GetUnscaledPoint(self, pt):
GetUnscaledPoint(pt) -> wx.Point
Returns an unscaled point.
def GetScaledPoint(self, pt):
GetScaledPoint(pt) -> wx.Point
Returns a scaled point.
def GetUnscaledSize(self, sz):
GetUnscaledSize(sz) -> wx.Size
Returns an unscaled size.
def GetScaledSize(self, sz):
GetScaledSize(sz) -> wx.Size
Returns a scaled size.
def GetUnscaledRect(self, rect):
GetUnscaledRect(rect) -> wx.Rect
Returns an unscaled rectangle.
def GetScaledRect(self, rect):
GetScaledRect(rect) -> wx.Rect
Returns a scaled rectangle.
def GetVirtualAttributesEnabled(self):
GetVirtualAttributesEnabled() -> bool
Returns true if this control can use virtual attributes and virtual
def EnableVirtualAttributes(self, b):
Pass true to let the control use virtual attributes.
def Command(self, event):
Sends the event to the control.
def OnDropFiles(self, event):
Loads the first dropped file.
def OnCaptureLost(self, event):
def OnSysColourChanged(self, event):
def OnCut(self, event):
Standard handler for the wxID_CUT command.
def OnCopy(self, event):
Standard handler for the wxID_COPY command.
def OnPaste(self, event):
Standard handler for the wxID_PASTE command.
def OnUndo(self, event):
Standard handler for the wxID_UNDO command.
def OnRedo(self, event):
Standard handler for the wxID_REDO command.
def OnSelectAll(self, event):
Standard handler for the wxID_SELECTALL command.
def OnProperties(self, event):
Standard handler for property commands.
def OnClear(self, event):
Standard handler for the wxID_CLEAR command.
def OnUpdateCut(self, event):
Standard update handler for the wxID_CUT command.
def OnUpdateCopy(self, event):
Standard update handler for the wxID_COPY command.
def OnUpdatePaste(self, event):
Standard update handler for the wxID_PASTE command.
def OnUpdateUndo(self, event):
Standard update handler for the wxID_UNDO command.
def OnUpdateRedo(self, event):
Standard update handler for the wxID_REDO command.
def OnUpdateSelectAll(self, event):
Standard update handler for the wxID_SELECTALL command.
def OnUpdateProperties(self, event):
Standard update handler for property commands.
def OnUpdateClear(self, event):
Standard update handler for the wxID_CLEAR command.
def OnContextMenu(self, event):
Shows a standard context menu with undo, redo, cut, copy, paste,
clear, and select all commands.
def OnPaint(self, event):
def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
def OnLeftClick(self, event):
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
def OnMoveMouse(self, event):
def OnLeftDClick(self, event):
def OnMiddleClick(self, event):
def OnRightClick(self, event):
def OnChar(self, event):
def OnSize(self, event):
def OnSetFocus(self, event):
def OnKillFocus(self, event):
def OnIdle(self, event):
def OnScroll(self, event):
def SetFont(self, font):
SetFont(font) -> bool
Sets the font, and also the basic and default attributes (see
def SetupScrollbars(self, atTop=False):
A helper function setting up scrollbars, for example after a resize.
def KeyboardNavigate(self, keyCode, flags):
KeyboardNavigate(keyCode, flags) -> bool
Helper function implementing keyboard navigation.
def PaintBackground(self, dc):
Paints the background.
def PaintAboveContent(self, WXUNUSED):
Other user defined painting after everything else (i.e. all text) is
def DoWriteText(self, value, flags=0):
DoWriteText(value, flags=0)
def ShouldInheritColours(self):
ShouldInheritColours() -> bool
Return true from here to allow the colours of this window to be
changed by InheritAttributes().
def PositionCaret(self, container=None):
Internal function to position the visible caret according to the
current caret position.
def ExtendSelection(self, oldPosition, newPosition, flags):
ExtendSelection(oldPosition, newPosition, flags) -> bool
Helper function for extending the selection, returning true if the
selection was changed.
def ExtendCellSelection(self, table, noRowSteps, noColSteps):
ExtendCellSelection(table, noRowSteps, noColSteps) -> bool
Extends a table selection in the given direction.
def StartCellSelection(self, table, newCell):
StartCellSelection(table, newCell) -> bool
Starts selecting table cells.
def ScrollIntoView(self, position, keyCode):
ScrollIntoView(position, keyCode) -> bool
Scrolls position into view.
def RefreshForSelectionChange(self, oldSelection, newSelection):
RefreshForSelectionChange(oldSelection, newSelection) -> bool
Refreshes the area affected by a selection change.
def SetCaretPosition(self, position, showAtLineStart=False):
SetCaretPosition(position, showAtLineStart=False)
Sets the caret position.
def GetCaretPosition(self):
GetCaretPosition() -> long
Returns the current caret position.
def GetAdjustedCaretPosition(self, caretPos):
GetAdjustedCaretPosition(caretPos) -> long
The adjusted caret position is the character position adjusted to take
into account whether we're at the start of a paragraph, in which case
style information should be taken from the next position, not current
def MoveCaretForward(self, oldPosition):
Move the caret one visual step forward: this may mean setting a flag
and keeping the same position if we're going from the end of one line
to the start of the next, which may be the exact same caret position.
def MoveCaretBack(self, oldPosition):
Move the caret one visual step forward: this may mean setting a flag
and keeping the same position if we're going from the end of one line
to the start of the next, which may be the exact same caret position.
def GetCaretPositionForIndex(self, position, rect, container=None):
GetCaretPositionForIndex(position, rect, container=None) -> bool
Returns the caret height and position for the given character
def GetVisibleLineForCaretPosition(self, caretPosition):
GetVisibleLineForCaretPosition(caretPosition) -> RichTextLine
Internal helper function returning the line for the visible caret
def GetCommandProcessor(self):
GetCommandProcessor() -> wx.CommandProcessor
Gets the command processor associated with the control's buffer.
def DeleteSelectedContent(self, newPos=None):
DeleteSelectedContent(newPos=None) -> bool
Deletes content if there is a selection, e.g.
def GetPhysicalPoint(self, ptLogical):
GetPhysicalPoint(ptLogical) -> wx.Point
Transforms logical (unscrolled) position to physical window position.
def GetLogicalPoint(self, ptPhysical):
GetLogicalPoint(ptPhysical) -> wx.Point
Transforms physical window position to logical (unscrolled) position.
def FindNextWordPosition(self, direction=1):
FindNextWordPosition(direction=1) -> long
Helper function for finding the caret position for the next word.
def IsPositionVisible(self, pos):
IsPositionVisible(pos) -> bool
Returns true if the given position is visible on the screen.
def GetFirstVisiblePosition(self):
GetFirstVisiblePosition() -> long
Returns the first visible position in the current view.
def EnableImages(self, b):
Enable or disable images.
def GetImagesEnabled(self):
GetImagesEnabled() -> bool
Returns true if images are enabled.
def EnableDelayedImageLoading(self, b):
Enable or disable delayed image loading.
def GetDelayedImageLoading(self):
GetDelayedImageLoading() -> bool
Returns true if delayed image loading is enabled.
def GetDelayedImageProcessingRequired(self):
GetDelayedImageProcessingRequired() -> bool
Gets the flag indicating that delayed image processing is required.
def SetDelayedImageProcessingRequired(self, b):
Sets the flag indicating that delayed image processing is required.
def GetDelayedImageProcessingTime(self):
GetDelayedImageProcessingTime() -> LongLong
Returns the last time delayed image processing was performed.
def SetDelayedImageProcessingTime(self, t):
Sets the last time delayed image processing was performed.
def GetCaretPositionForDefaultStyle(self):
GetCaretPositionForDefaultStyle() -> long
Returns the caret position since the default formatting was changed.
def SetCaretPositionForDefaultStyle(self, pos):
Set the caret position for the default style that the user is
def IsDefaultStyleShowing(self):
IsDefaultStyleShowing() -> bool
Returns true if the user has recently set the default style without
moving the caret, and therefore the UI needs to reflect the default
style and not the style at the caret.
def SetAndShowDefaultStyle(self, attr):
Sets attr as the default style and tells the control that the UI
should reflect this attribute until the user moves the caret.
def GetFirstVisiblePoint(self):
GetFirstVisiblePoint() -> wx.Point
Returns the first visible point in the window.
def GetValue(self):
GetValue() -> String
Returns the content of the entire control as a string.
def SetValue(self, value):
Replaces existing content with the given text.
def ProcessBackKey(self, event, flags):
ProcessBackKey(event, flags) -> bool
Processes the back key.
def FindRangeForList(self, pos, isNumberedList):
FindRangeForList(pos, isNumberedList) -> RichTextRange
Given a character position at which there is a list style, find the
range encompassing the same list style by looking backwards and
def SetCaretPositionAfterClick(self, container, position, hitTestFlags, extendSelection=False):
SetCaretPositionAfterClick(container, position, hitTestFlags, extendSelection=False) -> bool
Sets up the caret for the given position and container, after a mouse
def FindCaretPositionForCharacterPosition(self, position, hitTestFlags, container, caretLineStart):
FindCaretPositionForCharacterPosition(position, hitTestFlags, container, caretLineStart) -> long
Find the caret position for the combination of hit-test flags and
character position.
def ProcessMouseMovement(self, container, obj, position, pos):
ProcessMouseMovement(container, obj, position, pos) -> bool
Processes mouse movement in order to change the cursor.
def DoGetValue(self):
DoGetValue() -> String
def ProcessDelayedImageLoading(self, *args, **kw):
ProcessDelayedImageLoading(refresh) -> bool
ProcessDelayedImageLoading(screenRect, box, loadCount) -> bool
Do delayed image loading and garbage-collect other images.
def RequestDelayedImageProcessing(self):
Request delayed image processing.
def OnTimer(self, event):
Respond to timer events.
def GetAvailableFontNames():
GetAvailableFontNames() -> ArrayString
Font names take a long time to retrieve, so cache them (on demand).
def ClearAvailableFontNames():
Clears the cache of available font names.
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes
def GetDefaultStyle(self):
def SetMargins(self, *args, **kw):
SetMargins(pt) -> bool
SetMargins(left, top=-1) -> bool
Attempts to set the control margins.
def AutoComplete(self, *args, **kw):
AutoComplete(choices) -> bool
AutoComplete(completer) -> bool
Call this function to enable auto-completion of the text typed in a
single-line text control using the given choices.
def AutoCompleteFileNames(self):
AutoCompleteFileNames() -> bool
Call this function to enable auto-completion of the text typed in a
single-line text control using all valid file system paths.
def AutoCompleteDirectories(self):
AutoCompleteDirectories() -> bool
Call this function to enable auto-completion of the text using the
file system directories.
def ChangeValue(self, value):
Sets the new text control value.
def ForceUpper(self):
Convert all text entered into the control to upper case.
def IsEmpty(self):
IsEmpty() -> bool
Returns true if the control is currently empty.
def SetHint(self, hint):
SetHint(hint) -> bool
Sets a hint shown in an empty unfocused text control.
def GetHint(self):
GetHint() -> String
Returns the current hint string.
def GetMargins(self):
GetMargins() -> Point
Returns the margins used by the control.
BasicStyle = property(None, None)
Buffer = property(None, None)
CaretAtLineStart = property(None, None)
CaretPosition = property(None, None)
CaretPositionForDefaultStyle = property(None, None)
CommandProcessor = property(None, None)
ContextMenu = property(None, None)
ContextMenuPropertiesInfo = property(None, None)
DefaultStyle = property(None, None)
DefaultStyleEx = property(None, None)
DelayedImageLoading = property(None, None)
DelayedImageProcessingRequired = property(None, None)
DelayedImageProcessingTime = property(None, None)
DelayedLayoutThreshold = property(None, None)
DimensionScale = property(None, None)
DragStartPoint = property(None, None)
DragStartTime = property(None, None)
Dragging = property(None, None)
Filename = property(None, None)
FirstVisiblePoint = property(None, None)
FirstVisiblePosition = property(None, None)
FocusObject = property(None, None)
FontScale = property(None, None)
FullLayoutRequired = property(None, None)
FullLayoutSavedPosition = property(None, None)
FullLayoutTime = property(None, None)
HandlerFlags = property(None, None)
Hint = property(None, None)
ImagesEnabled = property(None, None)
InsertionPoint = property(None, None)
InternalSelectionRange = property(None, None)
LastPosition = property(None, None)
Margins = property(None, None)
NumberOfLines = property(None, None)
PreDrag = property(None, None)
Scale = property(None, None)
Selection = property(None, None)
SelectionAnchor = property(None, None)
SelectionAnchorObject = property(None, None)
SelectionRange = property(None, None)
StringSelection = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
TextCursor = property(None, None)
URLCursor = property(None, None)
Value = property(None, None)
VerticalScrollbarEnabled = property(None, None)
VirtualAttributesEnabled = property(None, None)
def DoGetBestSize(self):
DoGetBestSize() -> wx.Size
Currently this simply returns wxSize(10, 10).
def DoThaw(self):
# end of class RichTextCtrl
class RichTextEvent(wx.NotifyEvent):
RichTextEvent(commandType=wx.wxEVT_NULL, winid=0)
This is the event class for wxRichTextCtrl notifications.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextEvent(commandType=wx.wxEVT_NULL, winid=0)
This is the event class for wxRichTextCtrl notifications.
def GetPosition(self):
GetPosition() -> long
Returns the buffer position at which the event occurred.
def SetPosition(self, pos):
Sets the buffer position variable.
def GetFlags(self):
GetFlags() -> int
Returns flags indicating modifier keys pressed.
def SetFlags(self, flags):
Sets flags indicating modifier keys pressed.
def GetOldStyleSheet(self):
GetOldStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the old style sheet.
def SetOldStyleSheet(self, sheet):
Sets the old style sheet variable.
def GetNewStyleSheet(self):
GetNewStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the new style sheet.
def SetNewStyleSheet(self, sheet):
Sets the new style sheet variable.
def GetRange(self):
GetRange() -> RichTextRange
Gets the range for the current operation.
def SetRange(self, range):
Sets the range variable.
def GetCharacter(self):
GetCharacter() -> Char
Returns the character pressed, within a wxEVT_RICHTEXT_CHARACTER
def SetCharacter(self, ch):
Sets the character variable.
def GetContainer(self):
GetContainer() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the container for which the event is relevant.
def SetContainer(self, container):
Sets the container for which the event is relevant.
def GetOldContainer(self):
GetOldContainer() -> RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
Returns the old container, for a focus change event.
def SetOldContainer(self, container):
Sets the old container, for a focus change event.
def Clone(self):
Clone() -> wx.Event
Returns a copy of the event.
Character = property(None, None)
Container = property(None, None)
Flags = property(None, None)
NewStyleSheet = property(None, None)
OldContainer = property(None, None)
OldStyleSheet = property(None, None)
Position = property(None, None)
Range = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextEvent
#-- end-richtextctrl --#
#-- begin-richtexthtml --#
class RichTextHTMLHandler(RichTextFileHandler):
RichTextHTMLHandler(name="HTML", ext="html", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_HTML)
Handles HTML output (only) for wxRichTextCtrl content.
def __init__(self, name="HTML", ext="html", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_HTML):
RichTextHTMLHandler(name="HTML", ext="html", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_HTML)
Handles HTML output (only) for wxRichTextCtrl content.
def ClearTemporaryImageLocations(self):
Clears the image locations generated by the last operation.
def DeleteTemporaryImages(self, *args, **kw):
DeleteTemporaryImages() -> bool
DeleteTemporaryImages(flags, imageLocations) -> bool
Deletes the in-memory or temporary files generated by the last
def GetFontSizeMapping(self):
GetFontSizeMapping() -> ArrayInt
Returns the mapping for converting point sizes to HTML font sizes.
def GetTempDir(self):
GetTempDir() -> String
Returns the directory used to store temporary image files.
def GetTemporaryImageLocations(self):
GetTemporaryImageLocations() -> ArrayString
Returns the image locations for the last operation.
def SetFontSizeMapping(self, fontSizeMapping):
Sets the mapping for converting point sizes to HTML font sizes.
def SetTempDir(self, tempDir):
Sets the directory for storing temporary files.
def SetTemporaryImageLocations(self, locations):
Sets the list of image locations generated by the last operation.
def SetFileCounter(counter):
Reset the file counter, in case, for example, the same names are
required each time.
FontSizeMapping = property(None, None)
TempDir = property(None, None)
TemporaryImageLocations = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextHTMLHandler
#-- end-richtexthtml --#
#-- begin-richtextxml --#
class RichTextXMLHandler(RichTextFileHandler):
RichTextXMLHandler(name="XML", ext="xml", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_XML)
A handler for loading and saving content in an XML format specific to
def __init__(self, name="XML", ext="xml", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_XML):
RichTextXMLHandler(name="XML", ext="xml", type=RICHTEXT_TYPE_XML)
A handler for loading and saving content in an XML format specific to
def CanLoad(self):
CanLoad() -> bool
Returns true.
def CanSave(self):
CanSave() -> bool
Returns true.
def ExportXML(self, stream, obj, level):
ExportXML(stream, obj, level) -> bool
Recursively exports an object to the stream.
def ImportXML(self, buffer, obj, node):
ImportXML(buffer, obj, node) -> bool
Recursively imports an object.
def RegisterNodeName(nodeName, className):
RegisterNodeName(nodeName, className)
Call with XML node name, C++ class name so that wxRTC can read in the
def ClearNodeToClassMap():
Cleans up the mapping between node name and C++ class.
# end of class RichTextXMLHandler
#-- end-richtextxml --#
#-- begin-richtextprint --#
class RichTextHeaderFooterData(wx.Object):
This class represents header and footer data to be passed to the
wxRichTextPrinting and wxRichTextPrintout classes.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
This class represents header and footer data to be passed to the
wxRichTextPrinting and wxRichTextPrintout classes.
def Clear(self):
Clears all text.
def Copy(self, data):
Copies the data.
def GetFont(self):
GetFont() -> wx.Font
Returns the font specified for printing the header and footer.
def GetFooterMargin(self):
GetFooterMargin() -> int
Returns the margin between the text and the footer.
def GetFooterText(self, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
GetFooterText(page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) -> String
Returns the footer text on odd or even pages, and at a given position
on the page (left, centre or right).
def GetHeaderMargin(self):
GetHeaderMargin() -> int
Returns the margin between the text and the header.
def GetHeaderText(self, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
GetHeaderText(page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) -> String
Returns the header text on odd or even pages, and at a given position
on the page (left, centre or right).
def GetShowOnFirstPage(self):
GetShowOnFirstPage() -> bool
Returns true if the header and footer will be shown on the first page.
def GetText(self, headerFooter, page, location):
GetText(headerFooter, page, location) -> String
Helper function for getting the header or footer text, odd or even
pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
def GetTextColour(self):
GetTextColour() -> wx.Colour
Returns the text colour for drawing the header and footer.
def Init(self):
Initialises the object.
def SetFont(self, font):
Sets the font for drawing the header and footer.
def SetFooterText(self, text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
SetFooterText(text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE)
Sets the footer text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on
the page (left, centre or right).
def SetHeaderText(self, text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
SetHeaderText(text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE)
Sets the header text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on
the page (left, centre or right).
def SetMargins(self, headerMargin, footerMargin):
SetMargins(headerMargin, footerMargin)
Sets the margins between text and header or footer, in tenths of a
def SetShowOnFirstPage(self, showOnFirstPage):
Pass true to show the header or footer on first page (the default).
def SetText(self, text, headerFooter, page, location):
SetText(text, headerFooter, page, location)
Helper function for setting the header or footer text, odd or even
pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
def SetTextColour(self, col):
Sets the text colour for drawing the header and footer.
Font = property(None, None)
FooterMargin = property(None, None)
FooterText = property(None, None)
HeaderMargin = property(None, None)
HeaderText = property(None, None)
ShowOnFirstPage = property(None, None)
TextColour = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextHeaderFooterData
class RichTextPrintout(wx.Printout):
This class implements print layout for wxRichTextBuffer.
def __init__(self, title="Printout"):
This class implements print layout for wxRichTextBuffer.
def CalculateScaling(self, dc, textRect, headerRect, footerRect):
CalculateScaling(dc, textRect, headerRect, footerRect)
Calculates scaling and text, header and footer rectangles.
def GetHeaderFooterData(self):
GetHeaderFooterData() -> RichTextHeaderFooterData
Returns the header and footer data associated with the printout.
def GetPageInfo(self):
GetPageInfo() -> (minPage, maxPage, selPageFrom, selPageTo)
Gets the page information.
def GetRichTextBuffer(self):
GetRichTextBuffer() -> RichTextBuffer
Returns a pointer to the buffer being rendered.
def HasPage(self, page):
HasPage(page) -> bool
Returns true if the given page exists in the printout.
def OnPreparePrinting(self):
Prepares for printing, laying out the buffer and calculating
def OnPrintPage(self, page):
OnPrintPage(page) -> bool
Does the actual printing for this page.
def SetHeaderFooterData(self, data):
Sets the header and footer data associated with the printout.
def SetMargins(self, top=254, bottom=254, left=254, right=254):
SetMargins(top=254, bottom=254, left=254, right=254)
Sets margins in 10ths of millimetre.
def SetRichTextBuffer(self, buffer):
Sets the buffer to print.
HeaderFooterData = property(None, None)
RichTextBuffer = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextPrintout
class RichTextPrinting(wx.Object):
RichTextPrinting(name="Printing", parentWindow=None)
This class provides a simple interface for performing wxRichTextBuffer
printing and previewing.
def __init__(self, name="Printing", parentWindow=None):
RichTextPrinting(name="Printing", parentWindow=None)
This class provides a simple interface for performing wxRichTextBuffer
printing and previewing.
def GetFooterText(self, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
GetFooterText(page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) -> String
A convenience function to get the footer text.
def GetHeaderFooterData(self):
GetHeaderFooterData() -> RichTextHeaderFooterData
Returns the internal wxRichTextHeaderFooterData object.
def GetHeaderText(self, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
GetHeaderText(page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_EVEN, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE) -> String
A convenience function to get the header text.
def GetPageSetupData(self):
GetPageSetupData() -> wx.PageSetupDialogData
Returns a pointer to the internal page setup data.
def GetParentWindow(self):
GetParentWindow() -> wx.Window
Returns the parent window to be used for the preview window and
printing wait dialog.
def GetPreviewRect(self):
GetPreviewRect() -> wx.Rect
Returns the dimensions to be used for the preview window.
def GetPrintData(self):
GetPrintData() -> wx.PrintData
Returns a pointer to the internal print data.
def GetTitle(self):
GetTitle() -> String
Returns the title of the preview window or printing wait caption.
def PageSetup(self):
Shows the page setup dialog.
def PreviewBuffer(self, buffer):
PreviewBuffer(buffer) -> bool
Shows a preview window for the given buffer.
def PreviewFile(self, richTextFile):
PreviewFile(richTextFile) -> bool
Shows a preview window for the given file.
def PrintBuffer(self, buffer, showPrintDialog=True):
PrintBuffer(buffer, showPrintDialog=True) -> bool
Prints the given buffer.
def PrintFile(self, richTextFile, showPrintDialog=True):
PrintFile(richTextFile, showPrintDialog=True) -> bool
Prints the given file.
def SetFooterText(self, text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
SetFooterText(text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE)
A convenience function to set the footer text.
def SetHeaderFooterData(self, data):
Sets the internal wxRichTextHeaderFooterData object.
def SetHeaderFooterFont(self, font):
Sets the wxRichTextHeaderFooterData font.
def SetHeaderFooterTextColour(self, colour):
Sets the wxRichTextHeaderFooterData text colour.
def SetHeaderText(self, text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE):
SetHeaderText(text, page=RICHTEXT_PAGE_ALL, location=RICHTEXT_PAGE_CENTRE)
A convenience function to set the header text.
def SetPageSetupData(self, pageSetupData):
Sets the page setup data.
def SetParentWindow(self, parent):
Sets the parent window to be used for the preview window and printing
wait dialog.
def SetPreviewRect(self, rect):
Sets the dimensions to be used for the preview window.
def SetPrintData(self, printData):
Sets the print data.
def SetShowOnFirstPage(self, show):
Pass true to show the header and footer on the first page.
def SetTitle(self, title):
Pass the title of the preview window or printing wait caption.
FooterText = property(None, None)
HeaderFooterData = property(None, None)
HeaderText = property(None, None)
PageSetupData = property(None, None)
ParentWindow = property(None, None)
PreviewRect = property(None, None)
PrintData = property(None, None)
Title = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextPrinting
#-- end-richtextprint --#
#-- begin-richtextstyles --#
class RichTextStyleListCtrl(wx.Control):
RichTextStyleListCtrl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
This class incorporates a wxRichTextStyleListBox and a choice control
that allows the user to select the category of style to view.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextStyleListCtrl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
This class incorporates a wxRichTextStyleListBox and a choice control
that allows the user to select the category of style to view.
def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) -> bool
Creates the windows.
def GetRichTextCtrl(self):
GetRichTextCtrl() -> RichTextCtrl
Returns the associated rich text control, if any.
def GetStyleChoice(self):
GetStyleChoice() -> wx.Choice
Returns the wxChoice control used for selecting the style category.
def GetStyleListBox(self):
GetStyleListBox() -> RichTextStyleListBox
Returns the wxListBox control used to view the style list.
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the associated style sheet, if any.
def GetStyleType(self):
GetStyleType() -> RichTextStyleListBox.wxRichTextStyleType
Returns the type of style to show in the list box.
def SetRichTextCtrl(self, ctrl):
Associates the control with a wxRichTextCtrl.
def SetStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
Associates the control with a style sheet.
def SetStyleType(self, styleType):
Sets the style type to display.
def UpdateStyles(self):
Updates the style list box.
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes
RichTextCtrl = property(None, None)
StyleChoice = property(None, None)
StyleListBox = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
StyleType = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextStyleListCtrl
class RichTextStyleListBox(wx.html.HtmlListBox):
RichTextStyleListBox(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
This is a listbox that can display the styles in a
wxRichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextStyleListBox(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
This is a listbox that can display the styles in a
wxRichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated
def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) -> bool
Creates the window.
def ApplyStyle(self, i):
Applies the ith style to the associated rich text control.
def ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(self, dc, units):
ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(dc, units) -> int
Converts units in tenths of a millimetre to device units.
def CreateHTML(self, styleDef):
CreateHTML(styleDef) -> String
Creates a suitable HTML fragment for a definition.
def GetApplyOnSelection(self):
GetApplyOnSelection() -> bool
If the return value is true, clicking on a style name in the list will
immediately apply the style to the associated rich text control.
def GetRichTextCtrl(self):
GetRichTextCtrl() -> RichTextCtrl
Returns the wxRichTextCtrl associated with this listbox.
def GetStyle(self, i):
GetStyle(i) -> RichTextStyleDefinition
Gets a style for a listbox index.
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the style sheet associated with this listbox.
def GetStyleType(self):
GetStyleType() -> RichTextStyleListBox.wxRichTextStyleType
Returns the type of style to show in the list box.
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
Implements left click behaviour, applying the clicked style to the
def SetApplyOnSelection(self, applyOnSelection):
If applyOnSelection is true, clicking on a style name in the list will
immediately apply the style to the associated rich text control.
def SetRichTextCtrl(self, ctrl):
Associates the listbox with a wxRichTextCtrl.
def SetStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
Associates the control with a style sheet.
def SetStyleType(self, styleType):
Sets the style type to display.
def UpdateStyles(self):
Updates the list from the associated style sheet.
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes
ApplyOnSelection = property(None, None)
RichTextCtrl = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
StyleType = property(None, None)
def OnGetItem(self, n):
OnGetItem(n) -> String
Returns the HTML for this item.
# end of class RichTextStyleListBox
class RichTextStyleComboCtrl(wx.ComboCtrl):
RichTextStyleComboCtrl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
This is a combo control that can display the styles in a
wxRichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextStyleComboCtrl(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
This is a combo control that can display the styles in a
wxRichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated
def Create(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
Create(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0) -> bool
Creates the windows.
def GetRichTextCtrl(self):
GetRichTextCtrl() -> RichTextCtrl
Returns the wxRichTextCtrl associated with this control.
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the style sheet associated with this control.
def SetRichTextCtrl(self, ctrl):
Associates the control with a wxRichTextCtrl.
def SetStyleSheet(self, styleSheet):
Associates the control with a style sheet.
def UpdateStyles(self):
Updates the combo control from the associated style sheet.
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes
RichTextCtrl = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextStyleComboCtrl
class RichTextStyleDefinition(wx.Object):
This is a base class for paragraph and character styles.
def __init__(self, name=wx.EmptyString):
This is a base class for paragraph and character styles.
def GetStyle(self):
GetStyle() -> RichTextAttr
Returns the attributes associated with this style.
def GetBaseStyle(self):
GetBaseStyle() -> String
Returns the style on which this style is based.
def GetDescription(self):
GetDescription() -> String
Returns the style's description.
def GetName(self):
GetName() -> String
Returns the style name.
def GetStyleMergedWithBase(self, sheet):
GetStyleMergedWithBase(sheet) -> RichTextAttr
Returns the style attributes combined with the attributes of the
specified base style, if any.
def SetBaseStyle(self, name):
Sets the name of the style that this style is based on.
def SetDescription(self, descr):
Sets the style description.
def SetName(self, name):
Sets the name of the style.
def SetStyle(self, style):
Sets the attributes for this style.
def GetProperties(self):
GetProperties() -> RichTextProperties
Returns the definition's properties.
def SetProperties(self, props):
Sets the definition's properties.
BaseStyle = property(None, None)
Description = property(None, None)
Name = property(None, None)
Properties = property(None, None)
Style = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextStyleDefinition
class RichTextParagraphStyleDefinition(RichTextStyleDefinition):
This class represents a paragraph style definition, usually added to a
def __init__(self, name=wx.EmptyString):
This class represents a paragraph style definition, usually added to a
def GetNextStyle(self):
GetNextStyle() -> String
Returns the style that should normally follow this style.
def SetNextStyle(self, name):
Sets the style that should normally follow this style.
NextStyle = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextParagraphStyleDefinition
class RichTextCharacterStyleDefinition(RichTextStyleDefinition):
This class represents a character style definition, usually added to a
def __init__(self, name=wx.EmptyString):
This class represents a character style definition, usually added to a
# end of class RichTextCharacterStyleDefinition
class RichTextListStyleDefinition(RichTextParagraphStyleDefinition):
This class represents a list style definition, usually added to a
def __init__(self, name=wx.EmptyString):
This class represents a list style definition, usually added to a
def CombineWithParagraphStyle(self, indent, paraStyle, styleSheet=None):
CombineWithParagraphStyle(indent, paraStyle, styleSheet=None) -> RichTextAttr
This function combines the given paragraph style with the list style's
base attributes and level style matching the given indent, returning
the combined attributes.
def FindLevelForIndent(self, indent):
FindLevelForIndent(indent) -> int
This function finds the level (from 0 to 9) whose indentation
attribute mostly closely matches indent (expressed in tenths of a
def GetCombinedStyle(self, indent, styleSheet=None):
GetCombinedStyle(indent, styleSheet=None) -> RichTextAttr
This function combines the list style's base attributes and the level
style matching the given indent, returning the combined attributes.
def GetCombinedStyleForLevel(self, level, styleSheet=None):
GetCombinedStyleForLevel(level, styleSheet=None) -> RichTextAttr
This function combines the list style's base attributes and the style
for the specified level, returning the combined attributes.
def GetLevelAttributes(self, level):
GetLevelAttributes(level) -> RichTextAttr
Returns the style for the given level.
def GetLevelCount(self):
GetLevelCount() -> int
Returns the number of levels.
def IsNumbered(self, level):
IsNumbered(level) -> bool
Returns true if the given level has numbered list attributes.
def SetLevelAttributes(self, level, attr):
SetLevelAttributes(level, attr)
Sets the style for the given level.
LevelCount = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextListStyleDefinition
class RichTextStyleSheet(wx.Object):
A style sheet contains named paragraph and character styles that make
it easy for a user to apply combinations of attributes to a
def __init__(self):
A style sheet contains named paragraph and character styles that make
it easy for a user to apply combinations of attributes to a
def AddCharacterStyle(self, styleDef):
AddCharacterStyle(styleDef) -> bool
Adds a definition to the character style list.
def AddListStyle(self, styleDef):
AddListStyle(styleDef) -> bool
Adds a definition to the list style list.
def AddParagraphStyle(self, styleDef):
AddParagraphStyle(styleDef) -> bool
Adds a definition to the paragraph style list.
def AddStyle(self, styleDef):
AddStyle(styleDef) -> bool
Adds a definition to the appropriate style list.
def DeleteStyles(self):
Deletes all styles.
def FindCharacterStyle(self, name, recurse=True):
FindCharacterStyle(name, recurse=True) -> RichTextCharacterStyleDefinition
Finds a character definition by name.
def FindListStyle(self, name, recurse=True):
FindListStyle(name, recurse=True) -> RichTextListStyleDefinition
Finds a list definition by name.
def FindParagraphStyle(self, name, recurse=True):
FindParagraphStyle(name, recurse=True) -> RichTextParagraphStyleDefinition
Finds a paragraph definition by name.
def FindStyle(self, name):
FindStyle(name) -> RichTextStyleDefinition
Finds a style definition by name.
def GetCharacterStyle(self, n):
GetCharacterStyle(n) -> RichTextCharacterStyleDefinition
Returns the nth character style.
def GetCharacterStyleCount(self):
GetCharacterStyleCount() -> size_t
Returns the number of character styles.
def GetDescription(self):
GetDescription() -> String
Returns the style sheet's description.
def GetListStyle(self, n):
GetListStyle(n) -> RichTextListStyleDefinition
Returns the nth list style.
def GetListStyleCount(self):
GetListStyleCount() -> size_t
Returns the number of list styles.
def GetName(self):
GetName() -> String
Returns the style sheet's name.
def GetParagraphStyle(self, n):
GetParagraphStyle(n) -> RichTextParagraphStyleDefinition
Returns the nth paragraph style.
def GetParagraphStyleCount(self):
GetParagraphStyleCount() -> size_t
Returns the number of paragraph styles.
def RemoveCharacterStyle(self, styleDef, deleteStyle=False):
RemoveCharacterStyle(styleDef, deleteStyle=False) -> bool
Removes a character style.
def RemoveListStyle(self, styleDef, deleteStyle=False):
RemoveListStyle(styleDef, deleteStyle=False) -> bool
Removes a list style.
def RemoveParagraphStyle(self, styleDef, deleteStyle=False):
RemoveParagraphStyle(styleDef, deleteStyle=False) -> bool
Removes a paragraph style.
def RemoveStyle(self, styleDef, deleteStyle=False):
RemoveStyle(styleDef, deleteStyle=False) -> bool
Removes a style.
def SetDescription(self, descr):
Sets the style sheet's description.
def SetName(self, name):
Sets the style sheet's name.
def GetProperties(self):
GetProperties() -> RichTextProperties
Returns the sheet's properties.
def SetProperties(self, props):
Sets the sheet's properties.
CharacterStyleCount = property(None, None)
Description = property(None, None)
ListStyleCount = property(None, None)
Name = property(None, None)
ParagraphStyleCount = property(None, None)
Properties = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextStyleSheet
#-- end-richtextstyles --#
#-- begin-richtextstyledlg --#
class RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog(wx.Dialog):
RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog(flags, sheet, ctrl, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, caption=_("StyleOrganiser"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CLOSE_BOX)
This class shows a style sheet and allows the user to edit, add and
remove styles.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog(flags, sheet, ctrl, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, caption=_("StyleOrganiser"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CLOSE_BOX)
This class shows a style sheet and allows the user to edit, add and
remove styles.
def ApplyStyle(self, ctrl=None):
ApplyStyle(ctrl=None) -> bool
Applies the selected style to selection in the given control or the
control passed to the constructor.
def Create(self, flags, sheet, ctrl, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, caption=wx.GetTranslation("StyleOrganiser"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(400,300), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CLOSE_BOX):
Create(flags, sheet, ctrl, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, caption=wx.GetTranslation("StyleOrganiser"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(400,300), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CLOSE_BOX) -> bool
Creates the dialog.
def GetRestartNumbering(self):
GetRestartNumbering() -> bool
Returns true if the user has opted to restart numbering.
def GetRichTextCtrl(self):
GetRichTextCtrl() -> RichTextCtrl
Returns the associated rich text control (if any).
def GetSelectedStyle(self):
GetSelectedStyle() -> String
Returns selected style name.
def GetSelectedStyleDefinition(self):
GetSelectedStyleDefinition() -> RichTextStyleDefinition
Returns selected style definition.
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Returns the associated style sheet.
def SetFlags(self, flags):
Sets the flags used to control the interface presented to the user.
def SetRestartNumbering(self, restartNumbering):
Checks or unchecks the restart numbering checkbox.
def SetRichTextCtrl(self, ctrl):
Sets the control to be associated with the dialog, for the purposes of
applying a style to the selection.
def SetStyleSheet(self, sheet):
Sets the associated style sheet.
def GetFlags(self):
GetFlags() -> int
Returns the flags used to control the interface presented to the user.
def SetShowToolTips(show):
Determines whether tooltips will be shown.
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes
Flags = property(None, None)
RestartNumbering = property(None, None)
RichTextCtrl = property(None, None)
SelectedStyle = property(None, None)
SelectedStyleDefinition = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog
#-- end-richtextstyledlg --#
#-- begin-richtextsymboldlg --#
class SymbolPickerDialog(wx.Dialog):
SymbolPickerDialog(symbol, initialFont, normalTextFont, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Symbols"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CLOSE_BOX)
wxSymbolPickerDialog presents the user with a choice of fonts and a
grid of available characters.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
SymbolPickerDialog(symbol, initialFont, normalTextFont, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Symbols"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CLOSE_BOX)
wxSymbolPickerDialog presents the user with a choice of fonts and a
grid of available characters.
def Create(self, symbol, initialFont, normalTextFont, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, caption=wx.GetTranslation("Symbols"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(400,300), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CLOSE_BOX):
Create(symbol, initialFont, normalTextFont, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, caption=wx.GetTranslation("Symbols"), pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(400,300), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CLOSE_BOX) -> bool
Creation: see the constructor for details about the parameters.
def GetFontName(self):
GetFontName() -> String
Returns the font name (the font reflected in the font list).
def GetFromUnicode(self):
GetFromUnicode() -> bool
Returns true if the dialog is showing the full range of Unicode
def GetNormalTextFontName(self):
GetNormalTextFontName() -> String
Gets the font name used for displaying symbols in the absence of a
selected font.
def GetSymbol(self):
GetSymbol() -> String
Gets the current or initial symbol as a string.
def GetSymbolChar(self):
GetSymbolChar() -> int
Gets the selected symbol character as an integer.
def HasSelection(self):
HasSelection() -> bool
Returns true if a symbol is selected.
def SetFontName(self, value):
Sets the initial/selected font name.
def SetFromUnicode(self, value):
Sets the internal flag indicating that the full Unicode range should
be displayed.
def SetNormalTextFontName(self, value):
Sets the name of the font to be used in the absence of a selected
def SetSymbol(self, value):
Sets the symbol as a one or zero character string.
def SetUnicodeMode(self, unicodeMode):
Sets Unicode display mode.
def UseNormalFont(self):
UseNormalFont() -> bool
Returns true if the has specified normal text - that is, there is no
selected font.
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes
FontName = property(None, None)
FromUnicode = property(None, None)
NormalTextFontName = property(None, None)
Symbol = property(None, None)
SymbolChar = property(None, None)
# end of class SymbolPickerDialog
#-- end-richtextsymboldlg --#
#-- begin-richtextformatdlg --#
class RichTextFormattingDialogFactory(wx.Object):
This class provides pages for wxRichTextFormattingDialog, and allows
other customization of the dialog.
def __init__(self):
This class provides pages for wxRichTextFormattingDialog, and allows
other customization of the dialog.
def CreateButtons(self, dialog):
CreateButtons(dialog) -> bool
Creates the main dialog buttons.
def CreatePage(self, page, title, dialog):
CreatePage(page, title, dialog) -> wx.Panel
Creates a page, given a page identifier.
def CreatePages(self, pages, dialog):
CreatePages(pages, dialog) -> bool
Creates all pages under the dialog's book control, also calling
def GetPageId(self, i):
GetPageId(i) -> int
Enumerate all available page identifiers.
def GetPageIdCount(self):
GetPageIdCount() -> int
Gets the number of available page identifiers.
def GetPageImage(self, id):
GetPageImage(id) -> int
Gets the image index for the given page identifier.
def SetSheetStyle(self, dialog):
SetSheetStyle(dialog) -> bool
Set the property sheet style, called at the start of
def ShowHelp(self, page, dialog):
ShowHelp(page, dialog) -> bool
Invokes help for the dialog.
PageIdCount = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextFormattingDialogFactory
class RichTextFormattingDialog(wx.adv.PropertySheetDialog):
RichTextFormattingDialog(flags, parent, title="Formatting", id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, sz=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
This dialog allows the user to edit a character and/or paragraph
Option_AllowPixelFontSize = 0
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
RichTextFormattingDialog(flags, parent, title="Formatting", id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, sz=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE)
This dialog allows the user to edit a character and/or paragraph
def GetAttributes(self):
GetAttributes() -> wx.TextAttr
Gets the attributes being edited.
Apply attributes to the given range, only changing attributes that
need to be changed.
def Create(self, flags, parent, title=wx.GetTranslation("Formatting"), id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, sz=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE):
Create(flags, parent, title=wx.GetTranslation("Formatting"), id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, sz=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) -> bool
Creation: see wxRichTextFormattingDialog() "the constructor" for
details about the parameters.
def GetImageList(self):
GetImageList() -> wx.ImageList
Returns the image list associated with the dialog, used for example if
showing the dialog as a toolbook.
def GetStyle(self, ctrl, range):
GetStyle(ctrl, range) -> bool
Gets common attributes from the given range and calls SetAttributes().
def GetStyleDefinition(self):
GetStyleDefinition() -> RichTextStyleDefinition
Gets the associated style definition, if any.
def GetStyleSheet(self):
GetStyleSheet() -> RichTextStyleSheet
Gets the associated style sheet, if any.
def SetAttributes(self, attr):
Sets the attributes to be edited.
def SetOptions(self, options):
Sets the dialog options, determining what the interface presents to
the user.
def GetOptions(self):
GetOptions() -> int
Gets the dialog options, determining what the interface presents to
the user.
def HasOption(self, option):
HasOption(option) -> bool
Returns true if the given option is present.
def SetImageList(self, imageList):
Sets the image list associated with the dialog's property sheet.
def SetStyle(self, style, update=True):
SetStyle(style, update=True) -> bool
Sets the attributes and optionally updates the display, if update is
def SetStyleDefinition(self, styleDef, sheet, update=True):
SetStyleDefinition(styleDef, sheet, update=True) -> bool
Sets the style definition and optionally update the display, if update
is true.
def UpdateDisplay(self):
UpdateDisplay() -> bool
Updates the display.
def GetDialog(win):
GetDialog(win) -> RichTextFormattingDialog
Helper for pages to get the top-level dialog.
def GetDialogAttributes(win):
GetDialogAttributes(win) -> wx.TextAttr
Helper for pages to get the attributes.
def GetDialogStyleDefinition(win):
GetDialogStyleDefinition(win) -> RichTextStyleDefinition
Helper for pages to get the style.
def GetFormattingDialogFactory():
GetFormattingDialogFactory() -> RichTextFormattingDialogFactory
Returns the object to be used to customize the dialog and provide
def SetFormattingDialogFactory(factory):
Sets the formatting factory object to be used for customization and
page creation.
def GetRestoreLastPage():
GetRestoreLastPage() -> bool
Returns true if the dialog will restore the last-selected page.
def SetRestoreLastPage(b):
Pass true if the dialog should restore the last-selected page.
def GetLastPage():
GetLastPage() -> int
Returns the page identifier of the last page selected (not the control
def SetLastPage(lastPage):
Sets the page identifier of the last page selected (not the control
def SetColourData(colourData):
Sets the custom colour data for use by the colour dialog.
def GetColourData():
GetColourData() -> wx.ColourData
Returns the custom colour data for use by the colour dialog.
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL):
GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> wx.VisualAttributes
Attributes = property(None, None)
ImageList = property(None, None)
Options = property(None, None)
StyleDefinition = property(None, None)
StyleSheet = property(None, None)
# end of class RichTextFormattingDialog
#-- end-richtextformatdlg --#